Fluke HART 744 Manual de usuario

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Documenting Process Calibrator
Mode Users Guide
PN 691292
December 1998
© 1998 Fluke Corporation, All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.
All product names are trademarks of their respective companies.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 29 30

Indice de contenidos

Pagina 1 - Mode Users Guide

®744Documenting Process CalibratorHART Mode Users GuidePN 691292December 1998© 1998 Fluke Corporation, All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.All prod

Pagina 2

744HART Mode Users Guide2How to Contact FlukeTo contact Fluke, call:USA and Canada:1-888-99-FLUKE (1-888-993-5853)Europe: +31 402-678-200Japan: +81-

Pagina 3 - Table of Contents

Documenting Process Calibrator HART ModeConnecting to a HART Transmitter3Connecting to a HART TransmitterTo connect to and begin to communicate with a

Pagina 4

744HART Mode Users Guide4pe06s.bmpThe Active Device screen provides the followinginformation for all transmitters, supported or generic:• Poll addres

Pagina 5 - List of Tables

Documenting Process Calibrator HART ModeConnecting to a HART Transmitter5RTDTransmitter-PS+PSM-IN+INSZ7894561230.VMEASSOURCESETUPmAVHzTCRTDCLEAR(ZERO)

Pagina 6

744HART Mode Users Guide6Supported vs. Generic TransmittersThe calibrator communicates with virtually all HARTtransmitters. In addition, the calibrato

Pagina 7 - List of Figures

Documenting Process Calibrator HART ModeSupported vs. Generic Transmitters7Table 1. Supported vs. Generic Transmitters (Devices)Menu Operation Support

Pagina 8

744HART Mode Users Guide8Communication OperationsFigure 2 shows the HART Mode menu tree. Availability ofsome elements in the menus depends on whichtra

Pagina 9 - Introduction

Documenting Process Calibrator HART ModeCommunication Operations9• Write protect• Alarm state• HART poll address• HART burst mode• HART burstcommand

Pagina 10 - How to Contact Fluke

744HART Mode Users Guide10SensorFrom the Active Device screen press the Setup andSensor softkeys to access the read-only Sensor Setupscreen. This is w

Pagina 11

Documenting Process Calibrator HART ModeCommunication Operations11HART OutputFrom the Active Device screen press the Setup and HARTOutput softkeys to

Pagina 13 - Transmitter

744HART Mode Users Guide12Service OperationsThe Service softkey provides access to Loop Test,Pressure Zero Trim (where applicable), Output Trim, andSe

Pagina 14 - pe07s.bmp

Documenting Process Calibrator HART ModeUnderstanding HART Calibration13Understanding HART CalibrationAn analog transmitter has one stage of electrica

Pagina 15

744HART Mode Users Guide14HART transmitterComputationInputPhysicalvariable4-20mAloop Sensor trimPressure zero trimLoop testOutput trimOutputPV PVAO744

Pagina 16 - Communication Operations

Documenting Process Calibrator HART ModeCalibrating a Supported HART Transmitter15Calibrating a Supported HARTTransmitterAn “as found” and “as left” t

Pagina 17

744HART Mode Users Guide167. Proceed with calibration as usual (described in the744 Users Manual).8. Press the Adjust softkey. This returns you to HA

Pagina 18 - Device Identification

Documenting Process Calibrator HART ModeCalibrating a Supported HART Transmitter17Output TrimAn Output Trim adjusts the tranmitter’s Output stage. You

Pagina 19 - HART Information

744HART Mode Users Guide182. Use the u and d keys to select the Sensor Trimoperation, and press e.3. Follow the instructions on the display. For pres

Pagina 20 - HART Mode

Documenting Process Calibrator HART ModeCloning a Transmitter19Cloning a TransmitterCloning copies the Basic Setup information from onetransmitter to

Pagina 21 - Service menu

744HART Mode Users Guide20

Pagina 22

21Index—A—abort, 12active device screen, 4analog mode, 12as found, 15as left, 15—B—basic setup, 8browser screen, 6—C—calibrating a HART transmitter, 1

Pagina 23 - Calibrating a Supported HART

iTable of ContentsTitle PageIntroduction...

Pagina 24 - Loop Test

744HART Mode Users Guide22—O—outputstage, 13output stage, 16output trim, 13, 17—P—phone numbers for Fluke, 2pressure module, 18pressure zero trim, 13p

Pagina 25 - Sensor Trim

744HART Mode Users GuideiiCalibrating a Supported HART Transmitter ... 15Loop Test...

Pagina 26 - pe18s.bmp

iiiList of TablesTable Title Page1. Supported vs. Non-Supported Instruments...

Pagina 27 - Cloning a Transmitter

744HART Mode Users Guideiv

Pagina 28

vList of FiguresFigure Title Page1. Connecting to a HART Transmitter...

Pagina 29

744HART Mode Users Guidevi

Pagina 30

1Documenting Process Calibrator HART ModeIntroductionw WarningTo avoid electric shock, read the SafetyInformation in the 744 Users Manual beforeyou us

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