Fluke Network Device MedTester 5000C Manual de usuario

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medTester 5000C
Automated Biomedical Equipment
Test System
Field Upgrade Installation
PN 2245628
April 2005
2005 Fluke Corporation, All rights reserved. Printed in USA
All product names are trademarks of their respective companies
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Indice de contenidos

Pagina 1 - Instructions

medTester 5000C Automated Biomedical Equipment Test System Field Upgrade Installation Instructions PN 2245628 April 2005  2005 Fluke Corporation,

Pagina 2

MEDTESTER 5000C FIELD UPGRADE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 8 4. Fold the case halves back together. Attach the top case to the bottom case with the nin

Pagina 3 - Upgrade Installation

MEDTESTER 5000C FIELD UPGRADE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 9 6. Run the computer in DOS mode (command prompt). Note If running Windows 95 or 98, with th

Pagina 4 - Module Identification

MEDTESTER 5000C FIELD UPGRADE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 10 7. To install more than one module, repeat steps seven (7) through nine (9) for each modu

Pagina 6 - • Firmware Upgrade

MEDTESTER 5000C FIELD UPGRADE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1 medTester 5000C Field Upgrade Installation Instructions These instructions tell you how to

Pagina 7 - Plain Socket IC Installation

MEDTESTER 5000C FIELD UPGRADE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 2 NOTE: IMPORTANT When upgrading your 5000C firmware, all memory for test records and checkl

Pagina 8 - IC Installation Procedure

MEDTESTER 5000C FIELD UPGRADE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 3 Module and Upgrade Parts Check that you have received the following parts with your module

Pagina 9

MEDTESTER 5000C FIELD UPGRADE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 4 To install modules that include an installation disk • an IBM-compatible personal compute

Pagina 10 - Enabling Modules

MEDTESTER 5000C FIELD UPGRADE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 5 IC Removal and Installation Description There are two types of IC sockets which you may enc

Pagina 11

MEDTESTER 5000C FIELD UPGRADE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 6 IC Installation Procedure This section describes the procedure you can use to install ICs.

Pagina 12

MEDTESTER 5000C FIELD UPGRADE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 7 Install Integrated Circuits 1. For a medTester 5000C Firmware Upgrade, remove IC U20 and U

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