Fluke 9150 Manual de usuario

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Pagina 1 - 9150 Portable

9150 PortableFurnaceUser’ s GuideRev. 5B1601Hart Scientific

Pagina 2 - Rev. 5B1601

Chao Yang DistrictBeijing 100004, PRCCHINAPhone: +86-10-6-512-3436Telefax: +86-10-6-512-3437E-mail: [email protected] South East Asia Pte L

Pagina 3 - Table of Contents

2 IntroductionThe Hart Scientific 9150 thermocouple furnace can be used for calibrating ther-mocouple and RTD temperature probes. Calibrations may be

Pagina 4

3 Specifications and EnvironmentalConditions3.1 SpecificationsTemperature Range 150–1200°C (302–2192°F)Display Resolution 0.1° to 999.9°, 1° above 100

Pagina 5

3.3 WarrantyFluke Corporation, Hart Scientific Division (Hart) warrants this product to befree from defects in material and workmanship under normal u

Pagina 6

4 Safety Guidelines•Operate the instrument in room temperatures between 5-50°C (41-122°F).Allow sufficient air circulation by leaving at least 6 inche

Pagina 7 - 1.2 Safety Information

5 Quick Start5.1 UnpackingUnpack the furnace carefully and inspect it for any damage that may have oc-curred during shipment. If there is shipping dam

Pagina 8 - CAUTIONS

5.4 Setting the TemperatureSection 8 explains in detail how to set the temperature set-point on the calibra-tor using the front panel keys. The proced

Pagina 9

6 Parts and ControlsThe user should become familiar with the furnace back panel, front panel, andconstant temperature block assembly.6.1 Back PanelThe

Pagina 10 - Authorized Service Centers

Fan - The fan inside the calibrator runs continuously when the unit is being op-erated to provide cooling for the instrument. Slots at the top and sid

Pagina 11 - 2 Introduction

EXIT – Used to exit from a menu. When EXIT is pressed any changes made tothe displayed value are ignored.6.3 Constant Temperature Block AssemblyThe co

Pagina 12 - Conditions

Rev. 5B1601Fluke Corporation, Hart Scientific Division799 E. Utah Valley Drive • American Fork, UT 84003-9775 • USAPhone: +1.801.763.1600 • Telefax: +

Pagina 13 - 3.3 Warranty

•Insert A Model 3150-2 (variety block): 1/2”, 1/4”, 3/8”, 3/16”, 1/8”, and1/16” holes•Insert B Model 3150-3 (comparison block): two each 3/8”, 1/4”,

Pagina 14 - 4 Safety Guidelines

7 General Operation7.1 Changing Display UnitsThe 9150 can display temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit. The temperatureunits are shipped from the fact

Pagina 15 - 5 Quick Start

8 Controller OperationThis section discusses in detail how to operate the furnace temperature control-ler using the front control panel. By using the

Pagina 16 - 5.4 Setting the Temperature

9150 Portable FurnaceUser’s Guide22Figure 4 Controller Operation Flowchart

Pagina 17 - 6 Parts and Controls

200.0 C Well temperature in degrees CelsiusSAccess set-point memory1. 200. Set-point memory 1, 200.0°C currently usedTo change the set-point memory pr

Pagina 18 - 6.2 Front Panel

Scale units currently selectedPress “UP” or “DOWN” to change the units.Un= F New units selectedPress “EXIT” to display the well temperature or press “

Pagina 19 - 6.3.2 Probe Sleeves and Tongs

Press “SET” to accept the new scan rate and continue.SAccept scan rate8.4 Ramp and Soak ProgramThe ramp and soak program feature for the 9150 allows t

Pagina 20 - User’s Guide

8.4.3 Program Set-PointsThe controller allows the user to adjust up to eight program points. These areaccessed by pressing “SET” after setting the num

Pagina 21 - 7 General Operation

it can be adjusted.00200 Program point 4 soak time set for 200 minutesPress “SET” to save the new soak-time value or “EXIT” to discard changesSAccept

Pagina 22 - 8 Controller Operation

Program modePress “SET” to adjust the program mode and the “UP” or “DOWN” buttons tochange the mode.Pf=4New modePress “SET” to continue or “EXIT” to c

Pagina 23

Table of Contents1 Before You Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1 Symbols Used . . . . . . .

Pagina 24 - Temperature Set-point

”EXIT” simultaneously and release. The heater power is displayed as a percent-age of full power.962.4 Well temperatureS+EAccess heater power in second

Pagina 25 - 8.3 Scan

troller cannot respond very well to changing conditions or noise in the system.If the proportional band is too narrow the temperature may swing back a

Pagina 26 - 8.4 Ramp and Soak Program

bration parameters. The groups are selected using the “UP” and “DOWN” keysandthenpressing“SET”.8.10 Operating ParametersThe operating parameters menu

Pagina 27

1225 Flashes the current value and then displays the value foradjustment1225.0 Current Soft Cutout settingAdjust this parameter by using “UP”, “DOWN”,

Pagina 28 - Ramp and Soak Program

8.11.1 BAUD RateThe BAUD rate is the first parameter in the menu. The BAUD rate setting de-termines the serial communications transmission rate.The BA

Pagina 29 - 8.6 Heater Power

via the serial interface are immediately echoed or transmitted back to the deviceof origin. With half duplex the commands are executed but not echoed.

Pagina 30 - 8.8 Proportional Band

CAL Calibration parameters menuPress “SET” five times to enter the menu. The calibration parameters menucontains the parameters Hard Cutout, CT1, CE1,

Pagina 31 - 8.9 Controller Configuration

9 Digital Communication InterfaceThe furnace is capable of communicatingwithandbeingcontrolledbyotherequipment through the digital serial interface.Wi

Pagina 32 - 8.10 Operating Parameters

ary menu. Press “SET” repeatedly until the display reads “CAL”. Press “UP”until the serial interface menu is indicated with “SErIAL”. Finally press “S

Pagina 33

temperature set-point and view or program the various parameters. The inter-face commands are discussed in Section 9.2. All commands are ASCII charac-

Pagina 34 - Serial Interface Parameters

8.2.1 Programmable Set-points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218.2.2 Set-point Value . . . . .

Pagina 35 - 8.12 Calibration Parameters

9150 Portable FurnaceUser’s Guide40Command DescriptionCommandFormatCommandExample ReturnedReturnedExampleAcceptableValuesDisplay TemperatureRead curre

Pagina 36 - 8.12.3 CE1, CE2, and CE3

419 Digital Communication InterfaceInterface CommandsCommand DescriptionCommandFormatCommandExample ReturnedReturnedExampleAcceptableValuesStop progra

Pagina 37 - 9.1 Serial Communications

9150 Portable FurnaceUser’s Guide42Command DescriptionCommandFormatCommandExample ReturnedReturnedExampleAcceptableValuesThese commands are only used

Pagina 38 - 9.1.3 Serial Operation

10 Test Probe CalibrationFor optimum accuracy and stability, allow the calibrator to warm up for 10minutes after power-up and then allow adequate stab

Pagina 39 - 9.2 Interface Commands

1200°C takes 10 minutes to be within 0.5°C of its settled point and takes 15minutes to achieve maximum stability.Speeding up the calibration process c

Pagina 40

11 Calibration ProcedureAt times the user may want to calibrate the unit to improve the temperatureset-point accuracy. Calibration is done by adjustin

Pagina 41 - Interface Commands

ture, CEn is the old value for calibration error, and CEm is the new valuefor calibration error6. Enter the new CEm value in the calibration parameter

Pagina 42

12 Maintenance•The calibration instrument has been designed with the utmost care. Easeof operation and simplicity of maintenance have been a central t

Pagina 43 - 10 Test Probe Calibration

13 TroubleshootingThis section contains information on troubleshooting, CE Comments, and awiring diagram.13.1 Troubleshooting Problems, Possible Cause

Pagina 44

Problem Possible Causes and SolutionsThe display shows any ofthe following:err 1,err 2,err 3,err4,Err 5,Err 6,Err 7,orErr 8Controller problem. The err

Pagina 45 - 11 Calibration Procedure

10.2.1 Stabilization and Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4311 Calibration Procedure . . .

Pagina 46

1 Before You Start1.1 Symbols UsedTable 1 lists the International Electrical Symbols. Some or all of these symbolsmay be used on the instrument or in

Pagina 47 - 12 Maintenance

Symbol DescriptionCanadian Standards AssociationOVERVOLTAGE (Installation) CATEGORY II, Pollution Degree 2 per IEC1010-1 re-fers to the level of Impul

Pagina 48 - 13 Troubleshooting

DO NOT operate this unit without a properly grounded, properly polarizedpower cord.DO NOT connect this unit to a non-grounded, non-polarized outlet.HI

Pagina 49 - 13.2 Comments

Allow for test probe expansion inside the well as the furnace heats.DO NOT use fluids to clean out the well.Never introduce foreign material into the

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