Fluke THE HART 1529 Manual de usuario

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Pagina 1 - User’ s Guide

1529Chub-E4 Thermometer ReadoutUser’ s GuideRev. 692801Hart Scientific

Pagina 2 - Rev. 692801

viiiFigure 41 Default Labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67Figure 42 System Menu. . .

Pagina 3 - Table of Contents

This command may be password-protected. To access this command:•If the SYST:PASS:CONV? command returns a 0 (probe password-protec-tion is disabled), t

Pagina 4

rameters available for the current conversion type, an empty string is returned.The list of parameters depends on the selected conversion type. Charac

Pagina 5

CALC:CONV:PRIN 2“PRB”,CHAN2,”ser”,090105,”TYP”,RES,”RANGE”,0If no parameters are specified, the ALL parameter is assumed and the parame-ters for all c

Pagina 6

<volt> parameter is always in mV. The response to this command is a tempera-ture in the currently selected units. The current system units deter

Pagina 7

CAL1:DATE:DUE?2001,9,21The CALibrate suffix, <chn>, specifies the channel (1 to 4). This commanddoes not apply to memory channels. The response

Pagina 8 CALibrate<chn>:PARameter:OFFSet<n> <num>|MIN|MAX|DEFSets the calibration offset parameter for the specified channel.CAL1:PAR

Pagina 9

value for the specified scale parameter. Specifying the MIN, MAX, or DEF pa-rameter sets the scale parameter to the minimum, maximum, or default value

Pagina 10 CALibrate<chn>:PARameter:RJC? [MIN|MAX|DEF]Returns the calibration RJC offset parmeter for the specified channel.CAL1:PAR:RJC?2.1This c

Pagina 11

DISP:RES 3The <num> parameter specifies the number of decimal places to display. Thisparameter can be 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4. Specifying the MIN, MAX

Pagina 12 - 1 Before You Start DISPlay:WINDow? [MIN|MAX|DEF]Returns the current display set.DISP:WIND?2Specifying the MIN parameter returns a value of 1. Specifying the MAX

Pagina 13 - 1.2 Safety Information

ixTablesTable1 International Electrical Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Table 2 Conversion Types . . . . .

Pagina 14 - Cautions

LOG:AUT:DEL 10Specifying a number in the <num> parameter causes all auto log entries withthat label number (1 to 25) to be deleted. If the ALL p

Pagina 15

24Specifying the MIN parameter returns a value of 1, Specifying the MAX pa-rameter returns a value of 25. Specifying the DEF parameter returns a value

Pagina 16 - Authorized Service Centers

0If this query returns a 0, an auto log session is not running. If this query returnsa 1, an auto log session is running. LOGging:AUTomatic:ST

Pagina 17 - 2 Introduction

Therefore, an auto log session that stores 100 measurements actually uses 101log entries. LOGging:DEMand:DELete [<num>|ALL]Deletes entri

Pagina 18 - Conditions

LOG:DEM:POIN?21Specifying the MAX parameter returns the total number of entries that can bestored in the demand log. LOGging:DEMand:PRINt [<

Pagina 19 - 3.2 Environmental Conditions

The label suffix, <n>, specifies the number of the label (1 to 25) to retrieve.The label name is returned in string format. LOGging:LABe

Pagina 20 - 4 Quick Start

•Sets the units to C.•Sets the resolution to AUTO.•Stops auto logging.•Clears the statistical functions. SYSTem:BOOT:VERSion?Returns the boot R

Pagina 21 - 4.6 Switch the Power On

1994. UNIT:TEMPerature?Returns the system temperature units.UNIT:TEMP?CThe response is either C for Celsius, F for Fahrenheit, or K for Kelvin

Pagina 22 - 4.7 Measure Temperature

1A value of 1 is returned if serial port echo (duplex) is ON. A value of 0 is re-turned if serial port echo (duplex) is OFF. Specifying the MIN parame

Pagina 23 - CHUB E-4 THERMOMETER READOUT SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERial:LINefeed <bool>|MIN|MAX|DEFSets the state of the serial port linefeed setting.SYST:COMM:SER:LIN ONThe <bool

Pagina 24 - Figure 3 Back Panel

1 Before You Start1.1 Symbols UsedTable 1 lists the symbols that may be used on the instrument or in this manualand the meaning of each symbol.Symbol

Pagina 25 - 5.3 Accessories

The <bool> parameter turns the keypad lockout on (1 or ON) or off (0 or OFF).Specifying the MIN, MAX, or DEF parameter sets the keypad lockout t

Pagina 26 - 6 General Operation

The <num> parameter specifies the number of the desired date format. See Ta-ble 11 on page 126, Date Formats, for a list of acceptable time form

Pagina 27 - 6.4 Probe Input Modules SYSTem:TIME?Returns the current system time.SYST:TIME?11,43,23The response is returned in the format, <hour>,<minute>,<second&

Pagina 28 - Probe Input Modules

SYST:PASS:CEN:STAT?0The response is either 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled). A response of 0 indicatespassword-protected settings cannot be accessed. A res

Pagina 29

8.4.12 Status CommandsThe status commands are used for querying and setting the state of the instru-ment registers. For details on the operation of th

Pagina 30 - 6.8 Taking Measurements *TST?Performs a self-test and reports any errors that are found.*TST? STATus:MEASure?Reads and clears the Measurement Status Registe

Pagina 31 - 6.9 Fast Measurement Mode

STAT:MEAS:ENAB STATus:OPERation?Reads and clears the Operation Status Register.STAT:OPER?16The assignment of the bits in this register is

Pagina 32 - 6.10 Data Logging

bit 4: measurement invalidbits 5-15: not used8.4.12.18 STATus:QUEStionable:CONDition?Returns the Questionable Status Condition Register.STAT:QUES:COND

Pagina 33

8.4.13 Statistical Calculation TypesThe statistical calculation types are listed in the following table.8.4.14 Field TypesThe bottom portion of the ma

Pagina 34 - MEA PER: 1 SEC

Number Keyword Field Type18 ALOG Logging Indicator19 BATT Battery Percent Remaining20 MEAS Number of Seconds Until Next MeasurementNote: When the fiel

Pagina 35 - Channel Menu

Symbol DescriptionOnCanadian Standards AssociationOVERVOLTAGE (Installation) CATEGORY II, Pollution Degree 2 per IEC1010-1 re-fers to the level of Imp

Pagina 36 - 7.1.2 Enable Channel

8.4.15 Conversion Types and ParametersTable 7 lists the probe types, conversion types, mnemonics, and serial port re-sponses. Table 8 lists the conver

Pagina 37 - SC MODE:

Conversion Type ParametersTC-KVIN[mV]TC-BTC-ETC-JTC-NTC-RTC-STC-TTC-AU/PTTC-POLYRJC, RJT, T1, ADJ1, T2, ADJ2, T3, ADJ3<none>RJC, RJT, T1, ADJ1,

Pagina 38 - AVERAGE: 3

8.4.17 Date and Time FormatsThe following tables list the acceptable date and time formats and their numbersetting.Number Format0 MM-DD-YY1 MM-DD-YYYY

Pagina 39 - 7.2 Probe Menu

9 CalibrationEach channel of the 1529 is calibrated independently of the other channels andhas its own set of calibration parameters. The 1529 should

Pagina 40

The calibration parameters C0, C100, and C400 can be adjusted to optimize theaccuracy. These password-protected parameters are accessed from the CALI-

Pagina 41 - Figure 14 Edit Probe

3.Connect a 400Ω resistor (6 ppm accuracy) to the input and measure itsresistance. Note the average error in the measurement. Adjust the C400parameter

Pagina 42 - Table 2 Conversion Types

2.Connect a 10 kΩ resistor (25 ppm accuracy) to the input and measure itsresistance. Note the average error in the measurement. Adjust the C10Kparamet

Pagina 43

Parameter DescriptionC0 Adjusts the voltage accuracy of at 0 mVC100 Adjusts the voltage accuracy of at 100 mVCRJ Adjusts the internal RJC accuracyDATE

Pagina 44

sured error. For example, if the thermocouple temperature is actually0.0°C but the 1529 reads 0.184°C, the CRJ parameter should be adjustedby subtract

Pagina 45

10 Maintenance•The calibration instrument has been designed with the utmost care. Easeof operation and simplicity of maintenance have been a central t

Pagina 46

quirements of the IEC 1010-1. If the product is wet or has been in a wetenvironment, take necessary measures to remove moisture prior to apply-ing pow

Pagina 47 - ([ ])[ ]mV °=

11 TroubleshootingIn case you run into difficulty while operating the 1529 system, this sectionprovides some suggestions that may help you solve the p

Pagina 48 - 7.2.2 Copy Probe

Problem SolutionIncorrect resistance or voltagereadingWhile attempting to measure resistance or voltage, the display shows an incorrect value or no va

Pagina 49 - 7.2.4 Print Probe

Message Recommended ActionSYSTEMS: BATTERY NOTINSTALLEDCycle the power.Check that the battery is properly connected.Replace the battery.CHANNELS: FAIL

Pagina 50 - 7.2.5 Default Probe

b) If you want to save the downloaded data to a file, configure your ter-minal program to capture the incoming text and save it to a text file. Re-fer

Pagina 51 - PROBE: CHAN1

Conducted RF (IEC 61000-4-6). Therefore, the operation of the instrumentmay be affected by excessive electromagnetic interference and the instrumentma

Pagina 52 - 7.3.1 Clear Stats

battery, Hart recommends that you allow the battery to discharge com-pletely once a month. You do this by allowing the Model 1529 to operateon battery

Pagina 53 - 7.3.2 Select Fields

set the Model 1529 to average the measurements, the data it logs reflectsthe moving average setting.6. How many probe coefficients can I store? Thirt

Pagina 54

2. How do I change the password? Changing the password is explained inSection 8.5.3, Password, of this manual.3. How often does the Model 1529 need to

Pagina 55 - 7.3.4 Default Fields

Index!2-wire probe 37 - 383-wire probe 37 - 384-wire probe 37 - 38AAC adapter 19, 23accessories 17ASTM E1137 38AUTO LOG 58AUTO-CAL 33average 31Bbackli

Pagina 56 - Press ENTER to continue...:

EEDIT FIELDS 49EDIT PROBE 34EMC 138ENABLE CHANNEL 30environment 10error 136exit 15, 27Ffast measurement 24, 29features 7, 15field data 47 - 49FIELDS m

Pagina 57 - 7.4 Logging Menu

Damage may not be visibly apparent but nevertheless can cause drift, in-stability, and loss of accuracy. Observe the following precautions:•DO NOT all

Pagina 58

PRT 21PT-100 38Rrack mounting 17rangeresistance 37 - 39reference junction 41, 48reset 75resistance 39, 48resolution 33, 51RJC 41RS-232 69, 77RTD 38Ssc

Pagina 59

Beijing 100004, PRCCHINAPhone: +86-10-6-512-3436Telefax: +86-10-6-512-3437E-mail: [email protected] South East Asia Pte Ltd.Fluke ASEAN Reg

Pagina 60

2 IntroductionThe Hart 1529 is a low-cost, high-accuracy, digital thermometer readout de-signed to be used with 25 and 100Ω PRTs, thermistors, and the

Pagina 61

3 Specifications and EnvironmentalConditions3.1 SpecificationsPRT Thermistor ThermocoupleInputs 2 channels PRT/thermistor and 2 channels thermocoupleo

Pagina 62

PRT Thermistor ThermocoupleProbe Connection Patented DWF connectors accepts spade lug, bare-wire, or bananaplug terminationsUniversal receptacle accep

Pagina 63 - PORT: SERIAL

Limited Warranty & Limitation of LiabilityEach product from Fluke Corporation, Hart Scientific Division ("Hart") is warranted to be free

Pagina 64 - 7.4.2 Auto Log

4 Quick StartThis section briefly explains the basics of setting up and operating your 1529Thermometer Readout.4.1 UnpackingCarefully unpack the 1529

Pagina 65

4.4.1 Using the Clamp-on FerritesClamp-on ferrites are provided with this product for the use of improving itselectromagnetic (EM) immunity in environ

Pagina 66

Enter button to continue initialization. If an error message is displayed onpower up see Section 11.1, Troubleshooting.4.7 Measure TemperatureAfter in

Pagina 67 - Press ENTER to continue

5 Parts and ControlsThe functions of the various features of the 1529 are described below.5.1 Front Panel ButtonsThe front panel buttons Enter/Menu, U

Pagina 68

1529 Chub-E4 Thermometer ReadoutUser’s Guide16Figure 3 Back Panel

Pagina 69

5.2 Back PanelThe back panel consists of the power switch, AC adapter connector, chargingindicator, RS-232 port connector, IEEE-488 port connector (op

Pagina 70 - 7.4.3 Log Stats

6 General OperationThis section explains basic operation of the 1529 thermometer readout. De-tailed operation of the 1529 is explained in Sections 7 a

Pagina 71 - 7.4.4 Data Labels

is fully charged. Only charge the battery when ambient temperature is between16°C and 30°C (61°F and 86°F) It normally takes about three hours to full

Pagina 72 - 7.4.5 Default Labels

All possible configurations are shown in Figure 3 on page Connecting a PRT or Thermistor ProbePRT and thermistor probes are attached to the r

Pagina 73 - 7.5 System Menu

1529 Chub-E4 Thermometer ReadoutUser’s Guide22Channel 1 Channel 2Connecting 4-wire probesChannel 1 Channel 2Connecting 3-wire probesChannel 1 Channel

Pagina 74

Table of Contents1 Before You Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1 Symbols Used . . . . . . .

Pagina 75

6.5 DC Power SourceCaution: For CE compliance and for performance, use only the ACadapter shipped with the instrument by Hart Scientific. If the AC ad

Pagina 76 - 7.5.2 Date Time

6.8.2 Enabling the ChannelChannels are set first by selecting either simultaneous or scan mode in theCHANNEL menu CHANNEL MODE function. Simultaneous

Pagina 77 - 7.5.3 Password

6.10 Data LoggingData can be logged either on demand or automatically at a user-selected inter-val. When data is logged, readings are stored to the in

Pagina 78 - Figure 45 Password

7 Menu FunctionsSelecting the Enter/Menu button from the front panel accesses the main menuof the 1529 thermometer readout. The main menu consists of

Pagina 79 - 7.5.4 Calibration

and DISPLAY OPTIONS/AUTO-CAL. (The DISPLAY OPTIONS changes toAUTO-CAL when the measure period is less than 1 second.)7.1.1 Measure Period and Fast Mea

Pagina 80

The LR buttons are used to select the period between measurements. Pressthe Enter button to save the new setting. Press the Exit button to cancel and

Pagina 81 - 7.5.5 System Reset

Press ENTER to continue …Press the Enter button to confirm and to continue. The display is remains un-changed and all enabled channels remain enabled

Pagina 82

hold the Exit button to cancel to the main display or press the EXIT button tocancel and to move to the next parameter.7.1.3 Channel ModeThe CHANNEL M

Pagina 83 - 8.2 Communications

proving resolution. When this function is selected, the bottom portion of thedisplay shows the averaging setting and allows the setting to be changed.

Pagina 84 - 8.3 Interface Commands

of the display shows the current display settings. This function is the same asthe FIELDS menu DISPLAY OPTIONS function.The RESOL parameter determines

Pagina 85 - Interface Commands

6.6 Power On Self-Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236.7 Display Backlight and Contrast . . . . . .

Pagina 86

testing conversion settings, viewing and printing probe parameters, and clearingthe default probe. The functions that appear in this menu are EDIT PRO

Pagina 87

channel, the probe serial number and the conversion type. The characterizationcoefficients and parameters are displayed after the conversion type is s

Pagina 88

the next parameter. On the last parameter, press the Exit buttontoexittothemenu. ConversionThe ITS-90 conversion is for PRTs calibrated a

Pagina 89 - 8.3.2 Command Syntax

The RANGE parameter is used to select the appropriate resistance range. For25 ohm and 100 ohm PRTs select 100 ohms and for 1000 ohm PRTs select 10Kohm

Pagina 90 - 8.4 Commands

and to save the new settings. Use the LR buttons to change each digit of thesettings. Press and hold the Exit button to cancel to the main display or

Pagina 91

The A, B, and C coefficients can be converted to α, δ,andβ coefficients usingthe following formulas:α= +AB100 δ=−+1001001ABβ=−+101008CABWhen the CVD c

Pagina 92 - 8.4.1 Measurement Commands

When the Thermistor T(R) conversion type is selected, the coefficients are dis-played on the right portion of the bottom of the display. Use the UD bu

Pagina 93 Standard Thermocouple ConversionsNote: An Application Note for use of Tungsten-Rhenium and otherthermocouples is available at www.hartscienti

Pagina 94

The user-defined parameters for the thermocouple polynomial conversion arethe coefficients c0(C0) through c6(C6). The user can specify internal or ext

Pagina 95

7.2.3 Test ProbeThe TEST PROBE function allows you to test the probe characterization algo-rithm and characterization coefficients for a specific prob

Pagina 96 Delete Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637.4.3 Log St

Pagina 97 - 8.4.3 Channel Commands

printed or for all channel and memory locations. When this function is selected,the bottom portion of the display shows the probe channel.Use the LR b

Pagina 98

selected channel, memory location, or ALL to the factory defaults. When thisfunction is selected, the bottom portion of the display shows the probe ch

Pagina 99 - 8.4.4 Probe Commands

functions that appear in this menu are CLEAR STATS, SELECT FIELDS,EDIT FIELDS, DEFAULT FIELDS, and DISPLAY OPTIONS.7.3.1 Clear StatsThe CLEAR STATS fu

Pagina 100 - User’s Guide

Press the Enter button to clear the statistical data. Press the Exit buttontoabortclearing the statistical data and to exit to the menu.7.3.2 Select F

Pagina 101 - Commands

Keyword Field TypeAVE AverageBATT Battery Percent RemainingDATE DateINP Input in ohms, K ohms, or mVMAX MaximumMEAS Number of Seconds Until Next Measu

Pagina 102

7.3.3 Edit FieldsThe EDIT FIELDS function allows editing of the display fields for a given dis-play set (1 through 9). You can choose to display one t

Pagina 103

factory defaults. When this function is selected, the bottom portion of the dis-play instructs you to press Enter to revert to the default display set

Pagina 104

bottom portion of the display shows the current display settings. This functionis the same as the CHANNEL MODE menu DISPLAY OPTIONS function.The RESOL

Pagina 105

this menu are DEMAND LOG, AUTO LOG, LOG STATS, DATA LABELS,and DEFAULT LABELS.7.4.1 Demand LogThe DEMAND LOG submenu allows measurements to be logged

Pagina 106

mand logging submenu which consists of the functions: STORE READING,LOG HISTORY, VIEW DATA, PRINT DATA, and DELETE DATA. ReadingThe STORE

Pagina 107 - 8.4.6 Display Commands

8.4.4 Probe Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 938.4.4.1 CALCulate<chn>:CON

Pagina 108

current resolution setting), and the units as they are stored into memory. Theright side of the bottom display shows the current label.To change the l

Pagina 109 - 8.4.7 Logging Commands

When this function is selected, the bottom portion of the display shows the de-mand log history data.Press the UD buttons to scroll up and down throug

Pagina 110

HISTORY function. When this function is selected, the bottom portion of thedisplay shows the demand log data.Press the UD buttons to scroll up and dow

Pagina 111

print all demand log entries, or select a specific label to print only the demandlog data for that label.Use the LR buttons to select the parameter se

Pagina 112

bered. Select ALL DATA to delete all demand log readings or select a specificlabel to delete only the demand log data for that label.Use the LR button

Pagina 113

AUTO LOG submenu and consists of the functions: LOGGING OPTIONS,START STOP, VIEW DATA, PRINT DATA, and DELETE DATA. OptionsThe LOGGING O

Pagina 114

The LOG PER parameter is for selecting the interval between measurements.You may select between 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, and 30 seconds, 1, 2, 5, 1

Pagina 115 - 8.4.8 System Commands

Note: The log is not started or stopped until the Enter buttonispressedtocon-firm the user action.After a log session is started, the bottom portion o

Pagina 116

readings currently stored in the demand or auto log memory. The COUNT pa-rameter shows the number of auto log readings remaining during the currentlog

Pagina 117

Subsequent entries in the log consist of the reading number, channel, measure-ment value, units, and the time of each entry.Press the LR buttons to ju

Pagina 118 *OPT? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1098.4.8.3 *RS

Pagina 119

Select ALL DATA to delete all auto log readings or select a specific label to de-lete only the auto log entries for that label.Use the LR buttons to s

Pagina 120 - 8.4.10 Date and Time Commands

both the demand and auto logs. When this function is selected, the bottom por-tion of the display shows the logging statistics.The left side displays

Pagina 121

digits. These labels are used to identify logged data when using the demandand auto log functions.Press the LR buttons to select the label to edit. By

Pagina 122 - 8.4.11 Password Commands

this function is selected, the bottom portion of the display instructs the user topress the Enter button to reset the data labels to their default set

Pagina 123

appear in this menu are COMM SETUP, DATE TIME, PASSWORD, CALI-BRATION, and SYSTEM RESET.7.5.1 Comm SetupThe COMM SETUP function is used to setup the c

Pagina 124 - 8.4.12 Status Commands

ror queue on the display. Once an error has been viewed, it is removed from theerror queue.Press the LR buttons to select the port to setup. Press the

Pagina 125

The ECHO parameter allows the user to set the echo (duplex) mode. SelectingON enables echoing so that all characters received on the serial port are e

Pagina 126

of the display shows the hour, minute, second, time format, day, month, year,and date format.The HOUR parameter allows the user to set the current hou

Pagina 127

word-protect certain parameters. When this function is selected, the bottomportion of the display prompts the user to enter the current password to ga

Pagina 128 - 8.4.14 Field Types

ter the correct password when entering the EDIT PROBE and COPY PROBEfunctions. If this parameter is set to OFF, a password is not required when en-ter

Pagina 129

8.4.15 Conversion Types and Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1248.4.16 Port Numbers . . . . . . .

Pagina 130

entered, the bottom portion of the display allows the user to select the channelto view.Each channel of the 1529 is calibrated independently and there

Pagina 131 - 8.4.16 Port Numbers

The DATE parameter is the date the current calibration was performed.The DUE parameter is the date the current calibration expires.Press the LR button

Pagina 132 - 8.4.17 Date and Time Formats

The system reset does the following:•Sets the measure period to 1 second.•Sets channel 1 ON, all others OFF.•Sets the channel mode to SCAN.•Sets movi

Pagina 133 - 9 Calibration

8 Digital Communications Interface8.1 OverviewThe communication feature allows an external device, such as a computer, tocommunicate with the 1529 to

Pagina 134

terface must be terminated with a carriage return or linefeed character.8.2.2 GPIB CommunicationsThe GPIB interface allows the Model 1529 to be connec

Pagina 135

Command Description Refer To*CLS Clears the status registers Section 8.4.12*ESE? Returns the Event Status Enable Register Section 8.4.12*ESE <num&g

Pagina 136 - 9.2 Thermocouple Calibration

Command Description Refer ToCALibrate:AUTO Executes the automatic calibration procedure when usingfast measurement mode.Section 8.4.5CALibrate<chn&

Pagina 137 - 9.2.2 Calibration Procedure

Command Description Refer ToFORMat:STAMp? Returns the extended measurement data format setting Section 8.4.1FORMat:STAMp <bool> Enables extended

Pagina 138

Command Description Refer ToROUTe:SCAN:MODE? [MIN|MAX|DEF] Returns the current scan mode Section 8.4.3ROUTe:SCAN:MODE <num>|MIN|MAX|DEF Sets the

Pagina 139 - 10 Maintenance

Command Description Refer ToSYSTem:DATE? [MIN|MAX|DEF] Returns the date Section 8.4.10SYSTem:DATE (<year>,<month>,<day>) Sets the da

Pagina 140 - 11 Troubleshooting

viiFiguresFigure 1 Using the Clamp-on Ferrites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Figure 2 Front Panel . . . .

Pagina 141

A mnemonic may end with a numeric suffix that specifies one of a set of inde-pendent function blocks such as input channel data paths. If a numeric su

Pagina 142 - Downloading Auto Logged Data

Password Commands – commands for enabling and disabling the password,for setting the password, and for checking the state of the password.Status Comma

Pagina 143 - 11.3 CE Comments

•<seri> indicates a serial number is required.•<res> indicates a resistance value is required.•<volt> indicates a voltage value is r

Pagina 144 - 11.4.1 Battery

The AVERage suffix, <n>, specifies the calculation type number. See Table 4on page 122 for the Statistical Calculation Types. FETCh? [<

Pagina 145 - 11.4.2 Input FORMat:STAMp?Returns the extended measurement data format setting. See Section,FETCh? for details.FORM:STAM? FORMat:STAMp <

Pagina 146 - 11.4.5 Other INITiateProvided for compatibility but has no effect.INIT8.4.2.2 INITiate:CONTinuous?Provided for compatibility but has no effect.INIT:CONT?18

Pagina 147 SENSe<chn>:RESistance:RANGe <num>|MIN|MAX|DEFSets the resistance range setting.SENS4:RES:RANG MINThis command only applies to PRT/

Pagina 148

This command may be password-protected. To access this command:•If the SYST:PASS:CONV? command returns a 0 (probe password-protec-tion is disabled), t

Pagina 149 ROUTe:CLOSe <chn>Enables the specified channel.ROUT:CLOS 3The <chn> parameter specifies the channel (1 to 4) to enable. This coman

Pagina 150

ROUT:SCAN:MODE? MIN0If 0 is returned, the scan mode is simultaneous. If a 1 is returned the scan modeis scan. Specifying the MIN parameter returns a v

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