Fluke 1522 Manual de usuario

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Handheld Thermometer Readout
User’ s Guide
Rev. 5B2202
Hart Scientific
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1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 59 60

Indice de contenidos

Pagina 1 - User’ s Guide

1522Handheld Thermometer ReadoutUser’ s GuideRev. 5B2202Hart Scientific

Pagina 2 - Rev. 5B2202

•Keep the probe wires clean and away from fluids.1.3 Authorized Service CentersPlease contact one of the following authorized Service Centers to coord

Pagina 3 - Table of Contents

Fluke South East Asia Pte Ltd.Fluke ASEAN Regional OfficeService Center60 Alexandra Terrace #03-16The Comtech (Lobby D)118502SINGAPOREPhone: +65 6799-

Pagina 4

2 IntroductionThe Hart 1522 is a low-cost, high-accuracy digital thermometer readout de-signed to be used with PRTs and thermistors. The unique combin

Pagina 5

3 Specifications and EnvironmentalConditions3.1 SpecificationsResistance Range0Ωto 500 kΩResistance Accuracy, PRT, oneyear†0Ωto 25Ω: 0.002Ω25Ωto 400Ω:

Pagina 6 - Figures and Tables

Digital Filter Exponential with adjustable time constant (1 to 60 seconds)Remote Communications RS-232 serial, infraredDisplay LCD, 6-digit x 7-segmen

Pagina 7

This warranty extends only to the original purchaser and shall not apply to anyproduct which, in Hart’s sole opinion, has been subject to misuse, alte

Pagina 8 - 1.2 Safety Information

4 Quick StartThis section briefly explains the basics of setting up and operating your ther-mometer readout.4.1 UnpackingCarefully unpack the 1522 and

Pagina 9 - CAUTIONS

4.4 Connect the ProbeThe PRT or thermistor probe connects to the top of the 1522 using Hart’sunique INFO-CON probe connector. The probe connector is i

Pagina 10 - User’s Guide

want to measure the temperature. DO NOT force the probe or otherwise allowit to be bent, stressed, or overheated. It can be easily damaged if misused.

Pagina 11 - Authorized Service Centers

5 Parts and ControlsThe functions of the various features of the 1522 are described below.5.1 Front ViewThe front of the 1522 features the LCD display

Pagina 12 - 2 Introduction

Rev. 5B2202Fluke Corporation, Hart Scientific Division799 E. Utah Valley Drive • American Fork, UT 84003-9775 • USAPhone: +1.801.763.1600 • Telefax: +

Pagina 13 - Conditions

Display-The display shows the current temperature (or resistance) measure-ment on the large numeric upper portion of the display. It can also show a v

Pagina 14 - 3.3 Warranty

5.2 Top and Side ViewThe top and side of the 1522 feature the probe connector, DC power input, se-rial port, and infrared window.Probe Connector - At

Pagina 15 - Warranty

5.3 Back ViewSee Figure 5 on page 25.Stand - The stand at the back of the 1522 can be flipped down to prop up theinstrument for better viewing.Battery

Pagina 16 - 4 Quick Start

5.5 AccessoriesThe 1522's accessories and their features are described here.AC Adapter - The AC adapter recharges the internal battery pack and m

Pagina 17 - 4.7 Measure Temperature

Ordering InformationModel Type Range SizeCal Uncertainty andRepeatability†Typical Drift†(1 year)5613 Pt-100 Ohm, 4-wire –200 to 300°C 3/16” x 6” (4.76

Pagina 18 - Measure Temperature

computer and written to a file quickly. These items must be purchased sepa-rately.LogWa r e Software -TheLogWa re software are data acquisition softwa

Pagina 19 - 5 Parts and Controls

6 General OperationThis section explains the details of the operation of the 1522 with its compo-nents and accessories.6.1 BatteryThe 1522 has a built

Pagina 20

tery automatically when it’s fully charged. It normally takes about four hours tofully charge the battery. The instrument can be operated while the ba

Pagina 21 - 5.2 Top and Side View

adapter supplied by Hart Scientific. The DC power source plugs into the DCpower input on the right side of the 1522.WARNING: The AC adapter contains h

Pagina 22 - 5.4 Internal Features

second. The display unit associated with the measurement is shown in smallertype to the right of the measurement. The possible display units are degre

Pagina 23 - 5.5 Accessories

Table of Contents1 Before You Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1 Symbols Used . . . . . . .

Pagina 24

Temperature is generally sensed at the tip of the probe. To get an accurate tem-perature measurement the probe sheath should be well immersed, with ad

Pagina 25 - Figure 4 Infrared Dongle

C1 and P1 terminals and the other single wire to the C2 and P2 terminals(which are shorted together).1522 Handheld Thermometer ReadoutUser’s Guide30GN

Pagina 26 - 6 General Operation

7 Display FunctionsThe insturment operates in any of several modes which determine what infor-mation is visible in the lower alphanumeric portion of t

Pagina 27 - 6.2 DC Power Source

Each of these operating modes is described in the sections that follow.7.1 Blank ModeThis mode is identified by “Blank” that temporarily appears on th

Pagina 28 - 6.4 Display and Backlight

In this mode nothing appears on the alphanumeric portion of the display. Usethis mode if you are only interested in the latest measurements and want t

Pagina 29 - 6.5 Probe

The labels can be pre-loaded using the Windows® HyperTerminal or other se-rial communications program and the command LBnn[=nnnnnnnn] as de-scribed in

Pagina 30 - 6.6 INFO-CON Connector

7.4.1 Clear Autolog?This function clears the memory of all autologged data. Once the 1522 haslogged 10,000 readings, further automatic logging is prev

Pagina 31 - Two-wire Connection

Press the ENT button to stop autologging and to advance to the next function.7.4.5 Dump Data?This function allows the user to download the autologged

Pagina 32 - 7 Display Functions

button stores the selection. If the MODE button or CLR button is pressed with-out pressing ENT the unit remains unchanged. Once the unit is selected,

Pagina 33 - 7.1 Blank Mode

When editing any parameter, be sure to press the ENT button through the entireline of alphanumeric characters to ensure that the edits are stored. Pre

Pagina 34 - 7.3 Demand Logging

6.5 Probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286.6 INFO-CON Connector . . . . . . .

Pagina 35 - 7.4 Auto Logging

b4 [ITS-90 only] - Set the b4 or b5 probe coefficientR(0) [CVD only] - Set the R0 probe coefficientAlpha [CVD only] - Set the alpha probe coefficientD

Pagina 36 - 7.4.4 Autologged Data Storage

pressed, the message “Invalid Passcode” is displayed and the instrument is re-turned to the display mode that follows the function that was active whe

Pagina 37 - 7.6 Units

7.9.8 Prb TypeThis function specifies the type of probe and its characterization. It allows theinstrument to use the appropriate algorithm to calculat

Pagina 38 - 7.9 CAL MODE

Coefficients Certificate ValueR(.01) Rtpwa a5, a6, a7, a8, a9,a10, or a11b b5, b6, b7, b8 or b9cc6orc7dda4 a4 or a5b4 b4 or b5Consider the following e

Pagina 39

Coefficients Certificate ValueR(.01) R(273.16K)aa5bb5c0.0d0.0a4 a5b4 b57.9.10 IEC751The IEC751 probe type is for standard PRTs (RTDs) conforming to th

Pagina 40 - 7.9.4 Passcode

7.9.13 THERMThe THERM type is for thermistors that have unique calibration coefficients ordo not match the YSI-400 specification. This type of probe g

Pagina 41 - 7.9.7 Prb #

measurement error due to the resistance of the wires. With four wires the in-strument can completely cancel the error. The internal measurement circui

Pagina 42 - 7.9.9 ITS-90

each date segment and the ENT button to move to the next date segment on theright. Press ENT when the date is correctly entered. Press CLR to move to

Pagina 43

8 Communications InterfaceRemote communications allows an external device, such as a computer, to com-municate with the instrument to obtain measureme

Pagina 44 - 7.9.12 YSI-400

The protocol for serial communications is 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity.Use no flow control. The baud rate is fixed at 2400, the linefeed to

Pagina 45 - 7.9.14 Probe Wires

8.2.1 Primary Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488.2.2 Calibration Commands . .

Pagina 46 - 7.9.18 MCal

Description Command ExampleResponseFormatResponseExample RangeSet autolog mode on/off .Note: Exit Autolog menuto use this command. Afteralog =ON is se

Pagina 47 - 7.9.20 CAL1 and CAL2

Description Command ExampleResponseFormatResponseExample Rangen Numeric data supplied by user9 Numeric data returned to userx Character data returned

Pagina 48 - 8 Communications Interface

Description Command ExampleResponseFormatResponseExample RangeRead probe wires w[ires] wi wi: 9 wi: 4Set probe wires w[ires]=2/3/4 wi=4 2,3,4Read prob

Pagina 49 - 8.2.1 Primary Commands

9 CalibrationThe 1522 should be calibrated at regular intervals to ensure that it continues tomeasure with proper accuracy. Calibration should only be

Pagina 50 - Communication Command List

4. Verify the accuracy at 0Ω,4kΩ,10kΩ,40kΩ, 100 kΩ, and 500 kΩ.5. Set the meter calibration date to the present date (see Section 7.9.18).6. Set the m

Pagina 51 - 8.2.2 Calibration Commands

10 Maintenance•This instrument has been designed with the utmost care. Ease of operationand simplicity of maintenance have been a central theme in the

Pagina 52

11 TroubleshootingIn case you run into difficulty while operating the 1522, this section providessome suggestions that may help you solve the problem.

Pagina 53 - 9 Calibration

Problem SolutionWhile attempting to measure re-sistance the display shows an in-correct value.Poor or incorrect connection of the probe. A common mist

Pagina 54

a) Set up the terminal program to use the correct COM port and operateat 2400 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no flow control.b) If you want

Pagina 55 - 10 Maintenance

sion. For best results, place the IR dongle and the IR window on the 1522 at anangle of 0° and within 0.5 meters.11.4 CE Comments11.4.1 EMC DirectiveH

Pagina 56 - 11 Troubleshooting

ivFigures and TablesTable 1 International Electrical Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Figure 1 Front View . .

Pagina 57

Electric Fast Transit (EFT, Burst, IEC 61000-4-4). If the instrument is sub-jected to EFT conditions at 2kV, the instrument may require the user to cy

Pagina 58 - Transfer

1 Before You Start1.1 Symbols UsedTable 1 lists the International Electrical Symbols. Some or all of these symbolsmay be used on the instrument or in

Pagina 59 - 11.4 CE Comments

Symbol DescriptionCanadian Standards AssociationOVERVOLTAGE (Installation) CATEGORY II, Pollution Degree 2 per IEC1010-1 re-fers to the level of Impul

Pagina 60 - CE Comments

•The AC adapter has circuits with high voltage inside that could presentdanger of electrical shock or fire if exposed. If the AC adapter is damagedin

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