4822 872 00743January 1997, Rev. 4, 7/99© 1997, 1999 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in the Netherlands.All product names are trademar
Unpacking the Test Tool Kit3Figure 1. ScopeMeter Test Tool Kit
Fluke 123Users Manual4Safely Using the Test ToolAttentionCarefully read the following safetyinformation before using the test tool.Safety PrecautionsS
Safely Using the Test Tool5WarningDo the following to avoid electrical shock orfire if a test tool common input isconnected to more than 42V peak (30
Fluke 123Users Manual6If Safety-Precautions are ImpairedUse of the test tool in a manner not specified mayimpair the protection provided by the equip
7Chapter 1Using The Test ToolGoal of this ChapterThis Chapter provides a step-by-step introduction to thetest tool. The introduction does not cover al
Fluke 123Users Manual8Resetting the Test ToolIf you want to restore the test tool settings as delivered fromthe factory, do the following: Turn the t
Using The Test ToolChanging Backlight19Changing BacklightAfter power-up, the screen has a high bright display.To save battery power, the screen has an
Fluke 123Users Manual10Reading the ScreenThe screen is divided into three areas: Reading area,Waveform area, and Menu area. Refer to Figure 1-3during
Using The Test ToolMaking Selections in a Menu111Making Selections in a MenuSubsequently follow steps to ÷ to open a menu and tochoose an item. Pre
Fluke 123Users Manual12Looking at the MeasurementConnectionsLook at the top of the test tool. The test tool provides two4-mm safety shielded banana ja
LIMITED WARRANTY & LIMITATION OF LIABILITYEach Fluke product is warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and
Using The Test ToolDisplaying an Unknown Signal with Connect-and View™113Displaying an Unknown Signal withConnect-and View™The Connect-and-View™ funct
Fluke 123Users Manual14Making MeasurementsThe reading area displays the numeric readings of thechosen measurements on the waveform that is applied tot
Using The Test ToolMaking Measurements115To choose also a Peak-to-Peak measurement for Input B,do the following:Open the INPUT B menu.ôHighlight ON.í
Fluke 123Users Manual16Freezing the ScreenYou can freeze the screen (all readings and waveforms)at any time. Freeze the screen. HOLDappears at the bo
Using The Test ToolMaking Relative Measurements117Making Relative MeasurementsZero Reference displays the present measurement resultwith respect to th
Fluke 123Users Manual18Selecting Auto/Manual RangesPress to automatically adjust the position, range,time base, and triggering. This assures a stabl
Using The Test ToolChanging the Graphic Representation on the Screen119Positioning the Waveform on the ScreenConsiderable flexibility is offered in mo
Fluke 123Users Manual20Smoothing the WaveformTo smooth the waveform, do the following: Open the SCOPE INPUTS menu.ô Open the SCOPE OPTIONSsubmenu.í J
Using The Test ToolChanging the Graphic Representation on the Screen121Displaying the Envelope of a WaveformThe test tool records the envelope (minimu
Fluke 123Users Manual22TrendPlotting a WaveformThe TrendPlot™ function plots the digital readings as afunction of time. Date and time stamp shows the
SERVICE CENTERSTo locate an authorized service center, visit us on the World Wide Web:http://www.fluke.comor call Fluke using any of the phone numbers
Using The Test ToolAcquiring the Waveform123Changing the TrendPlot ReadingTo toggle the TrendPlot reading between MIN (minimum),MAX (maximum), and AVE
Fluke 123Users Manual24û Wait appears on bottom of thescreen to indicate that the testtool is waiting for a trigger.ø Run appears on bottom of thescre
Using The Test ToolAcquiring the Waveform125Recording Slow Signals over a Long Period ofTimeThe roll mode function supplies a visual log of waveformac
Fluke 123Users Manual26Selecting AC-CouplingUse AC-coupling when you wish to observe a small ACsignal that rides on a DC signal. Open the SCOPE INPU
Using The Test ToolTriggering on a Waveform127Triggering on a WaveformTriggering tells the test tool when to begin displaying thewaveform. You can sel
Fluke 123Users Manual28Selecting the Trigger ParametersTo trigger on the input A waveform, with automatic screenupdate, and to configure the auto rang
Using The Test ToolTriggering on a Waveform129Isolated TriggeringUse the optically isolated trigger probe (ITP120, optional)to trigger on an external
Fluke 123Users Manual30üHighlight POSITIVE.êAccept the video triggerselections .Trigger level and slope are now fixed. (See Figure 1-18.)Positive vide
Using The Test ToolTriggering on a Waveform131Triggering on a Specific Video LineTo view a specific video line in more detail you can selectthe line n
Fluke 123Users Manual32Saving and Recalling a Setup or aScreenYou can save Screens and Setups to memory, and recallthem again from memory. Two Screen
iTable of ContentsChapter Title PageDeclaration of Conformity...
Using The Test ToolSaving and Recalling a Setup or a Screen133í Open the RECALL SCREENsubmenu.Already filled memory locationsare indicated with a clos
Fluke 123Users Manual34Using a PrinterTo print a (graphic) hard copy of the present screen, youneed to use one of the following:l The Optically Isola
Using The Test ToolUsing a Printer135This example covers how to set up the test tool to print ona HP Deskjet printer with a baudrate of 9600 baud: Op
Fluke 123Users Manual36Using FlukeView® SoftwareTo connect the test tool to a computer for using theFlukeView software for Windows® (SW90W), do thefol
37Chapter 2Maintaining the Test ToolAbout this ChapterThis chapter covers basic maintenance procedures thatcan be performed by the user. For complete
Fluke 123Users Manual38Charging the Ni-Cd Battery PackAt delivery, the Ni-Cd batteries may be empty and must becharged for 4 hours (test tool is off)
Maintaining the Test ToolKeeping Batteries in Optimal Condition239Keeping Batteries in Optimal ConditionAlways operate the test tool on batteries unti
Fluke 123Users Manual40Replacing and Disposing of the Ni-CdBattery Pack WarningTo avoid electrical shock, remove the testleads and probes before repla
Maintaining the Test ToolUsing and Adjusting 10:1 Scope Probes2417. Install a new battery pack.NoteEnsure that the battery pack is placed in thebatte
Fluke 123Users Manual42 Open the SCOPE INPUTS menu.ô Open the PROBES submenu.í Highlight PROBE AC ADJUST.÷ Open the PROBE AC ADJUSTsubmenu.û Highligh
Fluke 123Users ManualiiDisplaying an Unknown Signal with Connect-and-View™ ... 13Making Measurements...
Maintaining the Test ToolCalibrating the Test Tool243Calibrating the Test ToolYou can ask for the model identity (version and calibrationdata) at any
Fluke 123Users Manual44Standard Accessories (cont)Item Ordering CodeNi-Cd Battery Pack (installed) BP120Power Adapter/Battery Charger, available model
Maintaining the Test ToolParts and Accessories245Standard Accessories (cont)Item Ordering CodeUsers Manual (English)Users Manual (German)Users Manual
Fluke 123Users Manual46Optional AccessoriesItem Ordering CodeSoftware & Cable Carrying Case KitSet contains the following parts:Optically Isolated
47Chapter 3Tips and TroubleshootingGoal of this ChapterThis Chapter gives you information and tips on how youcan make the best use of the test tool.Us
Fluke 123Users Manual48Resetting the Test ToolPerform a Master Reset to make sure that your test tool isin the initial settings condition. Turn the t
Tips and TroubleshootingChanging the Display349Changing the DisplayAdjusting the Screen ContrastFrom the main menu, chooseCONTRAST.ô Adjust the contr
Fluke 123Users Manual50Changing Date and TimeThe test tool has a date and time clock. To change thedate to (e.g.) 19 April, 1996, do the following: O
Tips and TroubleshootingSaving Battery Life351Saving Battery LifeWhen operated on the battery pack (no Power Adapterconnected), the test tool conserve
Fluke 123Users Manual52Changing the Auto Set OptionsNormally, the Auto Set function captures waveforms from15 Hz.To configure Auto Set for waveforms f
Contents (continued)iiiTriggering on a Specific Video Line ... 31Saving and Rec
Tips and TroubleshootingUsing Proper Grounding353Using Proper GroundingIncorrect grounding can cause various problems. ThisSection gives you guideline
Fluke 123Users Manual54Solving Printing and OtherCommunication ErrorsRS-232 communication may cause problems. Whenexperiencing communication problems,
55Chapter 4SpecificationsIntroductionPerformance CharacteristicsFLUKE guarantees the properties expressed in numericalvalues with the stated tolerance
Fluke 123Users Manual56Dual Input OscilloscopeVerticalFrequency ResponseDC Coupled:excluding probes and test leads:...
SpecificationsDual Input Oscilloscope457HorizontalScope Modes ... Normal, Single, RollRangesNormal:equivalent sampling
Fluke 123Users Manual58Advanced Scope FunctionsDisplay ModesNormal... Captures up to 40 ns glitches and displaysanalog-like persistence waveform.S
SpecificationsDual Input Meter459Dual Input MeterThe accuracy of all measurements is within ± (% ofreading + number of counts) from 18 °C to 28 °C.Add
Fluke 123Users Manual60Accuracy:@1 Hz to 1 MHz ...±(0.5% +2 counts)@1 MHz to 10 MHz ...±(1.0% +2 counts)@
SpecificationsDual Input Meter461Measurement Current...0.5 mA to 50 nAdecreases with increasing rangesOpen Circuit Voltage ...
Fluke 123Users Manual62MiscellaneousDisplaySize ...72 x 72 mm (2.83 x 2.83 in)Resolution ...
Fluke 123Users ManualivSetting the Grid Display... 49Changin
SpecificationsEnvironmental463EnvironmentalEnvironmental ...MIL 28800E, Type 3, Class III, Style BTemperatureOperating...
Fluke 123Users Manual64SafetyDesigned for measurements on 600 Vrms Category IIIInstallations, Pollution Degree 2, per:• ANSI/ISA S82.01-1994• EN610
SpecificationsSafety465The Fluke 123, including standard accessories, conforms with the EEC directive 89/336 for EMC immunity, as defined byIEC1000-4-
Fluke 123Users Manual66Multimeter disturbance:• VDC, VAC, and VAC+DC with STL120 and short ground lead.• OHM, CONT, DIODE, and CAP with STL120, and
67Index—A—AC120 Alligator Clips, 44Accessories, 43AC-Coupling, 26Acquiring the Waveform, 23Acquisition Modes, 57Adjusting Scope Probes, 41Advanced Met
Fluke 123Users Manual68Charge Time, 62Charger, 44Charging, 38Cleaning, 37Common, 5, 12Communication Errors, 54Computer, 36Connect-and-View function, 1
Index (continued)69ITP120, 29, 46—L—Language, 48Level, 27—M—Maintenance, 37Making Measurements, 14Manual, 45Manual Override, 58Max. Floating Voltage,
Fluke 123Users Manual70—S—Safety, 64Safety Characteristics, 55Safety Precautions, 4Safety Requirements, 1Sampling Rate, 57Saving, 32Saving Screens, 32
Declaration of Conformity1Declaration of ConformityforFluke 123ScopeMeter® test toolManufacturerFluke Industrial B.V.Lelyweg 17602 EA AlmeloThe Nether
Fluke 123Users Manual2Unpacking the Test Tool KitThe following items are included in your test tool kit. (seeFigure 1.):NoteWhen new, the rechargeable
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