Fluke Series II Manual de usuario

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OneTouch Series II
Network Assistant
Users Manual
September 1999 Rev. 1, 11/00
© 1999, 2000 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in USA
All product names are trademarks of their respective companies.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 126 127

Indice de contenidos

Pagina 1 - OneTouch Series II

TMOneTouch Series IINetwork AssistantUsers ManualSeptember 1999 Rev. 1, 11/00© 1999, 2000 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in USAAll pr

Pagina 2

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manualviii2-19. Security Setup...

Pagina 3 - Table of Contents

ITO – Internetwork Throughput OptionIntroduction77-17MAC ModeTraffic Generator’s MAC mode allows you to transmittraffic on the local segment. You can

Pagina 4

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual7-18NoteThe illegal sized frames of 60 and 1520 byteswill not pass through a router and may not passthrough a switch.7.

Pagina 5

ITO – Internetwork Throughput OptionIntroduction77-19132ace708f.epsFigure 7-10. MAC or IP Mode Sample Results1 Rate is the raw data rate, excluding th

Pagina 6

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual7-20To run Traffic Generator in Ping mode, do the following:1. Connect the Network Assistant to your network.2. Press

Pagina 7 - List of Tables

ITO – Internetwork Throughput OptionIntroduction77-21132ace709s.bmpFigure 7-11. Ping Mode Sample Results1. Rate is the raw data rate, excluding the E

Pagina 8

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual7-22

Pagina 9 - List of Figures

AppendicesAppendix Title PageA Specifications ...

Pagina 11 - Contents

A-1Appendix ASpecificationsGeneral SpecificationsMedia Access10Base-T and 100Base-TX.Cable TestsLength, wiremap, and split pairs.PortsShielded Hub/NIC

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OneTouch Series IIUsers ManualA-2Environmental RequirementsOperating Temperature 10°C to 30°C with up to 95% Relative Humidity10°C to 40°C with up to

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Contents (continued)ix6-6. IP and NetWare Ping ...

Pagina 14 - Optional Equipment

B-1Appendix BBasic MaintenanceService and RepairsTo have the Network Assistant serviced or repaired, callon of the numbers listed below:North America

Pagina 15 - Started Manual

OneTouch Series IIUsers ManualB-2Replacement Parts ListPart Part No.Top Shell Assembly 1281913Bottom Shell Assembly 603050Button, On/Off 603057Digital

Pagina 16 - Autotest and Central Setup

C-1Appendix CWeb Remote ControlIntroductionWeb Remote Control is a OneTouch Series II Pro featurethat enables you to view and interact with the Networ

Pagina 17 - Identifying Routers

OneTouch Series IIUsers ManualC-2ace101s.bmpFigure C-1. Web AgentEnter the password guest then press Enter. Press thedesired buttons on the Web Agent

Pagina 18 - Device Icons

D-1Appendix DGlossary10BASE2Sometimes called ThinLAN or CheaperNet, 10BASE2 isthe implementation of the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet standardon thin coaxial ca

Pagina 19

OneTouch Series IIUsers ManualD-2802.2This IEEE standard specifies Logical Link Control(LLC), which defines services for the transmission ofdata betwe

Pagina 20 - Marginal:

AppendicesGlossaryDD-3BroadcastA message that is addressed to all stations on a network.For Ethernet networks, the MAC broadcast address isFFFFFFFFFFF

Pagina 21

OneTouch Series IIUsers ManualD-4CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense, Multiple Access withCollision Detection)In CSMA/CD, each node or station has equal access tot

Pagina 22

AppendicesGlossaryDD-5Full-Duplex10Base-T and 100Base-TX network operation using aswitching Hub to establish a point-to-point connectionbetween LAN no

Pagina 23 - Station Detail Display

OneTouch Series IIUsers ManualD-6Late CollisionA collision that occurs after the first 64 bytes in a frame.In 10BASE-T networks, late collisions will

Pagina 24 - NetWare Devices List

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manualx

Pagina 25

AppendicesGlossaryDD-7PacketA group of bits in a defined format, containing a datamessage that is sent over a network.ProtocolA set of rules that mach

Pagina 26 - NetWare Print Server List

OneTouch Series IIUsers ManualD-8Short FrameA frame less than the minimum legal size (less than 64bytes) with a good frame check sequence. In general,

Pagina 27

AppendicesGlossaryDD-9TerminatorA resistor connected to the end of a coax cable which isintended to match the characteristic impedance of acable. Sign

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OneTouch Series IIUsers ManualD-10

Pagina 29

1Index—A—AC adapter, universal, 1-2Accessory Kit (UTP)Optional Equipment, 1-3AutotestDevice detection, 2-2TCP/IP Devices, 2-5AutoTestDevice icons, 2-3

Pagina 30

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual2Ping, 6-1Crossed PairCable Information, 4-5—D—Define CableCable Tests, 4-4Device iconsAutoTest, 2-3Hub, 2-5Network Assi

Pagina 31 - Address Entry Keypad

Index (continued)3—O—Optional Equipment, 1-3—P—PingResults, 6-12Power cord, 1-2—R—Rechargeable Battery Pack (NiMH), 1-2Rechargeable Battery Pack (NiMH

Pagina 32 - IP Config

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual4

Pagina 33 - Manually Entering Addresses

1-1Chapter 1IntroductionIntroducing the OneTouch Series IINetwork AssistantThe Fluke OneTouch Series II Network Assistant(hereafter referred to as th

Pagina 34

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual1-2documents. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view thedocuments. It is included on the CD-ROM that came withyour pur

Pagina 35

IntroductionIntroducing the OneTouch Series II Network Assistant11-3 UTP Accessory Kit (P/N N6703) Extra OneTouch Series II Network Assistant Getting

Pagina 36

2-1Chapter 2Autotest and Central SetupIntroductionAutoTest and Central Setup are two critical elements ofusing your Network Assistant. To run AutoTes

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OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual2-2plugging it back in. This is also the same as pressingthe (Rerun) button.Press a displayed device, cable, or hub icon

Pagina 38

Autotest and Central SetupIntroduction22-3The Network Assistant will identify as a router any deviceadvertising one of the following router protocols:

Pagina 39

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual2-4Table 2-1. Device IconsIcon Meaning OperationsNetworkAssistantPress to display the MAC address and software/hardware

Pagina 40 - Network Health

LIMITED WARRANTY & LIMITATION OF LIABILITYFluke Corporation (Fluke) warrants its products to be free fromdefects in material and workmanship under

Pagina 41

Autotest and Central SetupIntroduction22-5Table 2-1. Device Icons (Cont.)Icon Meaning OperationTCP/IPDevicesPress to display IP routers, servers, stat

Pagina 42

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual2-6ace216s.bmpFigure 2-2. Station Filterace202s.bmpFigure 2-3. Station List Informationace205s.bmpFigure 2-4. NetBIOS In

Pagina 43

Autotest and Central SetupIntroduction22-7ace206s.bmpFigure 2-5. Novell ServerInformationace207s.bmpFigure 2-6. Station Detail

Pagina 44

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual2-8Station Detail DisplayPressing on a line in a station or server list brings up aStation Detail display (Figure 2-6).

Pagina 45

Autotest and Central SetupIntroduction22-9ace208s.bmpFigure 2-7. Ping SNMP ResultsFrom the Tool menu press (Find Node) to activatethe Station Locato

Pagina 46

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual2-10(IEEE 802.2 and 802.3, Ethernet II, and SNAP). If morethan one server responds for a given file type, theNetwork Ass

Pagina 47 - Local vs. Remote Stations

Autotest and Central SetupNetWare Print Server List22-11ace211.bmpFigure 2-10. NetWare File Server InformationNetWare Print Server ListFrom the NetWar

Pagina 48

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual2-12ace204s.bmpFigure 2-11. TCP/IP Devices Display

Pagina 49

Autotest and Central SetupNetWare Print Server List22-13Table 2-2. TCP/IP Device IconsIcon Meaning OperationServers TCP/IP Servers OneTouch has discov

Pagina 50 - Cable Tests

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual2-14Table 2-2. Device Icons (Cont.)Icon Meaning OperationRouters Local Routers and routing protocols on each router. The

Pagina 51 - Wiremap Cable

iTable of ContentsChapter Title Page1 Introduction...

Pagina 52

Autotest and Central SetupNetWare Print Server List22-15SortingFigure 2-12 shows a sample TCP/IP device list. Sortingfor devices running TCP/IP functi

Pagina 53 - Basic Cable Concepts

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual2-16ace214s.bmpFigure 2-13. Sort OptionsAddress Entry KeypadThe Address Entry Keypad (Figure 2-14) is a decimalkeypad fo

Pagina 54 - Twisted Pair Cables

Autotest and Central SetupNetWare Print Server List22-17Central SetupThis section covers the elements of the Central Setupscreen (Figure 2-15) that ar

Pagina 55 - Split Pair

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual2-18ace217s.bmpFigure 2-16. IP Address ConfigurationYou can enter the Source IP manually or by using DHCP.The Source IP

Pagina 56 - Cable Length

Autotest and Central SetupNetWare Print Server List22-19ace218s.bmpFigure 2-17. Address Entry KeypadTo move the cursor, use the arrow keys or press th

Pagina 57 - Cable Termination

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual2-20ace220s.bmpFigure 2-18. DHCP DisplayThe Network Assistant determines if an assigned addressis already used by anothe

Pagina 58

Autotest and Central SetupNetWare Print Server List22-21 (Find Router) again cycles through a list of thedetected routers. This lets you see more rout

Pagina 59 - Test Fiber Optic Cable

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual2-22Press SNMP Communities on the Security Setupscreen to access the SNMP Community String List(Figure 2-20). The Netw

Pagina 60 - Measuring Output Power

Autotest and Central SetupNetWare Print Server List22-23ace222s.bmpFigure 2-21. Community String Editor

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OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual2-24

Pagina 62

OneTouch Series IIUsers ManualiiCentral Setup ...

Pagina 63

3-1Chapter 3Network HealthIntroductionNetwork Health displays utilization (Util), errors (Error),collisions (Colsn), broadcasts (Bcast), protocols (IP

Pagina 64

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual3-2For example, pressing Util displays the Top Sendersdisplay (Figure 3-2).To get more detail about a particular station

Pagina 65

Network HealthIntroduction33-3ace304s.bmpFigure 3-3. Station DetailThe Network Health test display has six meter icons, eachof which indicates the cur

Pagina 66 - NIC/Hub Tests

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual3-4Table 3-1. Network Health MetersIcon DescriptionPress to display network utilization.Percent Display – Displays the u

Pagina 67 - NIC Autotest

Network HealthIntroduction33-5Table 3-1. Network Health Test Icons (Cont.)Icon OperationPress to display collision details (% collisions and collisio

Pagina 68 - Viewing Hub Capabilities

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual3-6Table 3-1. Network Health Test Icons (Cont.)Icon OperationDisplays the number of unique source addresses monitored si

Pagina 69 - Flash Hub Port

Network HealthIntroduction33-7Interpreting Error ResultsCollisionsA collision is the result of two or more nodes transmittingat the same time on the s

Pagina 70

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual3-8If the percentage of frames with a bad FCS is greaterthan 1%, then it should be considered a serious problemthat is a

Pagina 71

Network HealthIntroduction33-9environment, a local station is one that is in the samebroadcast domain as the Network Assistant.A remote station is one

Pagina 72 - Connectivity Tests

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual3-10

Pagina 73 - IP & NetWare Ping

Contents (continued)iiiCrossed Pair ... 4-6Split

Pagina 74 - Entering IPX Addresses

4-1Chapter 4Cable TestsIntroductionThe Network Assistant quickly identifies the mostcommon cable and wiring faults on twisted pair cablingsystems and

Pagina 75

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual4-2Cable AutotestPress (Cable Autotest) to measure cable length,detect split pairs, and/or perform a wiremap test. The

Pagina 76

Cable TestsIntroduction44-3The Wiremap Cable test can be run as a standalone testor automatically when you run Cable Autotest or AutoTest.The standalo

Pagina 77 - Key Device Ping

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual4-4If you explicitly run the Wiremap Cable test while the farend of the cable is attached to a Hub, you may seeunexpecte

Pagina 78

Cable TestsIntroduction44-5Twisted Pair CablesTwisted pair cable is currently the most popular cable inLAN systems. The 10BASE-T standard for twisted

Pagina 79 - ConfigMaster

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual4-6Reversed PairA cable pair is reversed when two individual wires of a pairare reversed from end-to-end, as shown in Fi

Pagina 80

Cable TestsIntroduction44-7The symptoms of a split pair range from non-existent to acomplete lack of communication. In some cases a splitpair cable ma

Pagina 81 - Find MAC

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual4-8The Network Assistant is preprogrammed with typical NVPvalues for CAT 3, 4, and 5 UTP cable. In addition, thereare tw

Pagina 82 - Mode of Operation

Cable TestsIntroduction44-9CableTransmitted PulseTransmitted PulseTransmitted PulseReflected PulseReflected Pulse Non Reflected PulseEnd Of FaultOpenS

Pagina 83

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual4-10Test Fiber Optic CableThis section describes how to use the Network Assistantwith a Fluke Fiber Optic Meter (FOM) to

Pagina 84 - Chapter 7

OneTouch Series IIUsers ManualivFind MAC...

Pagina 85 - ITO/xDSL Theory of Operation

Cable TestsTest Fiber Optic Cable44-11Measuring Optical LossAfter setting the reference, do not disturb the sourceconnection as you make connections t

Pagina 86

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual4-12ace403s.bmpFigure 4-7. Fiber Test Results

Pagina 87 - Conducting a Throughput Test

Cable TestsTest Fiber Optic Cable44-13FOS 850/1300FIBEROPTICSOURCE1300850OFFFOMFIBEROPTICMETER15501300850OFF13008501300850Do notdisturb sourceconnecti

Pagina 88

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual4-14FOS 850/1300FIBEROPTICSOURCE1300850OFFFOMFIBEROPTICMETER15501300850OFFDo not disturb sourceconnection.13008501300850

Pagina 89

Cable TestsTest Fiber Optic Cable44-15FOMFIBEROPTICMETER15501300850OFF1550TX1300850ace410f.epsFigure 4-10. Connections for Measuring Output Power

Pagina 90 - OneTouch Series II Getting

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual4-16

Pagina 91 - Throughput Test

5-1Chapter 5NIC/Hub TestsIntroductionThe (NIC/Hub Tests) display provides access to thefollowing tests: NIC Autotest Hub Autotest NIC Detector F

Pagina 92

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual5-2NIC AutotestIn order for the NIC Autotest to complete, the NIC needsto be set up (power on, drivers running, etc.).Pr

Pagina 93

NIC/Hub TestsIntroduction55-3Hub AutotestPress (Hub Autotest) to verify the connectivitybetween the desktop and the Hub.Hub Autotest checks the link

Pagina 94

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual5-4can also see the hub’s transmission speed and its abilityto perform half or full-duplex communication or auto-negotia

Pagina 95

vList of TablesTable Title Page2-1. Device Icons ...

Pagina 96 - Final Test Results

NIC/Hub TestsIntroduction55-5that flash the LED on the hub, indicating the port that theAssistant is connected to.Note that some hub port link lights

Pagina 97

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual5-6

Pagina 98 - ITO/xDSL Traffic Generator

6-1Chapter 6Connectivity TestsIntroductionConnectivity Tests verify the IP or IPX connectivitybetween a specific resource or station and the NetworkAs

Pagina 99

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual6-2IP Trace RouteFrom the Connectivity Tests display, press (IP TraceRoute) to access the Trace Route screen (Figure 6

Pagina 100 - MAC Mode

Connectivity TestsIntroduction66-3Press IP Ping or NetWare Ping as appropriate.Entering IPX AddressesFrom the Connectivity Tests display, press (IP

Pagina 101 - MAC and IP Mode Results

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual6-4Conducting a Ping Station TestAfter you have configured the appropriate IP address, youcan set the frame length from

Pagina 102 - Ping Mode

Connectivity TestsIntroduction66-5Ace620s.bmpFigure 6-6. IP and NetWare Pingace606s.bmpFigure 6-7. IP Ping Resultsace607s.bmpFigure 6-8. NetWare Ping

Pagina 103 - Ping Mode Results

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual6-6If you have trouble making the IP Ping test work, verifythat: The Source IP Address is correct for this subnet. The

Pagina 104 - Introduction

Connectivity TestsIntroduction66-7ace617s.bmpFigure 6-10. IP ConfigurationWhen you press a address box the Edit Key Devicesscreen displays (Figure 6-1

Pagina 105 - Users Manual

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual6-8the changes using the alphanumeric keypad (read“Central Setup” in Chapter 2). The device name youassign is for the pu

Pagina 106 - Appendices

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manualvi

Pagina 107

Connectivity TestsIntroduction66-9NetBIOS – The top two domains or workgroups, basedon the number of stations, are listed along with thetransport prot

Pagina 108 - Specifications

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual6-10Station LocatorStation Locator is a OneTouch Series II Pro feature thatdetermines the switch and switch port where a

Pagina 109 - Environmental Requirements

Connectivity TestsIntroduction66-11Find IPEnter the Target IP by pressing the address box andusing the keypad. Press (Find). If you enter an IPaddres

Pagina 110 - Basic Maintenance

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual6-121003. Typically, if a switch does not have slots butlooks like a hub, the port number will represent theactual port

Pagina 111 - Replacement Parts List

7-1Chapter 7ITO – Internetwork Throughput OptionIntroductionThe Internetwork Throughput Option (ITO) is a FlukeOneTouch Series II Network Assistant s

Pagina 112 - Web Remote Control

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual7-2ITO/xDSL Throughput TestThe following functions are covered in the Throughputsection Theory of Operation Configurin

Pagina 113 - OneTouch News

ITO – Internetwork Throughput OptionIntroduction77-3Remote(ATU-C)UnattendedNetworkAssistantLocal(ATU-R)NetworkAssistantEthernetNetworkEthernetNetworkW

Pagina 114 - Glossary

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual7-4Basic OperationFor the ITO and xDSL Throughput Tests, starting the testcauses the following actions:1. The local uni

Pagina 115

ITO – Internetwork Throughput OptionIntroduction77-5ABDCRouterSwitch or RouterSwitch or RouterHubNetworkAssistantWAN703f.epsFigure 7-2. ITO Local Unit

Pagina 116

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual7-6External Network/Internet ServiceProvidersEnetRouterEnetSwitchCentral Office NetworkxDSLModemInstallationAssistantIns

Pagina 117

viiList of FiguresFigure Title Page1-1. OneTouch-10/100 Series II Network Assistant ...

Pagina 118

ITO – Internetwork Throughput OptionIntroduction77-7The test allows Ethernet to Ethernet testing of any link. Alink can be wireless, routed, transpare

Pagina 119

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual7-84612357ace704f.epsFigure 7-4. Local Unit Configuration Display forThroughput TestNoteFor xDSL, the central office uni

Pagina 120

ITO – Internetwork Throughput OptionIntroduction77-9Internet Service ProviderExternal Corporate NetworkRouterEthernetSwitchesxDSL ATU-CModem BankAlter

Pagina 121

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual7-10TelephonexDSL ModemEthernet PortPOTSSplitterSubscriberLinesInstallation AssistantPersonal ComputerorBusiness Network

Pagina 122

ITO – Internetwork Throughput OptionIntroduction77-111. Remote IPAddressEnter the source IP address of theNetwork Assistant at the remote endby pressi

Pagina 123

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual7-12 Stop atSelect the highest speedfor the range ofdownstream rates to betested.UpstreamSelect the speed of theupstream

Pagina 124

ITO – Internetwork Throughput OptionIntroduction77-13100 MbFrame Size Max Bps 64 32.8Mbps128 65.5Mbps256 75.8Mbps512

Pagina 125

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual7-141. The first four items show the upstream anddownstream test speeds (Speed), the duration of thetest (Duration), th

Pagina 126

ITO – Internetwork Throughput OptionIntroduction77-15ITO/xDSL Traffic GeneratorTraffic Generator lets you generate network traffic to seehow your netw

Pagina 127

OneTouch Series IIUsers Manual7-16123456ce707f.epsFigure 7-9. Traffic Generator Setup Display1. Rate indicates the current Traffic Generator bit rate

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