Fluke RUSKA 7350 Manual de usuario

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Pagina 1 - RUSKA 7350

PN 3952249 November 2010 © 2010 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in USA. Specifications are subject to change without notice. All prod

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RUSKA 7350 Users Manual viii

Pagina 3 - Table of Contents

1-1 Chapter 1 General Information Introduction This manual contains operation and routine and preventive maintenance instructions for the RUSKA 7350 H

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RUSKA 7350 Users Manual 1-2 Safety Information Safety Summary The following are general safety precautions that are not related to any specific proced

Pagina 5 - Contents (continued)

General Information Symbols Used in this Manual 1 1-3 Symbols Used in this Manual In this manual, a Warning identifies conditions and actions tha

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RUSKA 7350 Users Manual 1-4 Ease of Operation An intuitive, menu-driven interface makes the RUSKA 7350 easy to use. Frequently used selections, such

Pagina 7 - List of Tables

General Information Standard Equipment & Options 1 1-5 Standard Equipment & Options A standard pneumatic RUSKA 7350 comes with this manua

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RUSKA 7350 Users Manual 1-6

Pagina 9 - List of Figures

2-1 Chapter 2 Theory of Operation Introduction The RUSKA 7350’s power supply, electronics, pneumatics, and sensor combine to form a complete, stand-al

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RUSKA 7350 Users Manual 2-2 Another important component on the Microprocessor Board is the lithium battery, which continuously updates the RUSKA 7350’

Pagina 11 - General Information

Theory of Operation Electronics Section 2 2-3 Table 2-1. Conversion Factors Symbol Description Conversion Factor inHg inches of mercury (0 °C)

Pagina 12 - Safety Information

LIMITED WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY Each Fluke product is warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and

Pagina 13 - Features

RUSKA 7350 Users Manual 2-4 76xx Interface Board This board interfaces and conditions the pump position signal. The board interfaces these signals bet

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Theory of Operation Pneumatic Module 2 2-5 Electronics Regulator The electronics regulator supplies a 0 – 100 psi air signal for the dome regulat

Pagina 15 - General Information

RUSKA 7350 Users Manual 2-6

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3-1 Chapter 3 Installation Introduction This portion of the manual discusses initial installation for the RUSKA 7350. Installing the RUSKA 7350 is a r

Pagina 17 - Theory of Operation

RUSKA 7350 Users Manual 3-2 W Caution If there is any condensation, the RUSKA 7350 must be thoroughly dried before power is applied. Cautions The foll

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4-1 Chapter 4 Local Operation Local Operation This section of the manual describes operation of the Calibrator using the front panel. The local inter

Pagina 19 - Theory of Operation

RUSKA 7350 Users Manual 4-2 Cancel, Previous These keys are used to stop, undo, or exit the current operation. The CANCEL key returns all edited field

Pagina 20 - Pneumatic Module

Local Operation Tutorial 4 4-3 Tutorial To begin the tutorial, first verify that the Calibrator is powered-up and that the pneumatic connections

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RUSKA 7350 Users Manual 4-4 2. Use the rotary knob located to the right of the display to move the highlight bar to the desired unit. Note The highl

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Local Operation Tutorial 4 4-5 gld08.bmp Figure 4-6. Main Menu - Control Mode 7. Press ENTER to confirm the mode change. The upper left corner

Pagina 23 - Installation

i Table of Contents Chapter Title Page 1 General Information ... 1-1 Int

Pagina 24 - Pneumatic Connections

RUSKA 7350 Users Manual 4-6 Triple Range (Optional) When Triple Ranging is enabled the currently selected range will be displayed below the current pr

Pagina 25 - Local Operation

Local Operation Vent 4 4-7 Note The set-point can also be changed using either the Step or the Jog function. Please see Chapter 4, Step/Jog. Ent

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RUSKA 7350 Users Manual 4-8 Menu The menu key is used to access the less commonly accessed configuration type functions. This accesses the Setup, Cal

Pagina 27 - Tutorial

Local Operation Menu 4 4-9 Menu | Setup — Limits The Menu | Setup | Limits menu is used to setup all of the limits in the system. The pressure li

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RUSKA 7350 Users Manual 4-10 Control Band There are two common pressure control approaches that are available with the RUSKA 7350 Calibrator. One of t

Pagina 29 - Local Operation

Local Operation Menu 4 4-11 Slew Rate User defined maximum pressure rate of change. The Calibrator is designed to control with minimum overshoot

Pagina 30 - Controlling Pressure

RUSKA 7350 Users Manual 4-12 Step Size In addition to entering the pressure set-point by the key-pad, the pressure set-point can be changed using the

Pagina 31 - Step/Jog

Local Operation Menu 4 4-13 Pressure Filter The Pressure Filter is used to adjust the degree to which the front display pressure value is filtere

Pagina 32 - Menu

RUSKA 7350 Users Manual 4-14 1. The pressure units are defined from the Menu | Units | Define. From the Main Menu (press PREVIOUS until the Main Menu

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Local Operation Menu 4 4-15 Menu | Setup — Remote The Menu | Setup | Remote screen is where the remote communication interface is set-up. gld16.

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RUSKA 7350 Users Manual ii 2 Theory of Operation ... 2-1 Introduction...

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RUSKA 7350 Users Manual 4-16 Date/Time The Calibrator’s system clock is continuously updated. If the date or time requires editing, the following appl

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Local Operation Menu 4 4-17 3. Use the numeric keypad to enter the new calibration password. Setting the calibration password to zero allows fre

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RUSKA 7350 Users Manual 4-18 MaxTime The max time is the maximum time in seconds including the dwell time that the Calibrator can spend on one step of

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Local Operation Menu 4 4-19 3. Use the rotary knob to highlight “new”. 4. Press Edit [F4]. Since “new” was highlighted, the Calibrator will cre

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RUSKA 7350 Users Manual 4-20 Automatically Generating a Program For the Calibrator to automatically generate a program, the user must input the first

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Local Operation Menu 4 4-21 Changing the Name of a Program 1. The name of an existing program is changed from the Program Menu. From the Main Me

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RUSKA 7350 Users Manual 4-22 2. Use the rotary knob to highlight the name of the program. 3. Press Edit [F4]. The program editing screen will appear

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Local Operation Menu 4 4-23 gld23.bmp Figure 4-21. Menu | Program | Config - Menu 5. Press PREVIOUS until the Main Menu appears. 6. Press Setu

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RUSKA 7350 Users Manual 4-24 4. Press Run [F2]. The configuration of the Calibrator stored with the program is restored, the pressure set-point is se

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Local Operation Menu 4 4-25 gld26.bmp Figure 4-24. Menu | Test | Sweep - Menu 4. Press Run [F2] to initiate the test. 5. To pause the program,

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Contents (continued) iii Menu | Setup — User ... 4-11 Menu | Setup

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RUSKA 7350 Users Manual 4-26 gld27.bmp & gld28.bmp Figure 4-25. Menu | Test | Remote - GPIB Menu & Menu | Test | Remote | Serial 1 - Menu Me

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Local Operation Menu 4 4-27 Menu | Display The Menu | Display is used to conveniently monitor most of the sensor output parameters. It is primar

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RUSKA 7350 Users Manual 4-28

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5-1 Chapter 5 Remote Operation Remote Operation The RUSKA 7350 can be operated remotely by a computer. Three interfaces are supported; IEEE-488, RS-23

Pagina 50 - Menu

RUSKA 7350 Users Manual 5-2 Note Do not change any jumpers or switch settings on the IEEE-488 interface board. The IEEE-488 address is set by the Menu

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Remote Operation Configuration 5 5-3 Configuration The remote interface is configured using the local interface before the remote is connected. T

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RUSKA 7350 Users Manual 5-4 ANSI/IEEE 488.2-1987 Command Summary *CLS Clear Status *ESE? Event Status Enable Query *ESE <number> Event

Pagina 53 - Remote Operation

Remote Operation Device Messages 5 5-5 :MODE? calibration edit enabled? :MODE ON¦OFF¦1¦0 enable calibration edit (Cal. button re

Pagina 54 - Remote/Local Operation

RUSKA 7350 Users Manual 5-6 :LIST :PRESsure <number> [,<number>] set list of pressure values :POINts? returns number of po

Pagina 55 - Device Messages

Remote Operation Device Messages 5 5-7 SCPI Status Registers Status Byte Register (STB), Service Request Enable Register (SRE) Bit 7 Operation

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RUSKA 7350 Users Manual iv Approved Lubrications... 6-6 Frequency of

Pagina 57 - Remote Operation

RUSKA 7350 Users Manual 5-8 Questionable Status (QUES:EVENT, QUES:CONDITION, QUES:ENABLE) Bit 0 Voltage is questionable. Set when supply voltages are

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Remote Operation Serial Operation 5 5-9 Serial Operation The RS-232 and RS-485 ports accept the same SCPI commands as the IEEE-488 port. The com

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RUSKA 7350 Users Manual 5-10

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6-1 Chapter 6 Maintenance Introduction Very little maintenance is normally required for the RUSKA 7350. The following sections discuss some of the sug

Pagina 61 - Serial Operation

RUSKA 7350 Users Manual 6-2 WX Warning The RUSKA 7350 should only be opened by qualified electrical/mechanical service technicians. Lethal voltages ar

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Maintenance Calibration 6 6-3 Calibration Instructions — Single Sensor To calibrate the RUSKA 7350, the user simply connects a calibration standa

Pagina 63 - Maintenance

RUSKA 7350 Users Manual 6-4 Note If the actual pressure is outside of the tolerance for the requested mid-point pressure, Error –222 Data out of range

Pagina 64 - Calibration

Maintenance Calibration 6 6-5 Editing the Calibration Coefficients If the RUSKA 7350’s memory is erased but the calibration coefficients are know

Pagina 65 - Maintenance

RUSKA 7350 Users Manual 6-6 RUSKA 7350 Pump Lubrication W Caution The threaded portion of the RUSKA 7350 pump spindle requires periodic lubrication. F

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7-1 Chapter 7 Preparation for Storage and ShipmentDisconnection Instructions W Caution The procedures given in this Chapter must be strictly adhered

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v List of Tables Table Title Page 1-1. Symbols...

Pagina 68 - Cleaning

7350 Users Manual 7-2 If the original packing and shipping materials were retained, use them for packing the RUSKA 7350. If the RUSKA 7350 is being pa

Pagina 69 - Chapter 7

Preparation for Storage and Shipment Shipping Instructions 7 7-3 gld31.bmp Figure 7-1. Packing the Calibrator Shipping Instructions Fluke recomm

Pagina 70 - Users Manual

7350 Users Manual 7-4

Pagina 71 - Shipping Instructions

A-1 Appendix A Summary of Specifications Accuracy Specifications of pressure transducer instrumentation can be divided into three categories: Input S

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RUSKA 7350 Users Manual A-2 The key to eliminating an error is knowing its source and type along with its polarity and magnitude. Generally, the sourc

Pagina 73 - Summary of Specifications

Summary of Specifications Accuracy A A-3 Electrical Power 100 – 120 VAC or 22 – 240 VAC, 50/60 HZ, single phase, 600 VA MAX (Separate part

Pagina 74 - Specifications

RUSKA 7350 Users Manual A-4

Pagina 75 - Summary of Specifications

B-1 Appendix B Summary of Error Messages Summary of Error Messages Negative error numbers are from the Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments

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RUSKA 7350 Users Manual B-2 Value Description and Corrective Action -286 Program Runtime Error. An error occurred while running the program. Usually

Pagina 77 - Summary of Error Messages

RUSKA 7350 Users Manual vi

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vii List of Figures Figure Title Page 2-1. RUSKA 7350 Block Diagram...................

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