®DSP-100/2000LAN CableMeter®/Cable AnalyzerUsers ManualPN 642964January 1997© 1997 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.All produc
DSP-100/2000Users Manualviii7-6. A TDX Analyzer Plot... 7-107-7. Split P
DSP-100/2000Users Manual4-24Using the Tone Generator (Model DSP-2000)If you have an inductive pickup device, you can use the test tool’s tone generato
5-1Chapter 5Viewing and Printing Saved ReportsChapter 5 provides the following information:• Instructions for sending saved test reports to a serial
DSP-100/2000Users Manual5-2Configuring the Serial PortBefore you send a report to a printer, set the test tool’s serial port settings to matchthe prin
Viewing and Printing Saved ReportsPrinting Test Reports55-3Test Toolgc25f.epsFigure 5-1. Connections for Printing Test Reports1. Remove any cables co
DSP-100/2000Users Manual5-4• Selected Autotest Reports: Displays the SELECTAUTOTEST REPORTS screen where you can select the reports you want toprint
Viewing and Printing Saved ReportsPrinting Test Reports55-54. To delete characters in the name, press $Delete. To add acharacter to the name, use L R
DSP-100/2000Users Manual5-6Viewing, Renaming, and Deleting Test ReportsTo view, rename, or delete test reports, proceed as follows:1. Turn the rotary
6-1Chapter 6Calibrations and Custom TestStandardsChapter 6 provides the following information:• Instructions for calibrating the test tool.• Instruc
DSP-100/2000Users Manual6-2To recalibrate the test tool, refer to Figure 6-1 and proceed as follows:Test ToolSmart Remote15 cmUTP Patch Cablegc26f.eps
Calibrations and Custom Test StandardsNVP Calibration66-3NVP CalibrationThe Determine Cable NVP function allows you to determine the NVP (nominalveloc
1-1Chapter 1IntroductionChapter 1 provides the following information:• Features of the DSP-100 and DSP-2000 test tools.• A list of equipment include
DSP-100/2000Users Manual6-4Configuring a Custom CableThe Configure Custom Cable function allows you to define custom test standardsfor up to four cust
Calibrations and Custom Test StandardsConfiguring a Custom Cable66-5To configure a custom cable, proceed as follows:1. Turn the rotary switch to SETU
DSP-100/2000Users Manual6-6
7-1Chapter 7Basic Cable TestingChapter 7 provides the following information:• A description of LAN cable construction.• Definitions and explanations
DSP-100/2000Users Manual7-2Cables are designed to perform best in specific applications. For example, powercables are designed to minimize power losse
Basic Cable TestingLAN Cable Construction77-3WG GPair 3WO O WBR BRPair 4BL WBLPin 1 Pin 2 Pin 3 Pin 6 Pin 7 Pin 8Pin 4 Pin 5Pair 1Pair 2WO OPair 2WG G
DSP-100/2000Users Manual7-4Coaxial CableCoaxial cable consists of a conductor surrounded first by an insulating material,then by a braided conductive
Basic Cable TestingAttenuation77-5AttenuationAttenuation is a decrease in the strength of a signal over the length of a cable, asshown in Figure 7-4.S
DSP-100/2000Users Manual7-6NoiseElectrical noise is unwanted electrical signals that alter the shape of the signalstransmitted on a LAN cable. Figure
Basic Cable TestingCharacteristic Impedance77-7LAN cables act as antennas that can pick up noise from fluorescent lights, electricmotors, electric hea
DSP-100/2000Users Manual1-2• Produces 2-way Autotest results in approximately 20 seconds.• Includes a stored library of common test standards and ca
DSP-100/2000Users Manual7-8Minimizing Impedance DiscontinuitiesCharacteristic impedance is usually altered slightly by cable connections andterminatio
Basic Cable TestingCrosstalk and Near-End Crosstalk (NEXT)77-9Crosstalk and Near-End Crosstalk (NEXT)Crosstalk is undesirable signal transmission from
DSP-100/2000Users Manual7-10The plot’s horizontal scale represents the distance along the cable under test. Inthe above example, the cursor is placed
Basic Cable TestingCrosstalk and Near-End Crosstalk (NEXT)77-11The scale of the vertical scale increases logarithmically. The scale units arearbitrary
DSP-100/2000Users Manual7-12Split Pairs and NEXTA split pair occurs when one wire from a cable pair is twisted together with a wirefrom a different ca
Basic Cable TestingCrosstalk and Near-End Crosstalk (NEXT)77-13Minimizing CrosstalkCrosstalk problems are minimized by twisting together the two wires
DSP-100/2000Users Manual7-14Nominal Velocity of Propagation (NVP)NVP is the speed of a signal through a cable relative to the speed of light. In avacu
Basic Cable TestingTime Domain Reflectometry (TDR)77-15NVP CalibrationThe NVP values specified for standard cables are included in the cablespecificat
DSP-100/2000Users Manual7-16Reflections from OpensAn open, or break, in the cable represents an abrupt increase in the cable’simpedance. The impedance
Basic Cable TestingTime Domain Reflectometry (TDR)77-17Reflections from ShortsA short represents an abrupt decrease in the impedance between the twoco
IntroductionStandard Accessories11-3Standard AccessoriesThe test tool comes with the following accessories, which are shown in Figure1-1. If the test
DSP-100/2000Users Manual7-18Cable TerminationBecause signal reflections can distort the shape of communication signals, theunused ends of cable segmen
Basic Cable TestingACR77-19A negative reflection percentage indicates that the polarity of the reflection is theopposite of the original signal. Negat
DSP-100/2000Users Manual7-20Figure 7-11 shows a plot of NEXT and attenuation limits, along with the resultingACR plot. Notice that the ACR is lower wh
Basic Cable TestingTroubleshooting Basics77-21Troubleshooting BasicsTroubleshooting LAN cable installations is most often required during cableinstall
DSP-100/2000Users Manual7-22Table 7-1. Identifying Cable FaultsTest Failure Likely Causes of FailureWire map: open Wires connected to wrong pins at c
Basic Cable TestingTroubleshooting Basics77-23Table 7-1. Identifying Cable Faults (continued)Examples of Test Displays and Plotsgc52i.epsWire map disp
DSP-100/2000Users Manual7-24Table 7-1. Identifying Cable Faults (continued)Test Failure Likely Causes of FailureWire map: short Wires connected to wr
Basic Cable TestingTroubleshooting Basics77-25Table 7-1. Identifying Cable Faults (continued)Examples of Test Displays and Plotsgc63i.epsWire map disp
DSP-100/2000Users Manual7-26
8-1Chapter 8Maintenance and SpecificationsChapter 8 provides the following information:• Instructions for cleaning and storing the test tool.• Instr
DSP-100/2000Users Manual1-4BP7217Nickel-CadmiumBattery PackRS-232 CableDSP-Link Software3.5-Inch Floppy DiskStrapRJ45Straight ThroughPatchAC Adapter/C
DSP-100/2000Users Manual8-2If you are storing the test tool or the smart remote for an extended period of time,charge the NiCad battery pack before st
DSP-100/2000Users Manual8-4When the lithium battery voltage is low, have the battery replaced at a FlukeService Center. See the later section “Service
Maintenance and SpecificationsIf the Test Tool Fails88-5Table 8-1. Troubleshooting the Test ToolSymptom 1: Display is blankPress C. The test tool may
DSP-100/2000Users Manual8-6Replacement PartsTable 8-2 lists the replacement parts for the test tool, the standard remote, and thesmart remote. To orde
Maintenance and SpecificationsSpecifications88-7Table 8-2. Replacement Parts (continued)Description Part NumberBail 938340Strap 946769Soft carrying ca
DSP-100/2000Users Manual8-8Cable Types TestedUnshielded twisted pair LAN cables of all categories (UTP category 3, category 4,and category 5).Foil-scr
Maintenance and SpecificationsSpecifications88-9Length TestTable 8-4 shows the specifications for the length test.Table 8-4. Length Test Specification
DSP-100/2000Users Manual8-10DC Loop ResistanceRange: 0 to 400ΩDSP-100 accuracy: ±(500 mΩ +1% of reading)DSP-2000 accuracy: ±(2Ω +2% of reading)Reso
Maintenance and SpecificationsSpecifications88-11Random Noise Floor: Better than 65 dB at 100 MHz. Typically better than 75 dBat 100 MHz.Output Signa
IntroductionUsing This Manual11-5Using This ManualWWarningBefore using the test tool, carefully read "Safety andOperational Information" at
DSP-100/2000Users Manual8-12Impulse NoiseAdjustable from 100 mV to 500 mV in 10 mV steps. The default threshold is270 mV.Monitors either polarity of n
Maintenance and SpecificationsSpecifications88-13PC Interface CableTable 8-7 shows the pin connections for the PC interface cable provided with thetes
DSP-100/2000Users Manual8-14PowerMain unit and smart remote: NiCad battery pack, 7.2V, 1700 mA hrTypical NiCad battery life for DSP-100: 10 to 12 ho
Maintenance and SpecificationsSpecifications88-151009080706050403020100-20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140Temperature (deg F)Temperature (deg C)%RH-4-203203
DSP-100/2000Users Manual8-16CertificationsTable 8-9 shows the certifications that apply to the test tool.Table 8-9. CertificationsSymbol DescriptionCo
Maintenance and SpecificationsSpecifications88-17DisplayType: Graphic bit-mapped LCD with backlight and adjustable contrast.Size and resolution: 2.8
DSP-100/2000Users Manual8-18
AppendicesAppendix PageA Using DSP-LINK ... A-1B Glossary...
A-1Appendix AUsing DSP-LINKIntroductionDSP-LINK is a Windows program that allows you to do the following:• Configure a PC’s serial port for communic
DSP-100/2000Users Manual1-6If you have never used a LAN cable tester and want to learn about cable testingand troubleshooting before you use the test
DSP-100/2000Users ManualA-2Installing DSP-LINKThe DSP-LINK installation program copies the DSP-LINK files from the disketteprovided to the drive of yo
Using DSP-LINKPreparing for Data TransferAA-312345678PC Rear Panel (Typical)Use the 9-pin to 25-pinadapter if necessary.gc41f.epsFigure A-1. Connectin
DSP-100/2000Users ManualA-4To use DSP-LINK to configure a PC’s serial port and establish communications,proceed as follows:1. Use the serial interfac
Using DSP-LINKDSP-LINK FunctionsAA-5DSP-LINK FunctionsTable A-1 summarizes the functions available in DSP-LINK. Table A-2 definessome of the special f
DSP-100/2000Users ManualA-6Table A-2. Special Terms Used in DSP-LINKDSP-LINK Function Description of Related Function or TermAutotest ReportsDetailed
Using DSP-LINKFormatting Hints for Uploaded ReportsAA-7Table A-2. Special Terms Used in DSP-LINK (continued)DSP-LINK Function Description of Related F
DSP-100/2000Users ManualA-8Getting Software Updates from FlukeThe Fluke bulletin board system (BBS) and the LAN Products web site give youaccess to ne
Using DSP-LINKGetting Software Updates from FlukeAA-9Downloading New Test StandardsWhen new test standards are available, you can download the standar
DSP-100/2000Users ManualA-10Downloading New SoftwareWhen a software update becomes available from Fluke, you can download thesoftware from Fluke’s LAN
B-1Appendix BGlossary10Base2An IEEE Standard for Thin Coax Ethernet networks: 10 Mb/s transmission, basebandsignaling, 185 meters per coax segment. A
2-1Chapter 2Getting StartedChapter 2 provides the following information:• Safety and cautions to observe when using the test tool.• Instructions for
DSP-100/2000Users ManualB-2AttenuationA reduction in the strength of a signal. Attenuation is usually expressed in decibels.Auto-NegotiationThe abilit
GlossaryCapacitanceBB-3CapacitanceA measurement of the capacity to store electrical charge across conductive elements thatare separated by an insulati
DSP-100/2000Users ManualB-4CrosstalkUnwanted signal transfer between adjacent cable pairs. Crosstalk occurs because electricalsignals passing through
GlossaryHardware Flow ControlBB-5Hardware Flow ControlA hardware method of controlling data flow between two devices. The receiving devicetells the se
DSP-100/2000Users ManualB-6Link PulseA single-bit, 100 ns test pulse that is transmitted at least every 50 ms during idle periodson 10BaseT link segme
GlossaryReversed PairBB-7Reversed PairA wiring error in twisted pair cabling where the pins on a cable pair are reversed betweenconnectors on each end
DSP-100/2000Users ManualB-8Split PairA wiring error in twisted pair cable where a wire from one cable pair is twisted with awire from another cable pa
GlossaryXON/XOFF Flow ControlBB-9XON/XOFF Flow ControlTransmitter ON/transmitter OFF. A software method of controlling data flow between twodevices. T
DSP-100/2000Users ManualB-10
C-1Appendix CTests Run per Test Standard Duringan Autotest
DSP-100/2000Users Manual2-2XWarningTo avoid possible fire or electric shock when charging thebattery or powering the test tool with ac power, use only
DSP-100/2000Users ManualC-2Table C-1. Tests Run per Test Standard During an AutotestTest Standard1Wire Map Resistance2Length ImpedanceNEXTTIA Cat 5 Ch
Tests Run per Test Standard During an AutotestCC-3Table C-1. Tests Run per Test Standard During an Autotest (continued)Test Standard1Attenuation ACR R
DSP-100/2000Users ManualC-4Table C-1. Tests Run per Test Standard During an Autotest (continued)Test Standard1Wire Map Resistance2Length Impedance NEX
Tests Run per Test Standard During an AutotestCC-5Table C-1. Tests Run per Test Standard During an Autotest (continued)Test Standard1Attenuation ACR R
DSP-100/2000Users ManualC-6
1Index—A—AC adapter/charger, 2-3Accessoriesstandard accessories, 1-3Accuracy range, 2-6ACRACR@Remote test, 3-17explanation of ACR, 7-19plot descriptio
DSP-100/2000Users Manual2—C—Cablebasic troubleshooting, 7-21configuring a custom cable, 6-4construction, coaxial and twisted pair, 7-1identifying hub
Index (continued)3—K—Keysfor moving around screens, 2-3functions, 2-13—L—Languageselecting a language, 2-21selecting, quick start, 2-4LED functions, 2
DSP-100/2000Users Manual4—R—Reflectioncauses of reflections, 7-15length test result message, 3-22Remotecalibrating for a new remote, 6-1communication
Index (continued)5plot description, 4-11results screen items, 4-11test for twisted pair and coaxial cable, 4-9TDX analyzerexample plots, 7-23interpret
Getting StartedQuick Start22-3Quick StartThis section is for users who want to start using the test tool immediately withminimal instruction. For sugg
DSP-100/2000Users Manual6
Manual Supplement© 2000 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. Manual Title: DSP-100,DSP-2000 Users Supplement Issue: 4Part Nu
DSP-100,DSP-2000 Users Manual Supplement1/99 1Change #1On page 6-1, under Calibrating the Test Tool, add the following note afterthe first paragraph:
Manual Supplement DSP-100,DSP2000 Users7/002Change #2On pages 3-6 and 3-7, replace Table 3-1 with the following:Table 3-1. Wire Map DisplaysWire Map C
DSP-100,DSP-2000 Users Manual Supplement7/00 3Table 3-1. Wire Map Displays (continued)Shortgc51i.epsWires 1 and 2 are shorted. You canuse the TDR tes
Manual Supplement DSP-100,DSP2000 Users7/004gc59i.epsWire map display showing a splitpair on pairs 1, 2 and 3, 6.gc47i.epsWire map display showingreve
DSP-100,DSP-2000 Users Manual Supplement7/00 5On page 7-25, replace the wire map display at the top of the first column withthe following:gc51i.epsWi
LIMITED WARRANTY & LIMITATION OF LIABILITYEach Fluke product is warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and
DSP-100/2000Users Manual2-4Quick ConfigurationThe settings listed in Table 2-3 affect either the display format or the accuracy ofyour test results. F
Getting StartedQuick Configuration22-5To change any of the settings shown in Table 2-3, proceed as follows:1. Turn the rotary switch to SETUP.2. If
DSP-100/2000Users Manual2-6Results within Accuracy RangeAn asterisk following a test result value indicates that the value is within the testtool’s ra
Getting StartedAutotest on Twisted Pair Cable22-7Autotest on Twisted Pair CableAutotest performs all of the tests necessary to determine if the cable
DSP-100/2000Users Manual2-8TransitionConnectorTest ToolHorizontalCross Connect BlocksENTERTESTEXITSAVE1234OFFPRINTMONITORSETUPSPECIALFUNCTIONSSMARTREM
Getting StartedAutotest on Twisted Pair Cable22-91. If you are using a DSP-100 main unit as the remote, turn the remote unit’srotary switch to SMART
DSP-100/2000Users Manual2-10Autotest on Coaxial CableThe following tests are run during an Autotest on coaxial cable:• Impedance• Resistance• Lengt
Getting StartedAutotest on Coaxial Cable22-11BNC “T”Connector12345678PC12345678PC12345678PCENTERTESTEXITSAVE1234OFFPRINTMONITORSETUPSPECIALFUNCTIONSSM
DSP-100/2000Users Manual2-12Main Unit FeaturesFigure 2-4 shows the features on the main unit and Table 2-4 explains theirfunctions. Features shown in
Getting StartedMain Unit Features22-13Table 2-4. Main Unit FeaturesItem Feature Description1 Rotary Switch Selects the test tool’s modes.2eExits the c
iTable of ContentsChapter Page1 Introduction... 1-1Overview of Feat
DSP-100/2000Users Manual2-14Remote FeaturesFigure 2-5 shows the features on the standard and smart remote units. Table 2-5explains the functions of th
Getting StartedRemote Features22-15Table 2-5. Remote Connectors and FeaturesItem Feature Description1RS-232C serialportA DB9P connector for loading so
DSP-100/2000Users Manual2-16Strap and BailThe test tool and the smart remote have a strap and a bail. Figure 2-6 shows howto attach the strap and open
Getting StartedRotary Switch22-17AutotestAutotest is the most frequently used function in LAN cable testing. Autotestperforms all of the tests necessa
DSP-100/2000Users Manual2-18The following tests apply to coaxial cable:• Impedance: Measures the impedance of the cable.• Resistance: Measures the
Getting StartedRotary Switch22-19SetupAllows you to do the following:• Select a test standard and cable type.• Select an average cable temperature w
DSP-100/2000Users Manual2-20PrintAllows you to send saved reports or report summaries to a serial printer. You canprint the results from previously st
Getting StartedTurning On the Test Tool22-21Selecting a Language for Displays and ReportsThe test tool displays results and prints reports in English,
DSP-100/2000Users Manual2-22Overvoltage TestThe test tool periodically checks for dc voltages on the cable connected to theRJ45 jack. A dc voltage mea
Getting StartedConfiguring the Test Tool22-23When the backlight time-out is enabled, the backlight timer starts counting downafter all tests are compl
DSP-100/2000Users ManualiiAutotest on Coaxial Cable... 3-19Autotest Results
DSP-100/2000Users Manual2-24Selecting a Test Standard and Cable TypeThe test standard and cable type you select determine which standards are usedand
Getting StartedConfiguring the Test Tool22-25An increase in cable temperature causes an increase in attenuation. To compensatefor this increase, the t
DSP-100/2000Users Manual2-26Selecting a Length UnitThe test tool displays length measurements in meters or feet.To change the unit of measurement, pro
Getting StartedConfiguring the Test Tool22-27Setting the Date and TimeThe test tool has a clock that records the date and time for saved test results.
DSP-100/2000Users Manual2-28Setting the Power-Down TimerTo extend battery life, you can set the power-down timer to automatically switchthe test tool
Getting StartedRemote Lights, Messages, and Audible Tones22-29Remote Lights, Messages, and Audible TonesThe standard and smart remotes indicate variou
DSP-100/2000Users Manual2-30Remote End TestingIf you have a second test tool or a smart remote, you can perform remote endtesting. The remote end test
Getting StartedRemote Communication Error22-31Remote Communication ErrorIf you are running the NEXT@REMOTE or RL@REMOTE test, and the mainunit detects
DSP-100/2000Users Manual2-32Battery Status DisplayTo see the charge level of the main unit’s NiCad battery, turn the rotary switch toSPECIAL FUNCTIONS
3-1Chapter 3AutotestChapter 3 provides the following information:• Instructions and test result descriptions for an Autotest on twisted pair cable.•
Contents (continued)iiiAppendicesA Using DSP-LINK ... A-1B Glossary...
DSP-100/2000Users Manual3-2Autotest on Twisted Pair CableThe procedures for an Autotest on shielded and unshielded twisted pair cable arethe same. Whe
AutotestAutotest on Twisted Pair Cable33-3NoteThe REMOTE tests will run only if the remote is a smart remote or aDSP-100 with the SMART REMOTE mode se
DSP-100/2000Users Manual3-4Link Performance Grade Result (Headroom)When an Autotest is complete, the display shows the overall result (pass or fail)an
AutotestAutomatic Diagnostics (Model DSP-2000)33-5gc09c.epsFigure 3-2. Examples of Automatic Diagnostics Displays
DSP-100/2000Users Manual3-6Autotest Results for Twisted Pair CableTo see detailed results from a test, use D U to highlight the test on the mainAutote
AutotestAutotest Results for Twisted Pair Cable33-7Table 3-1. Wire Map Displays (continued)Wire MapConditionDisplay Schematic(only affected pairsshown
DSP-100/2000Users Manual3-8ResistanceThe resistance test measures the dc loop resistance for each cable pair. Theresistance results screen displays th
AutotestAutotest Results for Twisted Pair Cable33-9Propagation Delay and Delay SkewPropagation delays are the times taken in nanoseconds for a test pu
DSP-100/2000Users Manual3-10AttenuationNoteIncorrect conduit or temperature settings can cause falseattenuation results. You can change these settings
AutotestAutotest Results for Twisted Pair Cable33-11Pressing @ View Plot produces the attenuation plot screen. Figure 3-3shows an example of the scree
DSP-100/2000Users Manualiv
DSP-100/2000Users Manual3-12NEXT TestThe NEXT test measures the crosstalk between cable pairs. This crosstalk value isexpressed as the difference in a
AutotestAutotest Results for Twisted Pair Cable33-13Pressing @ View Plot produces the NEXT plot screen. Figure 3-4 showsan example of the screen and T
DSP-100/2000Users Manual3-14NEXT@REMOTE ResultsThe NEXT@REMOTE test and its results are identical to the NEXT testdescribed above, except that the NEX
AutotestAutotest Results for Twisted Pair Cable33-15Table 3-6. Items on the ACR Results ScreenItem DescriptionNEXT PairsThe pairs that produced the cr
DSP-100/2000Users Manual3-16Pressing @ View Plot produces the ACR plot screen. Figure 3-5 shows anexample of the screen and Table 3-7 describes the it
AutotestAutotest Results for Twisted Pair Cable33-17ACR@REMOTEThe ACR@REMOTE test is identical to the ACR test, except that the ACR valuesare calculat
DSP-100/2000Users Manual3-18Pressing @ View Plot produces the RL plot screen. Figure 3-6 shows anexample of the screen and Table 3-9 describes the ite
AutotestAutotest on Coaxial Cable33-19PSNEXT (Power Sum NEXT; Model DSP-2000)The PSNEXT results show how much each cable pair is affected by the combi
AutotestAutotest Results for Coaxial Cable33-211. Turn off any PC nodes connected to the cable you are testing.2. If you want the Autotest to report
vList of TablesTable Page2-1. International Electrical Symbols... 2-12-2. Key Functions
DSP-100/2000Users Manual3-22ResistanceThe resistance test measures the loop resistance of the cable and the terminator. Ifa terminator is not connecte
AutotestSaving Autotest Results33-23Saving Autotest ResultsThe test tool’s memory can store the results of 500 or more Autotests, dependingon the soft
DSP-100/2000Users Manual3-2424351gc15c.epsFigure 3-8. Screen for Saving Autotest ResultsTable 3-10. Items on the Autotest Save ScreenItem Description1
AutotestThe Autotest Report33-25Automatically Incrementing the Cable Identification NameThe test tool’s auto increment function increments the last al
DSP-100/2000Users Manual3-26The result printed on a report summary can be a pass or fail, or warning. A failureof any test required by the selected te
AutotestThe Autotest Report33-27Mukilteo Cable Co. Test Summary: PASSSITE: World Technology Ctr.
DSP-100/2000Users Manual3-28
4-1Chapter 4Running Individual TestsChapter 4 provides the following information:• Descriptions of the test results produced by the TDX analyzer and
DSP-100/2000Users Manual4-2Scanning FunctionThe Single Test versions of the wire map, resistance, TDR, and TDX analyzertests include a scanning functi
Running Individual TestsWhen to Use a Remote Unit44-3Table 4-1. Remote Requirements for Cable TestsTest Remote UnitAutotest Required. Supported by all
DSP-100/2000Users Manualvi8-6. Distance Specifications for TDR Test... 8-118-7. PC Interface Cabl
DSP-100/2000Users Manual4-4Running a Single Test on Twisted Pair CableTo run a test as a Single Test, refer to Figure 4-1 and proceed as follows:RJ45J
Running Individual TestsWhen to Use a Remote Unit44-51. If you are using a DSP-100 main unit as the remote, turn the remote unit’srotary switch to SM
DSP-100/2000Users Manual4-6The TDX AnalyzerThe TDX (Time Domain Crosstalk) analyzer displays the locations wherecrosstalk is occurring on the cable. Y
Running Individual TestsThe TDX Analyzer44-7If the test tool does not detect a remote, the following message appears:NO REMOTE DETECTED. To run the TD
DSP-100/2000Users Manual4-8TDX Analyzer PlotTo view a TDX analyzer plot for a set of cable pairs, use D U to highlight thepairs, then press #View Plot
Running Individual TestsThe TDR Test44-9The TDR TestThe TDR (Time Domain Reflectometry) test helps you locate impedanceanomalies on a cable by reporti
DSP-100/2000Users Manual4-10Running the TDR Test on Twisted Pair CableTo run the TDR test on twisted pair cable, proceed as follows:1. Disconnect any
Running Individual TestsThe TDR Test44-11TDR Results ScreenWhen the TDR test is complete, the TDR results screen appears. Table 4-5describes the items
DSP-100/2000Users Manual4-125632174gc21c.epsFigure 4-3. Example of a TDR Plot (Twisted Pair Results)Table 4-6. Items on a TDR Plot (Twisted Pair Resul
Running Individual TestsSingle Test Results for Twisted Pair Cable44-13Wire MapWire map results are identical to the Autotest version. See “Wire Map”
viiList of FiguresFigure Page1-1. Standard Accessories... 1-42-1. The A
DSP-100/2000Users Manual4-14Return Loss (RL) and RL@REMOTEThe RL test is identical to the Autotest version. See “Return Loss” in Chapter 3for details.
Running Individual TestsSingle Tests for Coaxial Cable44-15BNC “T”Connector12345678PC12345678PC12345678PCENTERTESTEXITSAVE1234OFFPRINTMONITORSETUPSPEC
DSP-100/2000Users Manual4-16Single Test Results for Coaxial CableThe Single Test results for coaxial cable are identical to those displayed by anAutot
Running Individual TestsMonitoring Network Activity44-17WCautionWhen using a coaxial T-connector to connect the test toolto a network, never allow the
DSP-100/2000Users Manual4-181. Turn the rotary switch to MONITOR.2. Use D to highlight either 10BaseT Traffic on RJ45 (10/100BaseTX Traffic on RJ45
Running Individual TestsMonitoring Network Activity44-19Table 4-7. Items on the Traffic Monitor ScreenItem DescriptionUtilizationLast 1 secondPercenta
DSP-100/2000Users Manual4-20Identifying Hub Port ConnectionsThe hub port locator helps you determine which port a cable is connected to at ahub. The l
Running Individual TestsMonitoring Impulse Noise44-21Running the Impulse Noise TestThe connector type for the noise test is always RJ45. The noise tes
DSP-100/2000Users Manual4-22NoteTo extend battery life, use the ac adapter/charger when monitoringimpulse noise for extended periods. While monitoring
Running Individual TestsDetermining Hub Port Capabilities (Model DSP-2000)44-23Noise Test ResultsAs the noise test runs, the displayed test results ar
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