®Models 110, 111 & 112True RMS MultimetersUsers ManualNovember 2000 (English), Rev 1 7/01© 2000-2001 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Print
Models 110, 111 & 112Users Manual6Making Basic MeasurementsThe figures on the following pages show how to make basicmeasurements.When connecting t
True RMS MultimetersMaking Basic Measurements7Measuring Resistanceaej04f.epsMeasuring Capacitanceaej05f.epsTesting for Continuityaej06f.epsNoteThe con
Models 110, 111 & 112Users Manual8Testing DiodesForward BiasSingle BeepReverse BiasGood Diode Good DiodeShortedandBad DiodeOpenBad Diodeaej07f.eps
True RMS MultimetersUsing the Bar Graph9Measuring FrequencyWarningTo avoid electrical shock, disregard the bar graph forfrequencies > 500 Hz. If th
Models 110, 111 & 112Users Manual10Testing the Fuse (Models 111 and 112)WarningTo avoid electrical shock or injury, remove the testleads and any i
True RMS MultimetersSpecifications11SpecificationsAccuracy is specified for 1 year after calibration, at operating temperatures of 18 °C to 28 °C, wit
Models 110, 111 & 112Users Manual12Accuracy ± ( [ % of Reading ] + [ Counts ] )Function Range Resolution Model 110 Model 111 Model 112AC Volts1,2
True RMS MultimetersSpecifications13Accuracy ± ( [ % of Reading ] + [ Counts ] )Function Range Resolution Model 110 Model 111 Model 112DC Amps(Models
Models 110, 111 & 112Users Manual14\
Limited Warranty and Limitation of LiabilityEach Fluke product is warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and s
iTable of ContentsTitle PageRead Before Using the Meter: Warnings and Precautions ... iiContacting Fl
Models 110, 111 & 112Users ManualiiRead Before Using the Meter: Warnings and PrecautionsTo avoid possible electric shock or personal injury, follo
1Models 110, 111 & 112True RMS MultimetersThe Fluke Model 110, Model 111, and Model 112 are battery-powered, true-RMS multimeters (hereafter "
Models 110, 111 & 112Users Manual2Battery Saver ("Sleep Mode")The Meter automatically enters "Sleep mode" and blanks thedispla
True RMS MultimetersDisplay3Display8776453211314159101112aej02f.epsNo. Symbol Meaning1 sMeter is set to continuity function.2 Diode test.3 ONegative r
Models 110, 111 & 112Users Manual4MIN MAX AVG Recording ModeThe MIN MAX AVG recording mode captures the minimum andmaximum input values, and calcu
True RMS MultimetersManual Ranging and Auto Ranging5Manual Ranging and Auto RangingThe Meter has both Manual Range and Auto Range modes.⇒ In the Auto
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