Fluke 1521 Manual de usuario

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Handheld Thermometer Readout
User’ s Guide
Rev. 571203 ENG
Hart Scientific
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1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 50 51

Indice de contenidos

Pagina 1 - User’ s Guide

1521Handheld Thermometer ReadoutUser’ s GuideRev. 571203 ENGHart Scientific

Pagina 2 - Rev. 571203

•Probes are fragile devices which can be damaged by mechanical shock,overheating, and absorption of moisture or fluids in the wires or hub.Damage may

Pagina 3 - Table of Contents

Chao Yang DistrictBeijing 100004, PRCCHINAPhone: +86-10-6-512-3436Telefax: +86-10-6-512-3437E-mail: [email protected] South East Asia Pte L

Pagina 4

2 IntroductionThe 1521 Handheld Thermometer Readout is a low-cost, high-accuracy digitalthermometer readout designed to be used with PRTs and thermist

Pagina 5

3 Specifications and EnvironmentalConditions3.1 SpecificationsResistance Range0Ωto 500 kΩResistance Accuracy, PRT, oneyear†0Ωto 25Ω: 0.002Ω25Ωto 400Ω:

Pagina 6 - Figures and Tables

Digital Filter Exponential with adjustable time constant (1 to 60 seconds)Remote Communications RS-232 serialDisplay LCD, 6-digit x 7-segment with 16-

Pagina 7

4 Quick StartThis section briefly explains the basics of setting up and operating your 1521Thermometer.4.1 UnpackingCarefully unpack the 1521 and acce

Pagina 8 - 1.2 Safety Information

top of the instrument with the ridged side down. It will fit snugly and lock intoplace when it is fully inserted.The INFO-CON probe connector includes

Pagina 9 - Cautions

5 Parts and ControlsThe functions of the various features of the 1521 are described below.5.1 Front FeaturesThe front of the 1521 features the LCD dis

Pagina 10 - User’s Guide

Display-The display shows the current temperature (or resistance) measure-ment on the large numeric upper portion of the display. It can also show a v

Pagina 11 - Authorized Service Centers

5.2 Top and Side FeaturesThe top and side of the 1521 feature the probe connector, DC power input, se-rial port, and infrared window.Probe Connector -

Pagina 12 - 2 Introduction

Limited Warranty & Limitation of LiabilityEach product from Fluke's Hart Scientific Division ("Hart") is warranted to be free from

Pagina 13 - Conditions

5.3 Back FeaturesSee Figure 4 on page 19.Stand-The stand at the back of the 1521 can be flipped down to prop up the in-strument for better viewing.Bat

Pagina 14 - 3.2 Environmental Conditions

5.5 AccessoriesThe 1521's accessories and their features are described here.AC Adapter-The AC adapter recharges the internal battery pack and can

Pagina 15 - 4 Quick Start

Ordering InformationModel Type Range SizeCal Uncertainty andRepeatabilityTypical Drift(1 year)5626 Pt-100 Ohm, 4-wire –200 to 660°C 1/4” x 12” or 15”(

Pagina 16 - 4.7 Measure Temperature

6 General OperationThis section explains the details of the operation of the 1521 with its compo-nents and accessories.6.1 BatteryThe 1521 has a built

Pagina 17 - 5 Parts and Controls

on. The power control circuit inside the instrument manages battery chargingand will stop charging the battery automatically when it’s fully charged.

Pagina 18

adapter supplied with the instrument. The DC power source plugs into the DCpower input on the right side of the 1521.WARNING: The AC adapter has circu

Pagina 19 - 5.2 Top and Side Features

smaller type to the right of the measurement. The possible units are degreesCelsius (C), resistance in ohms (Ω), degrees Fahrenheit (F), Kelvin (K), a

Pagina 20 - 5.4 Internal Features

Temperature is generally sensed at the tip of the probe. To get an accurate tem-perature measurement the probe sheath should be well immersed, with ad

Pagina 21 - 5.5 Accessories

ognize that accuracy may be significantly degraded using a two-wire connec-tion because of wire resistance.1521 Handheld Thermometer ReadoutUser’s Gui

Pagina 22

7 Display FunctionsThe 1521 operates in any of several modes which determine what informationis visible in the lower alphanumeric portion of the displ

Pagina 23 - 6 General Operation

Table of Contents1 Before You Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1 Symbols Used . . . . . . .

Pagina 24 - 6.2 DC Power Source

Each of these operating modes is described in the sections that follow.7.1 Blank ModeThis mode is identified by “Blank” that temporarily appears on th

Pagina 25 - 6.4 Display and Backlight

In this mode nothing appears on the alphanumeric portion of the display. Usethis mode if you are only interested in the latest measurements and want t

Pagina 26 - 6.5 Probe

7.5 UnitsThis mode is identified by “Units: C/Ω/F/K/R” that appears on the display.This mode allows you to select the unit of measurement: C for degre

Pagina 27 - 6.6 INFO-CON Connector

7.8 CAL MODEThe calibration menu contains functions for setting probe and instrument cali-bration parameters. If a probe parameter is changed, the pro

Pagina 28

Beta [CVD only] - Set the beta probe coefficientb0 [Therm only] - Set the b0 probe coefficientb1 [Therm only] - Set the b1 probe coefficientb2 [Therm

Pagina 29 - 7 Display Functions

ensuring that it is not lost or forgotten. If necessary the passcode can be re-stored by contacting the manufacturer. To enter the passcode use the Up

Pagina 30 - 7.1 Blank Mode

ITS-90 PRTs calibrated to ITS-90 R(.01), a, b, c, d, a4, and b4IEC751 PRTs (RTDs) conforming to IEC-751 noneCVD PRTs characterized by the Callendar-Va

Pagina 31 - 7.4 Delta(x) Mode

A PRT was calibrated to ITS-90 and its calibration certificate states values forcoefficients R(273.16K), a4, b4, a8, and b8. Set the 1521 coefficients

Pagina 32 - 7.7 Resolution

higher), and has moderate accuracy (0.05°C to 1°C). This type uses theCallendar-Van Dusen equation to calculate temperature from resistance:rt CRtttR(

Pagina 33 - 7.8 CAL MODE

Example 2:A thermistor has coefficients for the equation ln(R) as a function of T given asa, b, and c. Set the 1521 coefficients to the certificate va

Pagina 34 - 7.8.4 Passcode

6.6 INFO-CON Connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 Display Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Pagina 35 - 7.8.8 Prb Type

Note: Probe parameters are uploaded to the INFO-CON connector at this point.7.8.17 FilterThe digital filter helps to smooth variations in the measurem

Pagina 36 - 7.8.9 ITS-90

8 Communications InterfaceRemote communications allows an external device, such as a computer, to com-municate with the 1521 to obtain measurement dat

Pagina 37 - 7.8.11 CVD

ON (all carriage returns are followed by a linefeed (ASCII decimal 10)), andthe duplex to HALF disabling echo.The serial port can be used to transmit

Pagina 38 - 7.8.13 THERM

Description Command ExampleResponseFormatResponseExample RangeSet resolution digits re[solution]=n res=1 1 to 3Read time ti[me] time ti: hh:mm:ss ti:

Pagina 39 - 7.8.16 PDue

Description Command ExampleResponseFormatResponseExample RangeSet probe type p[robe]=IT[S-90]/IE[C751]/ C[VD]/Y[SI400]/ T[HR]pr ITS-90,IEC751,CVD, YSI

Pagina 40 - 7.8.20 CAL1 and CAL2

Description Command ExampleResponseFormatResponseExample Rangen Numeric data supplied by user9 Numeric data returned to userx Character data returned

Pagina 41 - 8 Communications Interface

9 CalibrationThe 1521 should be calibrated at regular intervals to ensure that it continues tomeasure with proper accuracy. Calibration should only be

Pagina 42 - 8.2.1 Primary Commands

4. Verify the accuracy at 0Ω,4kΩ,10kΩ,40kΩ, 100 kΩ, and 500 kΩ.5. Set the meter calibration date to the present date (see Section 7.8.18).6. Set the m

Pagina 43 - 8.2.2 Calibration Commands

10 Maintenance•This instrument has been designed with the utmost care. Ease of operationand simplicity of maintenance have been a central theme in the

Pagina 44

11 TroubleshootingIn case you run into difficulty while operating the 1521, this section providessome suggestions that may help you solve the problem.

Pagina 45 - Communication Command List

11 Troubleshooting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4711.1 An Error Message Is Displayed . . . . . .

Pagina 46 - 9 Calibration

Problem SolutionWhile attempting to measure re-sistance the display shows an in-correct value.Poor or incorrect connection of the probe. A common mist

Pagina 47

The instrument was designed specifically as a test and measuring device. Com-pliance to the EMC directive is through IEC 61326-1 Electrical equipment

Pagina 48 - 10 Maintenance

ivFigures and TablesTable 1 International Electrical Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Figure 1 Front of the 1521

Pagina 49 - 11 Troubleshooting

1 Before You Start1.1 Symbols UsedTable 1 lists the International Electrical Symbols. Some or all of these symbolsmay be used on the instrument or in

Pagina 50 - 11.2 CE Comments

Symbol DescriptionCanadian Standards AssociationOVERVOLTAGE (Installation) CATEGORY II, Pollution Degree 2 per IEC1010-1 re-fers to the level of Impul

Pagina 51 - CE Comments

Carefully place probes on a heat/cold resistant surface or rack until theyreach room temperature.•The AC adapter can present safety concerns if misuse

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