Fluke 9112A Manual de usuario

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Pagina 1 - User’ s Guide

9112ACalibration FurnaceUser’ s GuideRev. 5B2901Hart Scientific

Pagina 2 - Rev. 5B2901

The unit is a precision instrument. Although it has been designed for optimumdurability and trouble free operation, it must be handled with care.Most

Pagina 3 - Table of Contents

Hart Scientific, Inc.799 E. Utah Valley DriveAmerican Fork, UT 84003-9775USAPhone: +1.801.763.1600Telefax: +1.801.763.1010E-mail: support@hartscientif

Pagina 4

Phone: +65 6799-5588Telefax: +65 6799-5588E-mail: [email protected] contacting these Service Centers for support, please have the followinginf

Pagina 5

2 IntroductionThe 9112A Calibration Furnace was designed specifically for calibrating PRTs,fiber optic sensors and thermocouples at higher temperature

Pagina 6

3 Specifications and EnvironmentalConditions3.1 SpecificationsOperating Range 300°C to 1100°CStability 300°C ±0.05°C500°C ±0.05°C700°C ±0.1°C1000°C ±0

Pagina 7 - 1.2 Safety Information

for a period as stated in our current product catalog from the date of shipment.This warranty extends only to the original purchaser and shall not app

Pagina 8 - Safety Information

4 Installation4.1 Unpacking & InspectionThe furnace has been carefully packed for safe shipment by traditional means.Unpacking should be done care

Pagina 9 - Cautions

4.3 “Dry-out” PeriodWARNING: Before initial use, after transport, and any time the instru-ment has not been energized for more than 10 days, the instr

Pagina 10 - Authorized Service Centers

shown and then insert the insulation (ceramic fiber, see MSDS in the Appen-dix) being careful no to bend the probe sheath. The insulation should gener

Pagina 11 - User’s Guide

5 Parts and Controls5.1 Front View5.1.1 Temperature ControllerThe temperature controller is a full PID micro-processor based instrument asindicated. T

Pagina 12

Rev. 5B2901Fluke Corporation, Hart Scientific Division799 E. Utah Valley Drive • American Fork, UT 84003-9775 • USAPhone: +1.801.763.1600 • Telefax: +

Pagina 13 - 2 Introduction

two LED type displays. The upper display normally indicates the actual tem-perature while the lower display indicates the set temperature. The display

Pagina 14 - Conditions

5.2 Heater AssemblyThe heater is a made of fiber ceramic insulating material with imbedded heat-ing. The heater is made up with two halves, each with

Pagina 15

5.2.2 Temperature Control and Cutout SensorThe temperature control sensor is a Type K Thermocouple as indicated. Thissensor is 3/16 inch in diameter a

Pagina 16 - 4 Installation

The sensor connectors are provided on the rear panel of the furnace for con-necting the control and cutout thermocouples. They are Type K miniature co

Pagina 17 - 4.3 “Dry-out” Period

6 Operation6.1 OverviewThe Model 9112A is basically a temperature controlled furnace utilizing a fullPID micro-processor based temperature controller

Pagina 18 - Probe Installation

CAUTION: Take care that all sensors used as references or being cali-brated in the furnace are capable of withstanding the desired temperaturerange to

Pagina 19 - 5 Parts and Controls

7 Digital Communication InterfaceTo control the furnace through a computer, follow the instructions listed below.The program supplied is a demo progra

Pagina 20 - 5.1.2 Over Temperature Cutout

•Load GWBASIC•Load and then run the program TC847.BAS•Set the Baud Rate on the Controller of the 9112A to 9600•Set the address of your furnace to 10 o

Pagina 21 - 5.2 Heater Assembly

8 MaintenanceThe calibration instrument has been designed with the utmost care. Ease of op-eration and simplicity of maintenance have been a central t

Pagina 22 - Figure 3 Back View

9 Appendix A - Material Safety Data Sheets(MSDS)299 Appendix A - Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

Pagina 23 - 5.3 Back View

Table of Contents1 Before You Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1 Symbols Used . . . . . . .

Pagina 24 - 6 Operation

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET(See Section 8 "Exposure Controls / Personal Protection" for exposure guidelines)MSDS No. M0001 Effective Date: 06

Pagina 25

CHRONIC EFFECTThere has been no increased incidence of respiratory disease in studies examining occupationally exposed workers. In animal studies, lon

Pagina 26 - Figure 4 RS-232 Cable Wiring

1986, has listed "ceramic fibers (airborne fibers of respirable size)" as a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer.TheCan

Pagina 27 - Table 2. Command Parameters

SPILL PROCEDURESAvoid creating airborne dust. Dust suppressing cleaning methods such as wet sweeping or vacuuming should be used to clean the work are

Pagina 28 - 8 Maintenance

objectives and criteria underlying each of these OEL decisions also vary. The evaluation of occupational exposure limits and determining their relativ

Pagina 29

control exposures to airborne fiber and the potential presence of crystalline silica. If exposure levels are known, the respiratory protection chart p


The University of Cincinnati is conducting an ongoing epidemiologic investigation. The evidence obtained from employees in U. S. RCF manufacturing fac

Pagina 31

No ecological concerns have been identified.WASTE MANAGEMENTTo prevent waste materials from becoming airborne during waste storage, transportation and


INTERNATIONAL REGULATIONSRCF DEVITRIFICATIONAs produced, all RCF fibers are vitreous (glassy) materials which do not contain crystalline silica. Conti


this program, please call the Unifrax Corporation Product Stewardship Information Hotline at 1-800-322-2293.On February 11, 2002, the Refractory Ceram

Pagina 34

6.2 Operating the Furnace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 Digital Communication Interface . . . . . .


Revision Summary:Section 1: Added new product name. Replaces 02/11/02 MSDS.MSDS Prepared By: UNIFRAX RISK MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENTDISCLAIMERThe informati


Thermal CeramicsMATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETMSDS No: 350 Date Prepared: 03/24/1992 Current Date: 7/26/2002Last Revised: (03/20/2002)1. PRODUCT AND COM


MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETMSDS No: 350 Date Prepared: 03/24/1992 Current Date: 7/26/2002Last Revised: (03/20/2002)4. FIRST AID MEASURESRESPIRATORY


MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETMSDS No: 350 Date Prepared: 03/24/1992 Current Date: 7/26/2002Last Revised: (03/20/2002)8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PRO

Pagina 39

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETMSDS No: 350 Date Prepared: 03/24/1992 Current Date: 7/26/2002Last Revised: (03/20/2002)10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYCHEMI

Pagina 40

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETMSDS No: 350 Date Prepared: 03/24/1992 Current Date: 7/26/2002Last Revised: (03/20/2002)RCRACMS wool, as manufactured, is n

Pagina 41 - Thermal Ceramics

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETMSDS No: 350 Date Prepared: 03/24/1992 Current Date: 7/26/2002Last Revised: (03/20/2002)16. OTHER INFORMATIONSUPERWOOLTM

Pagina 42

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETMSDS No: 350 Date Prepared: 03/24/1992 Current Date: 7/26/2002 Last Revised: (03/

Pagina 43

iiiFiguresFigure 1 Front View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Figure 2 Sectional Side

Pagina 44

1 Before You Start1.1 Symbols UsedTable 1 lists the International Electrical Symbols. Some or all of these symbolsmay be used on the instrument or in

Pagina 45

Symbol DescriptionCanadian Standards AssociationOVERVOLTAGE (Installation) CATEGORY II, Pollution Degree 2 per IEC1010-1 re-fers to the level of Impul

Pagina 46

Follow all safety guidelines listed in the user’s manual.Calibration Equipment should only be used by Trained Personnel.If this equipment is used in a

Pagina 47

ELECTRICAL HAZARDThese guidelines must be followed to ensure that the safety mechanisms in thisinstrument will operate properly. This instrument must

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