Fluke 9140 Dry-well Calibrator Manual de usuario

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Pagina 1 - User’ s Guide

9140Dry-well CalibratorUser’ s GuideRev. 5B1702Hart Scientific

Pagina 2 - Rev. 5B1702

ing power such as storage in a low humidity temperature chamber operat-ing at 50°C for 4 hours or more.•DO NOT use this instrument for any application

Pagina 3 - Table of Contents

ELECTRICAL SHOCK•These guidelines must be followed to ensure that the safety mechanismsin this instrument will operate properly. This instrument must

Pagina 4

•The instrument and any thermometer probes used with it are sensitive in-struments that can be easily damaged. Always handle these devices withcare. D

Pagina 5

Science Park Eindhoven 51085692 EC SonNETHERLANDSPhone: +31-402-675300Telefax: +31-402-675321E-mail: [email protected] Int'l CorporationS

Pagina 6

2 IntroductionThe Hart Scientific 9140 Mid-Range Field Calibrator may be used as a portableinstrument or bench top temperature calibrator for calibrat

Pagina 7

3 Specifications and EnvironmentalConditions3.1 SpecificationsThe following table lists the specifications for this instrument. Accuracy speci-ficatio

Pagina 8

operated in an excessively dusty or dirty environment. Maintenance and clean-ing recommendations can be found in the Maintenance Section of this manua

Pagina 9 - 1.2 Safety Information

4 Quick Start4.1 UnpackingUnpack the dry-well carefully and inspect it for any damage that may have oc-curred during shipment. If there is shipping da

Pagina 10 - Safety Information

dry-well will turn on and begin to heat to the previously programmed tempera-ture set-point. The front panel LED display will indicate the actual dry-

Pagina 11 - CAUTIONS

5 Parts and ControlsThe user should become familiar with the dry-well calibrator and its parts:5.1 Rear PanelFigure 1 on page 13.Power Cord - At the r

Pagina 12 - Authorized Service Centers

Rev. 5B1702Fluke Corporation, Hart Scientific Division799 E. Utah Valley Drive • American Fork, UT 84003-9775 • USAPhone: +1.801.763.1600 • Telefax: +

Pagina 13 - User’s Guide

around the two corners of the calibrator are provided for airflow. The areaaround the calibrator must be kept clear to allow adequate ventilation. The

Pagina 14 - 2 Introduction

EXIT – Used to exit a function and to skip to the next function. Any changesmade to the displayed value are ignored.5.3 Constant Temperature Block Ass

Pagina 15 - Conditions

•Insert D (comparison block): 2 each at 3 mm, 4 mm, and 6 mm9140 Dry-well CalibratorUser’s Guide16

Pagina 16 - 3.3 Warranty

6 General Operation6.1 Calibrator Set-UpPlace the calibrator on a flat surface with at least 6 inches of free space aroundthe instrument. Overhead cle

Pagina 17 - 4 Quick Start

•Using the same straight slot screwdriver, move the heater switch to dis-play “230V”. See the rear panel drawing in Figure 1 on page 13.NOTE: If the h

Pagina 18 - 4.4 Setting the Temperature

Using the same hole for the reference thermometer and the test probe may havebetter results. This however requires switching the probes which takes mo

Pagina 19 - 5 Parts and Controls

7 Controller OperationThis chapter discusses in detail how to operate the dry-well temperature con-troller using the front control panel. Using the fr

Pagina 20 - 5.2 Front Panel

9140 Dry-well CalibratorUser’s Guide22Figure 4 Controller Operation Flowchart

Pagina 21 - 5.3.2 Probe Sleeves and Tongs

100.0 CWell temperature in degrees CelsiusSAccess set-point memory1. 100.Set-point memory 1, 100°C currently usedTo change to another set-point memory

Pagina 22

Un= F New units selected7.3 ScanThe scan rate can be set and enabled so that when the set-point is changed thedry-well heats or cools at a specified r

Pagina 23 - 6 General Operation

Table of Contents1 Before You Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1 Symbols Used . . . . . . .

Pagina 24 - 6.5 Calibrating Probes

7.4 Temperature Display HoldThe 9140 has a display hold function which allows action of an external switchto freeze the displayed temperature and stop

Pagina 25 - Calibrating Probes

sistor. The calibrator measures the voltage at the red terminal and interprets+5V as open and 0V as closed.7.4.4 Switch Test ExampleThis section descr

Pagina 26 - 7 Controller Operation

is. With good control stability the percent heating power should not fluctuatemore than ±1% within one minute.The heater power display is accessed in

Pagina 27

The temperature stability of the well and response time depend on the width ofthe proportional band. If the band is too wide the well temperature will

Pagina 28 - Temperature Set-point

7.6 Controller ConfigurationThe controller has a number of configuration and operating options and calibra-tion parameters which are programmable via

Pagina 29 - 7.3 Scan ALPHAThis probe parameter refers to the average sensitivity of the probe between 0and 100°C. The value of this parameter is set at the factory

Pagina 30 - 7.4 Temperature Display Hold

4800 bNew baud ratePress “SET” to set the baud rate to the new value or “EXIT” to abort the opera-tion and skip to the next parameter in the menu.7.8.

Pagina 31 - 7.5 Secondary Menu LinefeedThe final parameter in the serial interface menu is the linefeed mode. This pa-rameter enables (on) or disables (off) transmission of

Pagina 32 - 7.5.2 Proportional Band

8 Digital Communication InterfaceThe dry-well calibrator is capable of communicating with and being controlledby other equipment through the digital s

Pagina 33

rial interface parameters menu are the BAUD rate, the sample rate, the duplexmode, and the linefeed parameter. Baud RateThe baud rate is the fi

Pagina 34 - 7.6 Controller Configuration

7.2 Temperature Set-point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217.2.1 Programmable Set-points . . . . . . .

Pagina 35 - 7.7 Operating Parameters

face commands are discussed in Section. All commands are ASCII characterstrings terminated with a carriage-return character (CR, ASCII 13).8.2 Interfa

Pagina 36 - Serial Interface Parameters

9140 Dry-well CalibratorUser’s Guide36Command DescriptionCommandFormatCommandExample ReturnedReturnedExampleAcceptableValuesDisplay TemperatureRead cu

Pagina 37

378 Digital Communication InterfaceInterface CommandsCommand DescriptionCommandFormatCommandExample ReturnedReturnedExampleAcceptableValuesSet serial

Pagina 38 - 8.1 Serial Communications

9 Test Probe CalibrationFor optimum accuracy and stability, allow the calibrator to warm up for 10minutes after power-up and then allow adequate stabi

Pagina 39 - 8.1.3 Serial Operation

2. Place the probe to be calibrated, the unit under test (UUT), in anotherwell.3. With the reference inserted into one well and the probe under test i

Pagina 40 - 8.2 Interface Commands

WARNING: DO NOT remove inserts when heating or when the unit ishot.9.2.3 Stabilization and AccuracyThe stabilization time of the dry-well calibrator w

Pagina 41

timate stability will be achieved 10 to 20 minutes after reaching the settemperature.Inserting a cold probe into a well will require another period of

Pagina 42 - Interface Commands

10 Calibration ProcedureSometimes the user may want to calibrate the dry-well to improve the tempera-ture set-point accuracy. Calibration is done by a

Pagina 43 - 9 Test Probe Calibration

CTTTT=⎡⎣⎢⎤⎦⎥−⎡⎣⎢⎤⎦⎥−⎡⎣⎢⎤⎦⎥−⎡⎣⎢⎤⎦33221001100 1001100⎥DTTTT=⎡⎣⎢⎤⎦⎥−⎡⎣⎢⎤⎦⎥−⎡⎣⎢⎤⎦⎥−⎡⎣⎢⎤⎦22111001100 1001100⎥ERR=−32FRR=−21deltaAF BEDE CF=−−T1-3- Measured

Pagina 44 - 9.2 Dry-well Characteristics

b. Press SET then use the UP or DOWN keys until the correct numericalsetting is displayed. Press SET to accept the new value.c. Repeat step b. for ALP

Pagina 45 - Figure 8 Typical Cooling Rate

10 Calibration Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4310.1 Calibration Points . . . . . . . . . . . .

Pagina 46

11 Maintenance•The calibration instrument has been designed with the utmost care. Easeof operation and simplicity of maintenance have been a central t

Pagina 47 - 10 Calibration Procedure

12 TroubleshootingIf problems arise while operating the 9140, this section provides some sugges-tions that may help you solve the problem. A wiring di

Pagina 48 - & ALPHA:

Problem Possible Causes and SolutionsThe display showsan error codeController problem. The error messages signify the following problems with thecontr

Pagina 49 - Calibration Procedure

ivFiguresFigure 1 9140 Back Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Figure 2 9140 Front Panel .

Pagina 50 - 11 Maintenance

vTablesTable 1 International Electrical Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Table 2 9140 controller communications

Pagina 51 - 12 Troubleshooting

1 Before You Start1.1 Symbols UsedTable 1 lists the symbols used on the instrument or in this manual and themeaning of each symbol.Symbol DescriptionA

Pagina 52 - 12.2 CE Comments

Symbol DescriptionCanadian Standards AssociationOVERVOLTAGE (Installation) CATEGORY II, Pollution Degree 2 per IEC1010-1 re-fers to the level of Impul

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