3125Detachable Hot PlateUsers’ ManualRev. 622101Hart Scientifichttp://www.rongqe.cn/
2 IntroductionHart Scientific’s Model 3125 Detachable Hot Plate is controlled by Hart Scien-tific’s 2200 controller and uses a precision platinum RTD
3 Specifications and EnvironmentalConditions3.1 SpecificationsTemperature Range 35°C to 400°C (95°F to 752°F)Display Accuracy ±0.5°C to 200°C±1.0°C to
•ambient relative humidity: maximum 80% for temperature <31°C, de-creasing linearly to 50% at 40°C•pressure: 75kPa-106kPa•mains voltage within ±10%
4 Troubleshooting4.1 Troubleshooting Problems, Possible Causes,and SolutionsIn the event that the instrument appears to function abnormally, this sect
Problem Possible Causes and SolutionsThe display shows anyof the following:err 1,err 2,err 3,err4,Err 5,Err 6,orErr 7Controller problem. The error mes
Limited Warranty & Limitation of LiabilityEach product from Fluke's Hart Scientific Division ("Hart") is warranted to be free from
Table of Contents1 Before You Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1 Symbols Used . . . . . . .
1 Before You Start1.1 Symbols UsedTable 1 lists the International Electrical Symbols. Some or all of these symbolsmay be used on the instrument or in
Symbol DescriptionCanadian Standards AssociationOVERVOLTAGE (Installation) CATEGORY II, Pollution Degree 2 per IEC1010-1 re-fers to the level of Impul
cautions. Before working inside the equipment, turn the power off anddisconnect the power cord.•Always replace the fuse with one of the same rating, v
1.2.2Cautions•DO NOT plug the unit into 230V if the heater switches and fuse holderread 115V. This action will cause the fuses to blow and may damage
NETHERLANDSPhone: +31-402-675300Telefax: +31-402-675321E-mail: [email protected] Int'l CorporationService Center - InstrimpexRoom 2301 Sc
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