Fluke NetDAQ 2640A Manual de usuario

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Pagina 1 - 2640A/2645A

®2640A/2645ANetDAQNetworked Data Acquisition UnitUsers ManualPN 942623May 1994, Rev 2 11/96© 1994, 1995, 1996 Fluke Corporation, All rights reserved.

Pagina 2

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manualiv3-35. Default Configuration Settings... 3-273-36. Using Confi

Pagina 3

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual3-6 ds007s.bmp3. Click OK to return to the Communications Configuration File dialog box,which now lists the new instru

Pagina 4 - PCaution

Configuring NetDAQ Logger for WindowsConfiguring the Current Setup33-7Deleting an Instrument from the Network 3-8.Complete the following procedure to


2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual3-8Configuring the Current Setup 3-10.NetDAQ Logger keeps track of all instrument configuration information (e.g.,readin

Pagina 6

Configuring NetDAQ Logger for WindowsConfiguring the Current Setup33-9ds004s.bmpDeleting an Instrument Icon 3-12.To delete an instrument icon, select

Pagina 7 - Table of Contents

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual3-10 When a grouped instrument is externally wired, you can select anycombination of trigger types for the Master instru

Pagina 8

Configuring NetDAQ Logger for WindowsSetup Files33-11Setup Files 3-14.NetDAQ Logger allows you to save the current setup in a file. You can open these

Pagina 9

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual3-12ds039s.bmpOpening a Setup File 3-16.If NetDAQ Logger is already active, you can load a saved setup into the currents

Pagina 10 - 2640A/2645A NetDAQ

Configuring NetDAQ Logger for WindowsSetup Files33-13ds001s.bmpStarting NetDAQ Logger with a Setup File 3-17.On Windows 95, there are several ways to

Pagina 11 - Contents

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual3-143. On the Shortcut tab, add the setup file name to the end of the commandline in the Target box (see “NetDAQ Logger

Pagina 12

Configuring NetDAQ Logger for WindowsConfiguring an Instrument33-15To activate NetDAQ Logger with the default setup:“pathname\netdaq32”To activate Net

Pagina 13 - List of Tables

Contents (continued)v5-13. Exporting Trend Link Data Files... 5-95-14. Deleting Old Trend Link Files

Pagina 14

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual3-16ds017s.bmpFigure 3-3. Instrument Configuration Dialog Box1. Select Celsius or Fahrenheit to use as temperature unit

Pagina 15 - List of Figures

Configuring NetDAQ Logger for WindowsConfiguring an Instrument33-17• External Only A scan is triggered immediately after the external trigger input i

Pagina 16

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual3-18Configuring Channels 3-23.These procedures provide instructions for configuring an instrument’s analogchannels and c

Pagina 17 - Overview

Configuring NetDAQ Logger for WindowsConfiguring Channels33-19Configuring Analog Channel Functions 3-25.Analog channel functions include volts dc, vol

Pagina 18

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual3-20Configuring Computed Channel Functions 3-26.Computed channel functions include average, difference, difference from

Pagina 19 - Introduction 1-1

Configuring NetDAQ Logger for WindowsConfiguring Channels33-213. If the equation contains an error, an error message appears. Click OK in theerror me

Pagina 20

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual3-22Allowed Not Allowed(-2*c21/c2)/(2*((c1+1)-(c21/c2)*(c1-1))) (-2*(abs(c1/(c2-c3))))See Appendix E for syntax definiti

Pagina 21

Configuring NetDAQ Logger for WindowsConfiguring Channels33-23 ds024s.bmpConfiguring Alarms 3-30.Each channel has two alarms, each of which may be se

Pagina 22

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual3-243. Select a digital output if you would like to associate an alarm with a digitalI/O line. The instrument will set

Pagina 23 - Mx+B Scaling 1-6

Configuring NetDAQ Logger for WindowsEntering an Instrument’s Description33-25The values in the Mx+B file must have the following format:<channel n

Pagina 24 - Totalizer 1-10

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manualvi6-29. Totalizer Sensitivity Test ... 6-286-30. Master Alarm O

Pagina 25 - Trigger Output 1-12

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual3-26ds034s.bmpCopying a Channels Configuration 3-34.Complete the following procedure to copy a complete instrument chann

Pagina 26 - External Trigger 1-15

Configuring NetDAQ Logger for WindowsDefault Configuration Settings33-27Default Configuration Settings 3-35.When you create a new instrument icon, Net

Pagina 27

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual3-28Using Configuration Lockout 3-36.Use The Configuration Lockout feature to prevent accidental instrumentconfiguration

Pagina 28 - Ethernet Port Selection 1-21

Configuring NetDAQ Logger for WindowsConfiguring the netdaq.ini File33-29The configuration file is now saved as an ASCII text file. You can open the t

Pagina 29 - RS-232 Interface 1-25

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual3-30The following describes the parameters in the netdaq.ini file. If you alter anyof the settings, save the old file un

Pagina 30 - Options and Accessories 1-27

4-1Chapter 4Operating NetDAQ Logger forWindowsContents Page4-1. Introduction...

Pagina 31 - Options and Accessories

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual4-2

Pagina 32

Operating NetDAQ Logger for WindowsIntroduction44-3Introduction 4-1.This chapter provides instructions for operating your system using NetDAQLogger af

Pagina 33 - Preparing for Operation

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual4-4To stop logging for an individual instrument, complete the following procedure:1. Select the instrument’s icon.2. S

Pagina 34

Operating NetDAQ Logger for WindowsStarting and Stopping Logging44-5Clearing an Instrument’s Totalizer Value 4-5.If you check Logging | Clear Totalize

Pagina 35 - Instrument Preparation 2-2

viiList of TablesTable Title Page1-1. Models, Options and Accessories... 1-142-1. Fro

Pagina 36

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual4-6 ds029s.bmp3. Check Stop Scanning after Interval. Enter the hours/minutes/seconds for theduration. The maximum entr

Pagina 37 - Instrument Preparation

Operating NetDAQ Logger for WindowsReal-Time Displays44-7• Trend Link provides a wide range of features for trending real time data orpreviously coll

Pagina 38 - PWarning

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual4-8 Instrument listed by BCNNumber of scans in the instrument scan queueNumber of scans retrieved and recorded.Listing o

Pagina 39

Operating NetDAQ Logger for WindowsReal-Time Displays44-9ds300s.bmp2. Select the icon of the instrument for which you would like to view incomingdata

Pagina 40

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual4-10 ds059s.bmp2. Click OK to display the Spy window. Double-click in the Spy window toreturn to the Spy Channel Selec

Pagina 41

Operating NetDAQ Logger for WindowsReal-Time Displays44-11Quick Plot 4-12.Quick Plot provides a quick way to get a simple graphical view of your loggi

Pagina 42

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual4-12Off-scale ReadingY-AxisPlot MaximumPlot MinimumMost Recent Plot PointsUnits LabelsChannelLabelsPlotSymbolsX-Axis40 d

Pagina 43

Operating NetDAQ Logger for WindowsData Files44-13Items: ‘Cnn’ (nn is the channel number 01 to 30)DIO (Digital I/O status, decimal equivalent of the 8

Pagina 44

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual4-14• Trend Link The Trend Link data file format requires using the real-time trendingcapability offered by the Trend L

Pagina 45 - Trigger Input 2-16

Operating NetDAQ Logger for WindowsData Files44-153. Select the desired File Format. For the Fast Binary or ASCII (CSV) format,select Append to File

Pagina 46 - Master Alarm 2-18

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualviiiA-21. 2640A Thermocouple Specifications ... A-15A-22. 2640

Pagina 47 - Controls and Indicators 2-20

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual4-166. Select the desired Auto Rollover type and its associated value. The data filemay be automatically rolled over wh

Pagina 48

Operating NetDAQ Logger for WindowsData Files44-17ds301.bmp12. Enter a batch name and the desired batch definition and click OK to return tothe Data F

Pagina 49 - Front Panel Controls 2-21

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual4-18Converting Data Files 4-16.You can convert data files to other types for compatibility with your datamanagement appl

Pagina 50 - Front Panel Indicators 2-22

Operating NetDAQ Logger for WindowsOptimizing Performance44-19 The example below is a typical data file in text format. Off-scalemeasurements are reco

Pagina 51

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual4-20Optimizing Performance 4-18.You can set up instrument operations to optimize either your system’s datacollection rat

Pagina 52 - Rear Panel Indicators 2-24

Operating NetDAQ Logger for WindowsUsing Online Help44-21 In addition, try to avoid running other tasks on the computer when you are writingto the dat

Pagina 53 - Power-On Options 2-26

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual4-22

Pagina 54

5-1Chapter 5Using Trend Link for FlukeContents Page5-1. Introduction...

Pagina 55

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual5-2

Pagina 56

Using Trend Link for FlukeIntroduction55-3Introduction 5-1.Trend Link for Fluke (Trend Link) graphs real time and historical data in theMicrosoft Wind

Pagina 57

ixList of FiguresFigure Title Page1-1. 2640A/2645A NetDAQ Networked Data Acquisition Units... 1-31-2. 2640A/2645A Front Panel

Pagina 58

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual5-4NoteIf this is the first use of the Trend Link data file, allow a few secondsfor Trend Link to create the folder and

Pagina 59

Using Trend Link for FlukeIntroduction55-5ds123s.bmp3. Select the chart file to play back. For example, select c:\ProgramFiles\Fluke\netdaq\_data.set

Pagina 60

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual5-6Playing Back an ASCII (CSV) File in Trend Link 5-5.To play back a NetDAQ Logger ASCII (CSV) data file in Trend Link,

Pagina 61

Using Trend Link for FlukeIntroduction55-7Import the NetDAQ ASCII (CSV) File into Trend Link 5-9.Open Trend Link from the Programs list. Select Utilit

Pagina 62

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual5-8ds126s.bmpExamine the chart and perform any standard Trend Link procedures to view, print,and so forth. (See "Ge

Pagina 63

Using Trend Link for FlukeIntroduction55-9ds139s.bmpSave the Trend Link Chart 5-12.To save the Trend Link chart, select File | Save As. Enter the path

Pagina 64

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual5-10Link format. If this is not the case, see "Playing Back a Fast Binary (BIN) File inTrend Link" or "Pl

Pagina 65

Using Trend Link for FlukeIntroduction55-11ds151s.bmpDeleting Old Trend Link Files 5-14.NetDAQ Logger creates a *.set file and a directory for every n

Pagina 66

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual5-123. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for each Trend Link Data Set being deleted.Getting the Right Look for Your Trend Link Chart

Pagina 67

Using Trend Link for FlukeGetting the Right Look for Your Trend Link Chart55-13Control BarHistorical Mode: Click to freeze the chart during the Real

Pagina 68

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manualx2-28. Viewing the Instrument Ethernet Address... 2-412-29. Examples

Pagina 69

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual5-14Erasing a Curve To erase a curve, click this button, hold the mousebutton down, drag the Eraser icon on top of the

Pagina 70

Using Trend Link for FlukeGetting the Right Look for Your Trend Link Chart55-15Using the Trend Link Menus 5-17.The Trend Link menus (below) allow you

Pagina 71

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual5-16ds132s.bmpTo change the default value so that all created charts will have a selected presetvalue in the Time Interv

Pagina 72

Using Trend Link for FlukeGetting the Right Look for Your Trend Link Chart55-17ds133s.bmp Configuring the Curve Status Display 5-20.Complete the follo

Pagina 73

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual5-18ds134s.bmp2. Select the desired features of the Curve Status display by checking orunchecking each of the Sections

Pagina 74

Using Trend Link for FlukeGetting the Right Look for Your Trend Link Chart55-19ds135s.bmp2. Click on the desired curve listed in the Tags box, which

Pagina 75

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual5-20ds136s.bmp3. The tag name of the selected curve appears in the dialog box caption. Eachdialog box entry has the fol

Pagina 76

Using Trend Link for FlukeGetting the Right Look for Your Trend Link Chart55-21the left side of the curve window will include a display of scale value

Pagina 77

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual5-22ds137s.bmp2. The dialog box entries are as follows:• Bkgrnd Color: Choose the background color.• Grid Color: Choo

Pagina 78

Using Trend Link for FlukeGetting the Right Look for Your Trend Link Chart55-23• Constant Interval: Select this option to enter the exact time interv

Pagina 79

1-1Chapter 1OverviewContents Page1-1. Introduction... 1-31-2. I

Pagina 80

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual5-241. Select Preferences | Chart Title to open the Chart Title dialog box. Enter thechart title name in the text box,

Pagina 81

Using Trend Link for FlukeGetting the Right Look for Your Trend Link Chart55-25ds140s.bmpYou can position and size the printed chart by entering X and

Pagina 82

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual5-26ds141f.bmpClick OK to print the chart.

Pagina 83

6-1Chapter 6MaintenanceContents Page6-1. Introduction... 6-36-2

Pagina 84

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual6-26-29. Totalizer Sensitivity Test ... 6-286-30. Master Alarm

Pagina 85

MaintenanceIntroduction66-3Introduction 6-1.Maintenance for the 2640A/2645A instruments is limited to self-test error codeexplanations, cleaning, fuse

Pagina 86

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual6-4Cleaning 6-3.WarningKeep the instrument dry to avoid electrical shock topersonnel or damage to the instrument. To pre

Pagina 87 - Testing and Troubleshooting

MaintenancePerformance Test66-51RemoveallCables2RemoveBottomScrews(4 places)3RemoveRear BezelScrews(2 places)4RemoveRear BezelandCase forFuseAccessFus

Pagina 88

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual6-6Performance Test 6-5.When received, the 2640A/2645A is calibrated and in operating condition. Thefollowing Performanc

Pagina 89

MaintenancePerformance Test66-7Table 6-2. Recommended Test EquipmentInstrument Type Minimum Specifications Recommended ModelMultifunction DC Voltage:

Pagina 90

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual1-2

Pagina 91

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual6-8InstrumentHostComputer50-ohmTerminatorEthernet Coaxial Cable (50-ohm)Minimum cable lengthis 20 inches (0.5 m).50-ohmT

Pagina 92

MaintenancePerformance Test66-9Initializing the Performance Test Setup 6-7.Complete the following procedure to initialize the performance test setup.

Pagina 93

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual6-106. Verify Communications With the Communications Configuration Filedialog box still open, select instrument 01 on

Pagina 94

MaintenancePerformance Test66-11Accuracy Performance Tests 6-8.This accuracy performance test assumes you have completed "Initializing thePerform

Pagina 95 - Configuring NetDAQ Logger for

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual6-123. Verify Accuracy Configure the 5700A for the output values below andverify the Spy window measurement is between

Pagina 96

MaintenancePerformance Test66-133. Verify Accuracy Configure the 5700A for the output values below andverify the Spy window measurement is between t

Pagina 97 - Introduction 3-1

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual6-143. Verify Accuracy Configure the 5700A for the output values below andverify the Spy window measurement is between

Pagina 98

MaintenancePerformance Test66-15Analog Channel Integrity Test 6-13.Complete the following procedure to test the integrity of each analog channel (2to

Pagina 99

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual6-16Thermocouple Temperature Accuracy Test 6-15.Ensure that the Accuracy Tests (above) have been completed before perfor

Pagina 100

MaintenancePerformance Test66-172-Wire Resistance Accuracy Test (2640A) 6-17.Complete the following procedure to test the accuracy of the resistance f

Pagina 101 - Configuring the Current Setup

OverviewIntroduction11-3Introduction 1-1.The 2640A and 2645A NetDAQ Networked Data Acquisition Units are20-channel front ends that operate in conjunc

Pagina 102

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual6-18Resistance Range* 5700A Minimum Reading Maximum Reading300Ω Short Circuit (Zero) 0Ω 10Ω300Ω 190Ω 189.91Ω 200.09Ω3 kΩ

Pagina 103

MaintenancePerformance Test66-19Resistance Range* Decade Resistor Minimum Reading Maximum Reading30 kΩShort Circuit (Zero)700Ω 1 kΩ30 kΩ 29 kΩ 29.681

Pagina 104

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual6-204-Wire Resistance Accuracy Test (2640A) 6-19.Ensure that the Accuracy Tests (above) have been completed before perfo

Pagina 105 - Setup Files 3-14

MaintenancePerformance Test66-211211 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2021 345678910SOURCE(4-WIRE)SENSE(4-WIRE)H LH LH LH LH LH LH LH LH LH LH LH LH LH LH LH LH L

Pagina 106 - Opening a Setup File 3-16

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual6-224. Verify Accuracy Configure the Decade Resistance Source for the outputvalues below and verify the Spy window mea

Pagina 107 - Setup Files

MaintenancePerformance Test66-234-Wire Resistance Accuracy Test (2645A) 6-20.Ensure that the Accuracy Tests (above) have been completed before perform

Pagina 108

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual6-24Resistance Range 5700A Minimum Reading Maximum Reading300Ω Short Circuit (Zero) 0Ω 0.1Ω300Ω 190Ω 189.86Ω 190.14Ω3 kΩ

Pagina 109 - Configuring an Instrument

MaintenancePerformance Test66-25RTD Temperature Accuracy Test (Resistance) (2645A) 6-22.The following RTD accuracy test applies to the 2645A and uses

Pagina 110

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual6-264. Verify Accuracy Insert the RTD and a mercury thermometer in a room-temperature bath. Allow 20 minutes for therm

Pagina 111

MaintenancePerformance Test66-278. Short Channel Inputs Remove the Universal Input Module from theinstrument and apply a short to channels 1 through

Pagina 113 - Configuring Channels

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual1-4Instrument Features and Capabilities 1-2.The following describes the front and rear panels of the instrument and itsc

Pagina 114

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual6-283. Verify Digital I/O Input for all Set Lines In sequence, individually groundeach DIO line to the GND line using

Pagina 115 - Equation Syntax 3-28

MaintenancePerformance Test66-292. Connect Test Leads At the DIGITAL I/O connector, connect the Σ(Totalizer) test lead and GND test lead to a signal

Pagina 116

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual6-30Trigger Input Test 6-31.This test checks the ability of the Trigger Input line to trigger measurementscanning.1. Co

Pagina 117 - Configuring Alarms 3-30

MaintenanceCalibration66-314. Verify Trigger Output is Enabled In NetDAQ Logger, select Setup |Instrument Config. In the Instrument Configuration di

Pagina 118

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual6-32NoteDo not press CAL ENABLE unless you have a copy of the ServiceManual and intend to calibrate the instrument. If y

Pagina 119

MaintenanceCalibration66-33Instrument Calibration Dialog Box 6-35.The Instrument Calibration dialog box (below) sets up the RS-232 port forcalibrating

Pagina 120

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual6-34ds308s.bmpApply Displays the suggested value to apply to the instrument from the calibrator.Actual Enter the actual

Pagina 121

MaintenanceService66-35Centers is provided in Appendix K of this manual. Be sure to pack the instrumentsecurely; use the original container if availab

Pagina 122

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual6-36Fluke offers a 1-year warranty for the 264XA-801 (Ethernet plug-in card) and264XA-802 (Ethernet Parallel-to-LAN adap

Pagina 123

AppendicesAppendix Title PageA Specifications ... A-1B Noise, Shie

Pagina 124

OverviewInstrument Features and Capabilities11-5REM (Remote) Annunciator. Indicates the Host Computer and the Instrument are communicating on the net

Pagina 125 - Operating NetDAQ Logger for

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual

Pagina 126

A-1Appendix ASpecificationsIntroduction A-1.Specifications are divided into three sections. The first section contains thecombined specifications that

Pagina 127 - Introduction 4-1

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualA-2Table A-1. 2640A/2645A General SpecificationsSpecification CharacteristicChannel Capacity 20I/O Lines Total 12Size 9.

Pagina 128

Specifications2640A/2645A Combined SpecificationsAA-3Table A-1. 2640A/2645A General Specifications (cont)Specification CharacteristicMaximum Measureme

Pagina 129 - Simulated Logging 4-6

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualA-4Table A-2. 2640A/2645A Environmental SpecificationsSpecification CharacteristicWarm-up Time 1 hour to rated specifica

Pagina 130 - Real-Time Displays 4-8

Specifications2640A/2645A Combined SpecificationsAA-5Table A-3. 2640A/2645A DIGITAL I/O Specification (cont)Specification CharacteristicOutput Voltage

Pagina 131 - Real-Time Displays

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualA-6Trigger Out A-8.Table A-5 provides a summary of the Trigger Out specifications. The Trigger Outoutput is located on t

Pagina 132

Specifications2640A SpecificationsAA-72640A/2645A Totalizer A-10.Table A-7 provides a summary of the Totalizer specifications. The Totalizer inputis l

Pagina 133 - The Spy Window 4-11

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualA-82640A DC Voltage Measurement Specifications A-13.Tables A-9 to A-11 provide 2640A specifications for the dc voltage m

Pagina 134

Specifications2640A SpecificationsAA-9Table A-11. 2640A DC Voltage Accuracy SpecificationsAccuracy, 3σ ± (% input + V)18°C to 28°C-10°C to 60°CRange90

Pagina 135 - Quick Plot 4-12

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual1-6Serial Port. ALARM/TRIGGER I/O Connector. MA (Master Alarm) output is logic low when any channel is in alarm; TO (T

Pagina 136

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualA-10Table A-12. 2640A AC Voltage General Specifications (cont)Specification CharacteristicMaximum Input Voltage The less

Pagina 137 - Data Files 4-14

Specifications2640A SpecificationsAA-11Table A-14. 2640A AC Voltage Accuracy Specifications1 Year Accuracy + (%input + V)* Range Frequency 18ºC to 28

Pagina 138 - Configuring a Data File 4-15

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualA-122640A 4-Wire Resistance Measurement Specifications A-15.Tables A-15 to A-17 provide 2640A specifications for the 4-w

Pagina 139 - Data Files

Specifications2640A SpecificationsAA-132640A 2-Wire Resistance Measurement Specifications A-16.The 2640A specifications for the 2-wire resistance meas

Pagina 140

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualA-142640A RTD’s 2-Wire per ITS-1990 Measurement Specifications A-18.The 2640A specifications for the 2-wire Resistance-T

Pagina 141

Specifications2640A SpecificationsAA-15Table A-21. 2640A Thermocouple SpecificationsAccuracy ± ºCThermocouple Resolution 18ºC to 28ºC-10ºC to 60ºC90 D

Pagina 142 - Converting Data Files 4-16

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualA-162640A Frequency Measurement Specifications A-20.Tables A-22 to A-23 provide 2640A specifications for the frequency m

Pagina 143 - Optimizing Performance

Specifications2645A SpecificationsAA-172645A Specifications A-21.This section includes specifications specific to the 2644A instrument bymeasurement f

Pagina 144 - Optimizing Performance 4-18

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualA-18Table A-25. 2645A DC Voltage Resolution and Repeatability SpecificationsResolutionRangeSlow Fast90 mV 3 µV 6 µV300 m

Pagina 145 - Using Online Help 4-24

Specifications2645A SpecificationsAA-192645A AC Voltage Measurement Specifications A-23.Tables A-27 to A-29 provide 2645A specifications for the ac vo

Pagina 146

OverviewInstrument Features and Capabilities11-7Analog Channels 1-3.The analog channel (1 to 20) measurement connections are made via theUniversal Inp

Pagina 147 - Using Trend Link for Fluke

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualA-20Table A-28. 2645A AC Voltage Range and Resolution SpecificationsRangeResolutionMinimum Input forSlow FastRate Accura

Pagina 148

Specifications2645A SpecificationsAA-212645A 4-Wire Resistance Measurement Specifications A-24.Tables A-30 to A-32 provide 2645A specifications for th

Pagina 149 - Introduction 5-1

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualA-222645A 2-Wire Resistance Measurement Specifications A-25.The 2645A specifications for the 2-wire resistance measureme

Pagina 150

Specifications2645A SpecificationsAA-232645A Thermocouple per ITS-1990 Measurement Specifications A-27.Tables A-35 to A-36 provide 2645A specification

Pagina 151 - Introduction

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualA-24Table A-36. 2645A Thermocouple Specifications (cont)Accuracy ± ºCThermocouple 18ºC to 28ºC-10ºC to 60ºCResolution 90

Pagina 152

Specifications2645A SpecificationsAA-252645A Frequency Measurement Specifications A-28.Tables A-37 to A-38 provide 2645A specifications for the freque

Pagina 153

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualA-26

Pagina 154

B-1Appendix BNoise, Shielding, and CrosstalkConsiderationsIntroduction B-1.This appendix supplies information on how you can setup your instruments to

Pagina 155

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualB-2reading rate and scan interval that is an exact multiple of the power line periodand cause line frequency noise to be

Pagina 156

Noise, Shielding, and Crosstalk ConsiderationsCrosstalk ConsiderationsBB-3the routing of your input wiring: keep it away from or shielded from all acp

Pagina 157

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual1-8Alarms 1-7.Two alarms, Alarm 1 and Alarm 2, can be applied to any configured channel. Analarm condition occurs when a

Pagina 158

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualB-4Crosstalk from a VAC or frequency signal on a 2640A channel to an adjacentchannel using the slow reading is as shown

Pagina 159

C-1Appendix CTrue-RMS MeasurementsIntroduction C-1.The instrument measures the true rms value of ac voltages. In physical terms, therms (root-mean-squ

Pagina 160

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualC-21.0000V ac (the dc component equals 0). However, consider the 2V (peak-to-peak) square wave.Both types of measurement

Pagina 161

True-RMS MeasurementsWaveform Comparison (True RMS vs Average Responding)CC-3DC AND ACTOTAL RMSTRUE RMS =0.0001.0001.0000.9000.6360.0000.7071.0001.000

Pagina 162

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualC-4

Pagina 163

D-1Appendix DRTD LinearizationIntroduction D-1.This appendix discusses Fixed-385 and Custom-385 RTD measurements withNetDAQ.Fixed-385 RTD D-2.The Fixe

Pagina 164 - Curve Preferences 5-21

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualD-2Custom-385 RTD D-3.The Custom-385 RTD linearization solves the Callendar Van-Dusen equation forpositive temperatures

Pagina 165

RTD LinearizationCustom-385 RTDDD-3Using the Custom-385 RTD with Other Platinum RTDs D-4.Although the Custom-385 RTD linearization uses a β and δ from

Pagina 166

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualD-42645A2640A-100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600Temperature - Degrees CAccuracy Envelope: Custom RTD, 391 Probe1 Year Slow: 1

Pagina 167 - Background Preferences 5-22

RTD LinearizationCustom-385 RTDDD-52645A2640A-100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600Temperature - Degrees CAccuracy Envelope: Custom RTD, 392 Probe1 Year Slow:

Pagina 168

OverviewInstrument Features and Capabilities11-9overflows (reaching the maximum count), the display briefly shows OL(overload) and begins counting fro

Pagina 169

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualD-6

Pagina 170 - Printing a Chart 5-26

E-1Appendix EComputed Channel EquationsIntroduction E-1.An equation is converted into a stored binary format which is sent to theinstrument where the

Pagina 171

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualE-2″ ″ enclose literal characters or strings which must appear as shown (except forcase)() enclose groups of elements to

Pagina 172 - Click OK to print the chart

F-1Appendix FData File FormatIntroduction F-1.The ASCII (CSV) data file is maintained in comma-separated ASCII format. TheASCII format is compatible w

Pagina 173 - Maintenance

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualF-2Data files from an asynchronous instrument contain channel readings fromone instrument only. Data files from a group

Pagina 174

G-1Appendix GDynamic Data Exchange (DDE)Introduction G-1.Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) provides NetDAQ Logger data to other Windowsapplications in real

Pagina 175 - Introduction 6-1

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualG-2DDE reference includes the Service Name, Topics, and Items: (cont)Service Name Topics ItemsNETDAQ for 16-bitNETDAQ32

Pagina 176 - Fuse Replacement 6-4

Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)DDE Example Using ExcelGG-33. Select cell A1 on the spreadsheet, move the cursor to the Formula Bar andenter the remote re

Pagina 177 - Time Delay)

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualG-45. Continue by entering the following:Cell FormulaA4 =NETDAQ32|bcn25!DIOA5 =NETDAQ32|bcn25!TotalizerA6 =NETDAQ32|bcn

Pagina 178 - Performance Test 6-5

Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)DDE Example Using ExcelGG-5A note about the Alarm 1 and Alarm 2 values reported in Excel:The alarm value is the decimal equ

Pagina 179 - Performance Test

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual1-10Master Alarm 1-13.Master Alarm is an instrument output line that is logic low (nominal +0.8V dc)for as long as any c

Pagina 180

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualG-67. Continue with other Excel functions to show charts and features. (See yourExcel documentation.)For example, selec

Pagina 181

H-1Appendix HEthernet CablingIntroduction H-1.This appendix details the unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cables used for 10BaseTEthernet interconnection.

Pagina 182

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualH-28-Pin RJ-45 Pinout ConnectionsReceptacleFunction Pin #KeyPin #TX+ 1 1TX– 2 2RX+ 3 34455RX– 6 677888-Pin RJ-45 Pinout

Pagina 183

I-1Appendix INetwork ConsiderationsIntroduction I-1.This is a tutorial on commonly used Network communication technology and howto get started using t

Pagina 184

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualI-2low system data throughput because of the processing rate of host computers anddisk systems, and instruments that are

Pagina 185 - Volts AC Accuracy Test 6-11

Network ConsiderationsNetwork PrimerII-32. Does the network contain more than one subnet? If so, what’s the IP address ofmy default gateway or router

Pagina 186 - Frequency Accuracy Test 6-12

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualI-4the computers and other devices attached to the network wiring. The Ethernetstandard consists of a set of low-level a

Pagina 187

Network ConsiderationsNetwork PrimerII-5• A Repeater is a device used to physically isolate and extend the length of anetwork segment, but it does no

Pagina 188

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualI-6strips off the Frame information around the packet. So, unless you’re doing low-level analysis of network traffic, yo

Pagina 189

Network ConsiderationsNetwork PrimerII-7The IP address provides two pieces of information: the network ID and the hostID. The network ID must be uniqu

Pagina 190

OverviewNetDAQ Logger Features and Capabilities11-11You can combine Alarm Trigger with External Trigger and Interval Trigger. Forexample, set the Inte

Pagina 191 - 5. Close Spy Window

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualI-8ID portion to be the higher order 24 bits of the IP address (a class C address).Using the Subnet Mask, the TCP/IP sof

Pagina 192

Network ConsiderationsNetwork PrimerII-9software sends out a broadcast frame that every TCP/IP host and router receives.This frame contains a request

Pagina 193

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualI-10Packet drivers support only one protocol at a time. As a result, only one packageof protocol software can use a pack

Pagina 194 - Step 2)

Network ConsiderationsNetwork PrimerII-11While a protocol section might look like the following:[NETMANAGE]DRIVERNAME=NETMNG$BINDINGS=EtherLinkIIThese

Pagina 195

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualI-12Currently, the WINSOCK DLL that operates with LAN Workplace must bedownloaded from the Novell forum on CompuServe or

Pagina 196

Network ConsiderationsNotes to Network AdministratorsII-13matching network ID. This process is generally referred to as routing the packet,and devices

Pagina 197

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualI-14ARP protocol or have static routing tables, you don’t have to use these parameters.In the Proxy ARP protocol, the ro

Pagina 198 - Digital I/O Output Test 6-25

Network ConsiderationsRunning Two Network Cards in a PCII-15If your network contains routers, bridges, gateways, or other devices that dividethe netwo

Pagina 199 - Digital Input Test 6-26

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualI-16Network drivers typically use PC soft interrupts to communicate with the protocolsoftware. If you’re using two netwo

Pagina 200 - Totalizer Count Test 6-28

Network ConsiderationsTroubleshooting InformationII-17NetDAQ instrument and the PC default gateway addresses to make sure theyare set correctly.Check

Pagina 201

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual1-12operations refer to the instrument by BCN. NetDAQ Logger supports up to 20instruments for operation. You cannot oper

Pagina 202 - Trigger Output Test 6-32

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualI-18Move your instrument to a less loaded subnet of your network or isolate theNetDAQ instruments on their own network.I

Pagina 203 - Calibration 6-33

Network ConsiderationsHandling Token Ring NetworksII-197. Failure to communicate when using the Parallel to LAN Adapter (PLA)In some computers the sp

Pagina 204

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualI-20If you install Newt networking software on a token ring network on Windows 3.1,the Newt installation procedure must

Pagina 205 - Calibration

Network ConsiderationsNewt Networking SoftwareII-21Ethernet Components and Wiring The NetDAQ instruments and host computershould be connected to the

Pagina 206 - Service 6-38

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualI-22Link Driver EXP16ODIPort 300Frame Ethernet_802.3Frame Ethernet_IIProtocol IPX 0 Ethernet_802.3Newt TCP/IP vs. Micros

Pagina 207

Network ConsiderationsNewt Networking SoftwareII-23After configuring Vines for NDIS driver support, install Newt. Select "None"when asked fo

Pagina 208 - Replacement Parts 6-39

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualI-24• autoexec.bat Netmanage directory added to the path.• system.ini netmanage.dos added to the transport= line und

Pagina 209 - Appendices

Network ConsiderationsNewt Networking SoftwareII-25d. Accept the default directory c:\netmanag. Click Continue.e. Acknowledge the Setup is Complete!

Pagina 210

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualI-26 7. Select Setup | Host Name. Enter the host name assigned by your networkadministrator for this host computer. Cli

Pagina 211 - Introduction A-1

Network ConsiderationsNewt Networking SoftwareII-27 11. Select File | Save. If the NDIS driver must be loaded, and it cannot be foundon one of the dir

Pagina 212

OverviewHost Computer Requirements11-13Designate one instrument in the group as the Master and the others as Slaves. TheMaster controls scanning opera

Pagina 213

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualI-28 Write down the Physical (Ethernet) Address from the Custom window inside theback cover of this manual. Select File

Pagina 214 - Digital I/O A-6

Network ConsiderationsNewt Networking SoftwareII-29Table I-1. Newt Quick CheckNewt Error MessagesDescription of Problems and Problem ResolutionPlug-in

Pagina 215 - Trigger In A-7

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualI-30Table I-2. Additions to Host Computer Files made by Newt InstallationNewt Installation Host Computer Files Addition

Pagina 216 - Master Alarm A-9

Network ConsiderationsGlossaryII-31Glossary I-24.10Base2 Network wiring scheme using 50 ohm coaxial cable (10 MHz,Baseband, 200 meter max. length).10

Pagina 217 - 2640A Specifications A-12

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualI-32DNS Domain Name Service. A database and associated software packages thatprovides the means of establishing and acc

Pagina 218

Network ConsiderationsGlossaryII-33IP A unit of information passed across an Internet. The IP portion of the TCP/IPprotocol is responsible for transm

Pagina 219 - Specifications

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualI-34Packet Driver A network device driver specification defined by 3COM. Packetdrivers support operation of only a sing

Pagina 220

Network ConsiderationsGlossaryII-35change to TCP/IP is contemplated, an RFC is issued over the Internet andeveryone is invited to comment on the chang

Pagina 221

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualI-36UDP User Datagram Protocol. A portion of the TCP/IP protocol. It supportsunreliable, connectionless, datagram servi

Pagina 222

J-1Appendix JError Messages & ExceptionConditionsIntroduction J-1.This appendix describes error messages and how NetDAQ Logger handlesexception co

Pagina 223

LIMITED WARRANTY & LIMITATION OF LIABILITYEach Fluke product is warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship undernormal use and

Pagina 224

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual1-14Host Computer Requirements 1-26.The host computer used for instrument operations must meet the followingminimum requ

Pagina 225

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualJ-2invalid values into the fields of a dialog box. If a critical instrument error occurs(RAM constants failure or A/D no

Pagina 226

Error Messages & Exception ConditionsError and Status MessagesJJ-3[File Name] is not a valid ASCII file!You are trying to use an incompatible ASCI

Pagina 227 - 2645A Specifications A-21

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualJ-4A/D Reference Balance Values Invalid! Continue?Your instrument has detected a fault during internal performance moni

Pagina 228

Error Messages & Exception ConditionsError and Status MessagesJJ-5All Slave instruments will become Async. Continue?You are setting a Master inst

Pagina 229

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualJ-6Associated configuration will change to reflect new instrument model.Continue?You are modifying an instrument model n

Pagina 230

Error Messages & Exception ConditionsError and Status MessagesJJ-7Boot ROM Failure! Continue?Your instrument has detected a fault during internal

Pagina 231

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualJ-8A Data Set is opened for each instrument in a group instrument and each data setis created by appending 1 of 25 lette

Pagina 232

Error Messages & Exception ConditionsError and Status MessagesJJ-9Cannot write to Trend Link Data Set! Check amount of free diskspace available.Y

Pagina 233

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualJ-10changes in the Auto Rollover dialog box and then cancels the Data FileConfiguration dialog box, the message will app

Pagina 234

Error Messages & Exception ConditionsError and Status MessagesJJ-11Computed channel [Channel #]: Instrument equation buffer size limitswill be exc

Pagina 235

OverviewOptions and Accessories11-15Instrument Connector Set 1-28.The 2620A-100 is a complete set of input connectors: one Universal InputModule, one

Pagina 236

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualJ-12Connection Successful, but instrument has older software that willnot support computed channel equations or custom R

Pagina 237 - Noise and Shielding B-3

Error Messages & Exception ConditionsError and Status MessagesJJ-13Current Master instrument will become Async. Continue?You are changing an Asyn

Pagina 238 - Crosstalk Considerations B-4

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualJ-14Error registering window class!Windows was unable to open NetDAQ Logger due to a conflict with otherversions of Wind

Pagina 239 - Crosstalk Considerations

Error Messages & Exception ConditionsError and Status MessagesJJ-15Existing data file is not compatible for appending!You tried to log data to a d

Pagina 240

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualJ-16Instrument [BCN] already has this filename!Your have configured more than one instrument with the same data file nam

Pagina 241 - Introduction C-1

Error Messages & Exception ConditionsError and Status MessagesJJ-17Instrument model does not match! Reconfigure Communications!The instrument mod

Pagina 242

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualJ-18Instrument Scan Queue Overflow! Oldest scans overwritten!NetDAQ Logger is unable to retrieve scans from the instrum

Pagina 243 - True-RMS Measurements

Error Messages & Exception ConditionsError and Status MessagesJJ-19Invalid Channel Number!Your equation contains a channel number that is not expr

Pagina 244

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualJ-20Invalid Minimum Value for Scaled Range!You have entered an invalid Minimum Value for the Mx+B Input Rangecalculation

Pagina 245 - Fixed-385 RTD D-2

Error Messages & Exception ConditionsError and Status MessagesJJ-21Low on memory!The current Windows memory level cannot support your operations.C

Pagina 246 - Custom-385 RTD D-3

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual1-16

Pagina 247 - RTD Linearization

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualJ-22Missing right parenthesis!One of the sets of parentheses in your equation is not complete, leaving a leftparenthesis

Pagina 248

Error Messages & Exception ConditionsError and Status MessagesJJ-23No instruments are available for association!You tried to create an instrument

Pagina 249

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualJ-24Out of Memory! Close another application and try again!You have run out of Windows memory.Close other applications

Pagina 250

Error Messages & Exception ConditionsError and Status MessagesJJ-25Primary Interval must range from 0 to 24 hours (86400 seconds)!You tried to ent

Pagina 251 - Introduction E-1

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualJ-26occurs, you must reconfigure communications to add the network parameters(select the Communications Config command f

Pagina 252

Error Messages & Exception ConditionsError and Status MessagesJJ-27Select at least one trigger type!Your scan parameters do not include a type of

Pagina 253 - File Format F-2

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualJ-28Socket Port Number must range from 1024 to 65535!You tried to enter a Socket Port number less than 1024, greater tha

Pagina 254

Error Messages & Exception ConditionsError and Status MessagesJJ-29Token String is too Large!This equation exceeds the limit of 1000 bytes after i

Pagina 255 - DDE Links Reference G-2

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualJ-30Unable to communicate with instrument!You have not made RS-232 connection with the instrument for calibrationprocedu

Pagina 256 - DDE Example Using Excel G-3

Error Messages & Exception ConditionsError and Status MessagesJJ-31Unable to load Trend Link DLL!NetDAQ Logger is unable to load the Trend Link c:

Pagina 257 - Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)

2-1Chapter 2Preparing for OperationContents Page2-1. Introduction...

Pagina 258

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualJ-32Unable to Open Setup File!You have specified a setup file name or directory that does not exist.Check your files and

Pagina 259

Error Messages & Exception ConditionsError and Status MessagesJJ-33in the Auto Rollover dialog box. You can change the minimum amount of freedisk

Pagina 260

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualJ-34Window creation failed!Windows was unable to open NetDAQ Logger due to insufficient resources suchas insufficient me

Pagina 261 - UTP Cables H-2

K-1Appendix KFluke Service CentersUSACaliforniaFLWFluke Calibration CenterC/o FLW Service Corporation3505 Cadillac Ave., Bldg ECosta Mesa, CA 92626TE

Pagina 262

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualK-2BelgiumN.V. Fluke Belgium S.A.Sales & Service Dept.Langeveldpark - Unit 5 & 7P.Basteleusstraat 2-4-61600 St.

Pagina 263 - Introduction I-1

Fluke Service CentersKK-3EgyptEEMCOElectronic Equipment Mkting Co.9 Hassan Mazher St.P.O. Box 2009St. Heliopolis 11361Cairo, EgyptTEL: 20-2-417-8296F

Pagina 264

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualK-4IsraelR.D.T Equipment & Sys, Ltd.P.O. Box 58072Tel-Aviv 61580TEL: 972-3-645-0745FAX: 972-3-647-8908ItalyFluke Ita

Pagina 265 - Network Primer I-4

Fluke Service CentersKK-5PhilippinesSpark Electronics Corp.P.O. Box 610, GreenhillsMetro Manila 1502TEL: 63-2-700-621FAX: 63-2-721-0491 or 700-709Pola

Pagina 266

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers ManualK-6UruguayCoasin Instromontos S.A.Casilla de Correo 1400Libertad 2529, MontevideoTEL: 598-2-492-436, 659FAX: 598-2-492-6

Pagina 267 - Network Considerations

1Index—1—10Base2 (Coax) wiring, interconnec-tion, 2-4810BaseT (twisted-pair) Ethernet wiring ,interconnection, 2-48—2—2640A 2-Wire resistance measurem

Pagina 268

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual2-22-29. Displaying the Totalizer Status... 2-262-30. Reviewing and Sett

Pagina 269

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual2Accessing NetDAQ Logger commands, 3-3Accessories, options and, 1-14Accuracy performance tests, 6-11Adding an Instrument

Pagina 270

Index (continued)3Copying channels, 3-26Creating instrument icon, 3-8Crosstalk considerations, 2-11, B-2Current setupsaving the, 3-11Curve Preferences

Pagina 271 - Drivers I-10

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual4Front panel indicators, 2-18Full-disk, J-1Fuse replacement, 6-4—G—General network IP address, reviewing andsetting the,

Pagina 272

Index (continued)5—L—Line frequency, reviewing and setting, 2-29Linearization, RTD, D-1Logging status window, 4-7Logging, simulated, 4-5Logging, start

Pagina 273 - TCP/IP Protocol Stack I-11

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual6Playing Back an ASCII (CSV) File in TrendLink, 5-6Positioning and rack mounting, 2-5Powerac, 2-6dc, 2-7Power source, co

Pagina 274

Index (continued)7ac voltage measurement (2645A), A-19combined 2640A/2645A, A-1dc voltage measurement (2640A), A-8dc voltage measurement (2645A), A-17

Pagina 275

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual8Using the Menus, 5-15Trend Link Chart, Getting the Right Lookfor your, 5-12Trend Link for Fluke, Using, 5-3Trend Link,

Pagina 276

Instrument Parameter Record (Isolated Network)Instrument BCN: Note:

Pagina 277

Instrument Parameter Record (General Network)Instrument BCN: IP Address: . . . Subnet Mas

Pagina 278

Instrument Parameter Record (General Network)Instrument BCN: IP Address: . . . Subnet Mas

Pagina 279

Preparing for OperationIntroduction22-3Introduction 2-1.This chapter describes how to prepare the instruments, host computers andnetwork for operation

Pagina 280

Instrument Parameter Record (General Network)Instrument BCN: IP Address: . . . Subnet Mas

Pagina 281

Instrument Parameter Record (General Network)Instrument BCN: IP Address: . . . Subnet Mas

Pagina 282

General Network Parameter RecordSocket Port: (default is 4369) ...

Pagina 283

General Network Parameter RecordSocket Port: (default is 4369) ...

Pagina 284

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual2-4NetDAQNETWORKED DATA ACQUISITION UNITCOMM DIO MONENTERExternal Trigger(Group Instrument)6Universal InputModule Connec

Pagina 285

Preparing for OperationInstrument Preparation22-5Unpacking and Inspecting the Instrument 2-3.Verify the contents of the shipping package against the c

Pagina 286


Pagina 287

Preparing for OperationInstrument Preparation22-7DC Power 2-7.The instrument operates from any dc voltage between 9 and 16 volts. Powerconsumption is

Pagina 288

PCautionThis is an IEC safety Class 1 product. Before using, theground wire in the line cord or rear panel binding postmust be connect to an earth gro

Pagina 289

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual2-85. Close the module cover, secure the screws, and insert the module in theconnector at the rear of the instrument un

Pagina 290


Pagina 291

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual2-101211 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2021 345678910SOURCE(4-WIRE)SENSE(4-WIRE)H L H LH LH LH LH LH LH LH LH LH L H LH LH LH LH

Pagina 292

Preparing for OperationInstrument Preparation22-11Shielded Wiring 2-10.Use shielded wires and sensors (such as thermocouples) in environments whereele

Pagina 293 - Glossary I-24

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual2-122. Loosen the wire clamp screw for the associated terminal.3. Feed the wire into the gap between the connector bod

Pagina 294

Preparing for OperationInstrument Preparation22-13Complete the following procedure to make a connection to theALARM/TRIGGER I/O connector:1. Remove t

Pagina 295

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual2-14+9-16V DC PWRMATO TIALARM/TRIGGER I/OTR3210–++–MATOTIDC Positive InputDC Negative InputMaster Alarm OutputTrigg

Pagina 296

Preparing for OperationInstrument Preparation22-15External Trigger Wiring for a Group Instrument 2-19.External Trigger Wiring for a group instrument r

Pagina 297

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual2-16Master InstrumentSlave InstrumentSlave InstrumentExternal trigger if used+WARNING: TO AVOID ELECTRICAL SHOCK, DISCON

Pagina 298

Preparing for OperationInstrument Preparation22-17Front Panel Controls 2-21.Use the front panel controls (Figure 2-8) to enter configuration parameter

Pagina 299 - Error Conditions J-5

SAFETY TERMS IN THIS MANUALThis instrument has been designed and tested in accordance with IEC publication1010-1, Safety Requirements for Electrical M

Pagina 300

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual2-18Front Panel Indicators 2-22.The front panel indicators (Figure 2-9) consist of two five-digit displays and a setof a

Pagina 301 - Error and Status Messages

Preparing for OperationInstrument Preparation22-19Table 2-2. Annunciator Display Descriptions (cont)Annunciator Description°C Displays when you monito

Pagina 302

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual2-20Rear Panel Controls 2-23.The rear panel has a single control: the power switch (Figure 2-10). The powerswitch contro

Pagina 303

Preparing for OperationInstrument Preparation22-21Front Panel Operating Procedures 2-25.Power-On Options 2-26.There are three power-on options as list

Pagina 304

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual2-22Displaying a Monitor Channel 2-27.Perform the procedure in Figure 2-12 to monitor an instrument analog channel (01to

Pagina 305

Preparing for OperationInstrument Preparation22-23MONmVCH DCMonitor display for 13.758 mV DC, GCN (Global Channel Number) 511MONCHVACMonitor display f

Pagina 306

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual2-24Displaying the Digital I/O Status 2-28.Perform the procedure in Figure 2-14 to display an instrument Digital I/O lin

Pagina 307

Preparing for OperationInstrument Preparation22-25Digital I/O status display for DIO line 7 (for the example 1111-0000) Digital I/O status display fo

Pagina 308

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual2-26Displaying the Totalizer Status 2-29.Perform the procedure in Figure 2-16 to display the instrument Totalizer status

Pagina 309

Preparing for OperationInstrument Preparation22-27Reviewing and Setting the Base Channel Number 2-30.Perform the procedure in Figure 2-17 to review or

Pagina 310

DC POWER SOURCEThe instrument may also be operated from a 9V to 16V dc power source wheneither the rear panel ground binding post or the power cord gr

Pagina 311

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual2-28REVIEWCommunications display for reviewing the Base Channel Number (BCN)SETCommunications display for setting the BC

Pagina 312

Preparing for OperationInstrument Preparation22-29Reviewing and Setting the Line Frequency 2-31.Perform the procedure in Figure 2-19 to review or set

Pagina 313

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual2-30REVIEWCommunications display for reviewing the line frequencySETCommunications display for setting the line frequenc

Pagina 314

Preparing for OperationInstrument Preparation22-31Reviewing and Setting the Network Type 2-32.Perform the procedure in Figure 2-21 to review or set th

Pagina 315 - Instrument not found!

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual2-32REVIEWCommunications display for reviewing the network typeSETCommunications display for setting the network typeSET

Pagina 316

Preparing for OperationInstrument Preparation22-33If you install NetDAQ Logger for general network operation, you must set thenetwork type of each ins

Pagina 317

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual2-34REVIEWCommunications display for reviewing the network typeSETCommunications display for setting the network typeSET

Pagina 318

Preparing for OperationInstrument Preparation22-35SETIP address display for setting an IP:0 digit (for example, 129:196:152:101) SETIP address displa

Pagina 319

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual2-36Reviewing and Setting the General Network Socket Port 2-33.Perform the procedure in Figure 2-25 to review or set the

Pagina 320

Preparing for OperationInstrument Preparation22-37Reviewing and Setting the General Network IP Address 2-34.Perform the procedure in Figure 2-26 to re

Pagina 321 - Not responding to command!

iTable of ContentsChapter Title Page1 Overview... 1-11-1. Intr

Pagina 322 - Performing Rollover

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual2-38Reviewing and Setting the Subnet Mask and Default Gateway 2-35.If communication between the host computer and the Ne

Pagina 323

Preparing for OperationInstrument Preparation22-39• Subnet Mask The subnet mask is a 32-bit binary number expressed as four3-digit segments, like an

Pagina 324

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual2-40COMMPress the COMM key to review the parameters, or press and hold the COMM key for 3 seconds to set the parameters

Pagina 325

Preparing for OperationInstrument Preparation22-41Viewing the Instrument Ethernet Address 2-36.Perform the procedure in Figure 2-28 to view the Instru

Pagina 326

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual2-42REVIEWCommunications display for viewing the instrument Ethernet addressREVIEWEthernet address display for viewing b

Pagina 327

Preparing for OperationHost Computer and Network Preparation22-43Host Computer and Network Preparation 2-37.This section contains information for prep

Pagina 328

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual2-441InstallEthernetAdapter3InstallNetworkingSoftware4InstallLoggingSoftware5InstallTrendingSoftware(Optional)Ethernet C

Pagina 329 - Unable to open RS232 port!

Preparing for OperationHost Computer and Network Preparation22-45Instrument and Host Computer Interconnection 2-39.You may interconnect NetDAQ instrum

Pagina 330 - Unable to stop scanning!

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual2-46Instrument 1HostComputer 2HostComputer 1Instrument 2Instrument 3Instrument 4A typical isolated network configuration

Pagina 331 - Unknown Communication Error!

Preparing for OperationHost Computer and Network Preparation22-47RJ-45 10BaseTOutlets (Typical)RJ-45Interface(Typical)Patch CordHostComputer 110Base2

Pagina 332 - Winsock.dll not found!

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manualii2 Preparing for Operation ... 2-12-1. Introduction...

Pagina 333 - Fluke Service Centers

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual2-48Interconnection Using 10Base2 (Coaxial) Wiring 2-41.PCautionConnect the ground lug on the 50-Ohm terminator to thein

Pagina 334

Preparing for OperationHost Computer and Network Preparation22-49RJ-4510BaseTOutlets(Typical)Instrument 1HostComputer 2HostComputer 1Instrument 2Instr

Pagina 335

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual2-50Installing Host Computer Networking Software 2-43.To establish Ethernet communication in your host computer, you mus

Pagina 336

Preparing for OperationHost Computer and Network Preparation22-51Setting Host Computer Networking Parameters 2-44.This section discusses how to set yo

Pagina 337

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual2-52Installing NetDAQ Logger 2-45.The NetDAQ Logger setup program automatically determines whether to installthe 32-bit

Pagina 338

Preparing for OperationHost Computer and Network Preparation22-536. Check the setup. If the setup is correct, click Next to begin file transfer.If yo

Pagina 339

2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual2-546. Tell the setup program whether to modify your autoexec.bat file for the packetdriver. Click Next.7. Select the

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Preparing for OperationTesting and Troubleshooting22-55“Installing Host Computer Networking Software” and “Setting HostComputer Networking Parameters”

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2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual2-56• Setting line frequency and network parameters on the instrument if thedefaults are not applicable• Installing an

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Preparing for OperationTesting and Troubleshooting22-572. Select Setup | Communications Config.3. Click Add to open the Instruments on Network dialo

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Contents (continued)iii2-44. Setting Host Computer Networking Parameters... 2-512-45. Installing NetDAQ Logger...

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2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual2-58Troubleshooting Network Problems 2-51.Review the troubleshooting information below to help locate any networkproblem

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Preparing for OperationTesting and Troubleshooting22-59Table 2-4. Network Error Messages (cont)Reported Message Comment Check2. Try Verify Communicati

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2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual2-60Table 2-5. Ethernet IndicatorsIndicator DescriptionInstrument (10Base2 Ethernet)XMT (red) Transmit Blinks when the

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Preparing for OperationTesting and Troubleshooting22-61Table 2-6. TroubleshootingProblem DiscussionThe Ethernet Parallel-to-LANAdapter is not respondi

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2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual2-62

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3-1Chapter 3Configuring NetDAQ Logger forWindowsContents Page3-1. Introduction...

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2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual3-23-27. Defining a Computed Channel Equation ... 3-203-28. Equation Syntax...

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Configuring NetDAQ Logger for WindowsIntroduction33-3Introduction 3-1.NetDAQ Logger provides an easy method for building configuration databases,trans

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2640A/2645A NetDAQUsers Manual3-4ds002s.bmpFigure 3-1. NetDAQ Logger Main WindowConfiguring Network Communications 3-5.Before you can configure the in

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Configuring NetDAQ Logger for WindowsConfiguring Network Communications33-5The Communications Configuration Dialog Box 3-6.Use the Communications Conf

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